Topic: SCHEDULED DOWNTIME - Sunday 24th October!

Posted under General

Hey folks,

This is an advance notice that e621 WILL BE OFFLINE for probably the majority of Sunday 24th October, for the server to be moved across to its new home in Phoenix, Arizona. The drive takes at least 6 hours and will be accompanied by several hours of unracking at one end and re-racking at the other, so the downtime is likely to last *all day*.

There will be an interim 'offline' page in the meantime along with a live Twitter feed, so you won't be left completely in the dark, but suffice to say there won't be much fappable material available all day Sunday. I hope to have it up by the evening, though... but things may change.

Follow @e621DotNet on twitter here for live updates: .

Fap while you can!!

Updated by Aurali

what will be on the "offline" page? will it be like the last time and have Robot Unicorn Attack?

Updated by anonymous

lol, 'Fap while you can!!'

I wander how many people are going to be shocked that the sites down, tomorrow.

Updated by anonymous

Phoenix Arizona, huh?

Well, I guess it's dryer there. Hopefully there won't be any cooling problems.

Updated by anonymous

well i believe phoenix arizona has the best a/c units for this. so things should be grand for the site. have a safe trip there and back, hope all works out for you.

Updated by anonymous

Server Nazi: No porn for you, one day!

(recall the "Soup Nazi" from Seinfield?)

Updated by anonymous

Sweet! Porn servers a few miles from my house!

Updated by anonymous

Zipline said:
Sweet! Porn servers a few miles from my house!

IDR?? same here!

Updated by anonymous

Varka said:
Hey folks,

This is an advance notice that e621 WILL BE OFFLINE for probably the majority of Sunday 24th October, for the server to be moved across to its new home in Phoenix, Arizona. The drive takes at least 6 hours and will be accompanied by several hours of unracking at one end and re-racking at the other, so the downtime is likely to last *all day*.

There will be an interim 'offline' page in the meantime along with a live Twitter feed, so you won't be left completely in the dark, but suffice to say there won't be much fappable material available all day Sunday. I hope to have it up by the evening, though... but things may change.

Follow @e621DotNet on twitter here for live updates: .

Fap while you can!!

W00t! E621 is being moved to my state!

Updated by anonymous

NakomisXI said:
W00t! E621 is being moved to my state!

and out of mine .-.

Updated by anonymous

Well thank you for letting us know!
Also don't cross yer wires. :P
What, you all saw that bad joke coming.

Updated by anonymous

Due to some lingering network issues, the migration has been delayed until evening PST. That means you've got about 12-14hrs of fap time left until the site goes out for 8-10hrs.

Updated by anonymous


It's a good thing I don't normally fap to the art here on this site. But it will still be missed.

Updated by anonymous

You see.. unlike FA, we believe in telling you that the site will be down BEFORE it does. not after.

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
You see.. unlike FA, we believe in telling you that the site will be down BEFORE it does. not after.

We're privileged to be in a position where we know BEFORE the fact when the site's going to be down - a privilege which all sites generally don't have... so go easy on FA; it's hard to run a site of that size!

However yes, we do try to tell people as soon as possible about these things. :3

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
You see.. unlike FA, we believe in telling you that the site will be down BEFORE it does. not after.

And you actually explain why it's down rather than just saying "You can't handle the truth" and maybe deleting the comment.

Updated by anonymous

Varka said:
We're privileged to be in a position where we know BEFORE the fact when the site's going to be down - a privilege which all sites generally don't have... so go easy on FA; it's hard to run a site of that size!

However yes, we do try to tell people as soon as possible about these things. :3

I would go easy on FA if I didn't know the behind the scenes crap about it XD. Maybe I should shut up though.

Updated by anonymous

Migration complete!

Post any problems, comments on the speed/performance you notice here.

Thank you all for being patient while we make this crucial move of our stuff to another datacenter. <3 You're all awesome.

Updated by anonymous

Whew! I came. err.. I mean... .. uh.. ;) Thanks for all your hard work :D So far, so good! Honestly wasn't expecting things to be up and running yet... hope everything went nice and smooth :D

Updated by anonymous

Never mind it worked, it just took a while.

Updated by anonymous

That was a tricky move, replacing the welcome screen with a picture. ._.

Updated by anonymous

Ohcool, the server moved to where I live! :D

Updated by anonymous

Every time I try to post something, I get an error message.

Updated by anonymous

Probably 'Failbooru', the site has been noticeably running a little slower than usual since the move but things eventually start working again.

Updated by anonymous

The error message I get when I try to post a reply to a thread is the following, even though it is my only post in the past several hours.

Error: Hourly limit exceeded

Updated by anonymous

HankHawke said:
The error message I get when I try to post a reply to a thread is the following, even though it is my only post in the past several hours.

Error: Hourly limit exceeded

The error message is misleading, you can't post comments until your account is a week old (assuming your problem is with comments).

Updated by anonymous

I can download at about 3 MB/s, this site doesn't seem any different as far as speed goes.

This site never ran slow to begin with imo.

Updated by anonymous

Only noticeable difference to me is latency..

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 * * * Request timed out.
2 40 ms 40 ms 40 ms []
3 40 ms 39 ms 40 ms []
4 52 ms 51 ms 53 ms []
5 53 ms 53 ms 53 ms
6 63 ms 62 ms 63 ms []
7 63 ms 65 ms 63 ms []
8 63 ms 64 ms 71 ms []
9 74 ms 73 ms 74 ms []
10 74 ms 73 ms 74 ms []
11 74 ms 74 ms 74 ms []
12 74 ms 74 ms 73 ms

Updated by anonymous

Had a little blip there for about an hour; needed e621 to stop raping the disk so hard for a bit so I could move a virtual machine across quickly.

Sorry for the outage.

Updated by anonymous

Not a problem. Thanks for letting us know.

Updated by anonymous

Uh, yeah. For some reason everything on my blacklist is showing now. It was working fine before and I'm pretty sure I didn't change anything since then, so what's the deal?

Updated by anonymous

My blacklist still works perfectly. Have you checked your blacklist recently?

Updated by anonymous

It won't let mm post in the posts i can't put my results or comments

Updated by anonymous

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