Aliasing heart-shaped_pupils → <3_eyes
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same thing (or at least close enough)
Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions
Aliasing heart-shaped_pupils → <3_eyes
Link to alias
same thing (or at least close enough)
I disagree. What about characters whose entire eye is a heart, like in old cartoons?
Updated by anonymous
JoeX said:
I disagree. What about characters whose entire eye is a heart, like in old cartoons?
Well, the <3_eyes wiki page says its used for both so there's no problem with this alias. It could be worth discussing though.
Updated by anonymous
I want very clear in the OP, so let me clarify here: The problem with these tags is whenever a picture contains heart-shaped pupils, it is randomly tagged with heart-shaped_pupils or <3_eyes, but not both. If you guys want to keep them separate, that's fine, but I figured since they were being used interchangeably, they might as well be aliased.
Updated by anonymous
Yeah, this alias is fine by the current usage.
I suppose we could sort them into two tags. But I kind of wonder if anyone actually searches for those, and if the difference between heart-shaped pupils and eyes is major enough to warrant keeping them separate..
Updated by anonymous
Then maybe we should purge those tags altogether and replace them with <3? I don't know.
Updated by anonymous
JoeX said:
Then maybe we should purge those tags altogether and replace them with <3? I don't know.
The <3 tag is reserved for any usage of the heart emoticon or similar graphic. Heart shaped pupils are something completely different, and usually represent someone mindcontrolled or an animated character deeply in love.
Updated by anonymous
Genjar said:
Yeah, this alias is fine by the current usage.I suppose we could sort them into two tags. But I kind of wonder if anyone actually searches for those, and if the difference between heart-shaped pupils and eyes is major enough to warrant keeping them separate..
Exactly. The heart-shaped_pupils tag serves absolutely no useful distinction, especially with only 117 pictures with these tags.
JoeX said:
Then maybe we should purge those tags altogether and replace them with <3? I don't know.
They're pretty different. <3_eyes are often used to show a character is in a trance from being absurdly/comically infatuated. <3s are used in a much wider variety of situations.
Updated by anonymous