Topic: Tag Alias: shibe -> doge

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Halite said:
I'm not sure why this matters with 3 images?

Because you can bet your bottom dollar there will be more uploaded as the meme gets more popular. I'm not sure why it matters to you that a proper alias is completed?

Updated by anonymous

corgi_bread said:
Because you can bet your bottom dollar there will be more uploaded as the meme gets more popular. I'm not sure why it matters to you that a proper alias is completed?

Or nuke it from orbit, since none of those 3 pics are actual art pics :O

Updated by anonymous

CamKitty said:
Or nuke it from orbit, since none of those 3 pics are actual art pics :O

So you want to nuke a valid character tag because you don't feel that any of the images already uploaded are up to your personal artistic standards?

Okay. This is also being said by someone whose avatar is Mike Haggar piledriving a shark, so...

Updated by anonymous

I think it's a good alias:

  • The two things are the same
  • the alias is to the more popular name for it
  • it solves a split-tags redundancy situation from now on, and
  • makes the site just that little bit more usable for anyone who's searching for that.

I don't see what scale has to do with it. Small tags almost need this kind of care more than much larger ones, because less examples means less context. Smaller tags are also less likely to be something you see around, so guessing what the correct form the tag will be is harder. If this alias goes through, then they'll all be under the same tag. For the long term: it's cleaner, prevents a tag mess, helps users find it more easily, etc. I see no downside. The fact that it's small just means it will only take a second to process the alias and then no one has to think of it again.

Personally, I think tags and aliases should be evaluated based on merit; not size. *shrugs*

Updated by anonymous

corgi_bread said:
So you want to nuke a valid character tag because you don't feel that any of the images already uploaded are up to your personal artistic standards?

Okay. This is also being said by someone whose avatar is Mike Haggar piledriving a shark, so...

At least that is drawn

Updated by anonymous

CamKitty said:
At least that is drawn

And yet no less lacking of artistic value. You don't have to like that doge images are on the site, but don't act like everything else on here is 'art'.

Updated by anonymous

corgi_bread said:
And yet no less lacking of artistic value. You don't have to like that doge images are on the site, but don't act like everything else on here is 'art'.

*rolls eyes*

ANYWAYS, the alias makes sense for matching stuff up, I just think that nothing worth keeping has been uploaded for it :P

Updated by anonymous

Why even upload them here? Isn't reddit where you're supposed to post le epic maymays and image macros that have been shit out by 4chan?

Updated by anonymous

Beeseverywhere said:
Why even upload them here? Isn't reddit where you're supposed to post le epic maymays and image macros that have been shit out by 4chan?

post #379135
This is why.

Updated by anonymous

I don't really care so long as I can blacklist it

this shit got old a long time ago

Updated by anonymous

I've seen numerous implications and aliases rejected because of insufficient images to warrant them.

It's simply easier when there are that few images to go fix the tags, than to have an alias.

Updated by anonymous

Halite said:
I've seen numerous implications and aliases rejected because of insufficient images to warrant them.

It's simply easier when there are that few images to go fix the tags, than to have an alias.

In this case, it's not because it's a pain to fix, it's to aid in proper tagging in the future.

Updated by anonymous

corgi_bread said:
In this case, it's not because it's a pain to fix, it's to aid in proper tagging in the future.


Updated by anonymous

You're making a significant assumption that this mediocre-at-best meme will continue to be posted sufficiently to warrant future tagging issues on a scale that an alias would be needed.

Updated by anonymous

I think it comes down to a maintenance issue. Is it really worth manually needing to fish a handful of images out of an otherwise identical tag once a year? As opposed to aliasing it, which is self-maintaining. To me that's a no-brainer. Neither tag is likely to be needed for any other purpose down the road, so not any likely problems there either.

That it might possibly be preventative in an imaginary future onslaught of images is neither here nor there. There may never be another shibe/doge image uploaded to this site in the next century, but an alias would still help searchers find the three we have no matter which common name for it they use. Not to mention being standardized for any undertagged ones people might want to tag with it and are left wondering which tag to use.

This alias is about a split tag situation, where the same thing has two equally valid names. Split tag situations are what the alias system is perfect for, as long as one of them wasn't a one-time occurrence. As for whether any more shibe/doge images are going to be uploaded? Well it qualifies under both "furry" and "funny" so the odds are pretty inevitable that there will always be a few on here.

Updated by anonymous

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