Topic: Tag Implication: waterfall -> water

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Genjar said:
Waterfall kind of implies the presence of water, doesn't it? I wouldn't have thought that

it could be a frozen waterfall (ice-not-falling?)

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

I kind of see that point, but we've already implicated tags such as sea and bath to water. Even though those aren't necessary always water.

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:
I kind of see that point, but we've already implicated tags such as sea and bath to water. Even though those aren't necessary always water.

Sea I can see as a maybe, but bath? Who let that one through.

Updated by anonymous

Halite said:
Sea I can see as a maybe, but bath? Who let that one through.

I'm in agreement with halite (LE GASP!). Bath should be unimplicated, sea should remain implicated, in general, and waterfall should remain unimplicated. Blame us for using a word that is literally just a portmanteau of what it was originally used to describe (water falling) to now describe any fluid that mimics the movement.

Updated by anonymous

Yeah, definitely unimplicate water from bath. A bath could be empty, or viewed from an angle where the water isn't visible.

Oh, and it doesn't necessarily need to have water either. Knowing furries, you can probably get a bath full of cum instead of water.

Updated by anonymous

Saffron said:
Yeah, definitely unimplicate water from bath. A bath could be empty, or viewed from an angle where the water isn't visible.

Oh, and it doesn't necessarily need to have water either. Knowing furries, you can probably get a bath full of cum instead of water.

The former you're thinking bathtub. The latter is why it should be unimplicated.

Updated by anonymous

Saffron said:
Yeah, definitely unimplicate water from bath. A bath could be empty, or viewed from an angle where the water isn't visible.

Oh, and it doesn't necessarily need to have water either. Knowing furries, you can probably get a bath full of cum instead of water.

We have cum_bath

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
We have cum_bath

That's just one fluid; there are plenty more, including sand, blood, sonic vibrations, and so on.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
That's just one fluid; there are plenty more, including sand, blood, sonic vibrations, and so on.

I know, I'm just telling him we have a tag for it

Updated by anonymous

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