Topic: New e621 interface

Posted under General

What do you think of the new interface of our beloved e621?

I liked it because I never imagined that the website interface would change, so I still haven't gotten used to the change, I'm still adapting to finding each option.

And maybe even find out if new secret interactions have been added, who knows. Hehe

This even reminded me of the time the website made a joke by changing the color to red and yellow, a reference to another website that did this, and called it mustard and ketchup.

So thanks e621 team, a new interesting change from e621.

thegabsshow said:
What do you think of the new interface of our beloved e621?

I liked it because I never imagined that the website interface would change, so I still haven't gotten used to the change, I'm still adapting to finding each option.

And maybe even find out if new secret interactions have been added, who knows. Hehe

This even reminded me of the time the website made a joke by changing the color to red and yellow, a reference to another website that did this, and called it mustard and ketchup.

So thanks e621 team, a new interesting change from e621.

In fact, I discovered this hours later, and I was even shocked by the change, because less than 2 hours ago, on January 29, 2025, the old website interface was there.

thegabsshow said:
What do you think of the new interface of our beloved e621?

I liked it because I never imagined that the website interface would change, so I still haven't gotten used to the change, I'm still adapting to finding each option.

And maybe even find out if new secret interactions have been added, who knows. Hehe

This even reminded me of the time the website made a joke by changing the color to red and yellow, a reference to another website that did this, and called it mustard and ketchup.

So thanks e621 team, a new interesting change from e621.

I don't like it. I'm worried that something else would change, like one of the rules or something like that.

other1side said:
yeah its actually kinda neat, more intuitive atleast

You're right, I really thought it was cool, as I use it on my phone, I even saw how it changed on the computer.

I don't _hate_ it, I do like that the themes link is somewhere other than the bottom of the page, might make toggling mobile gestures on and off slightly less annoying. but I'm not the biggest fan of it visually, specifically the high use of the site's yellow accent color. I think the headder is also like ~2x taller than the old one.

I've already messed with the CSS to fit it more with my own sensibilities:

#nav-toggle, .nav-logo, .nav-controls { background: none; }
.nav-logo, .nav-logo-link { height: 2rem; }
.nav-toggled { padding-top: 2rem; }
.fas { color: #b4c7d9; }
.nav-tools, .nav-help { gap:.5rem; padding:.5rem }


cokolado said:
I don't like it. I'm worried that something else would change, like one of the rules or something like that.

Rule changes are independent of UI changes, thankfully.

They broke the subscriptions plugin with this update. Which we prolly wouldn't need if there was a system like that in the first place. (That's a suggestion/request/wish/complaint (ig) btw)

Anyways hope y'all ready for the next wave of changes occurring next week

My only issue is remembering that the account button is now on the right side instead of the far left. Other than that it's not bad.

It’s garbage, it’s like they are turning e621 into a social media, even if was meant to be a furry porn site.

Cuz I use this Website as my Fap Material, and seeing them changing the website design to a generic one pissed me off, I also hated the design change on mobile.

it’s just a shitty change just like the Jaguar and Pixiv Logo.
we literally got e621 doing a "Enshittification" on their web design before the release of gta 6


@Sksjsjsjjs Psssst! You can edit comments instead of writing new ones over and over again.

EDIT: thanks for fixing that

marioandouija said:
I don't like it, the nav menu is too generic now. If it ain't broke don't ruin it.

I personally find the change a little unnecessary, but I'll probably get used to it in time.

I just hope that the changes do not affect the script re621 of tampermonkey

lazuly said:
I just hope that the changes do not affect the script re621 of tampermonkey

It did. I tried installing that as a replacement for the subs chromium extension and there's literally no notification button or settings for it. The issue has already been reported in the github tho.

sksjsjsjjs said:
It’s garbage, it’s like they are turning e621 into a social media, even if was meant to be a furry porn site.

Cuz I use this Website as my Fap Material, and seeing them changing the website design to a generic one pissed me off, I also hated the design change on mobile.

it’s just a shitty change just like the Jaguar and Pixiv Logo.
we literally got e621 doing a "Enshittification" on their web design before the release of gta 6

post #1263144

I'm indifferent, though I also did note how it broke re621. I'm used to that sort of thing by now though. You have to be when playing modded games that update and break mods, after all.

sksjsjsjjs said:
even if was meant to be a furry porn site.

Ugh, not this again.

sksjsjsjjs said:
you should know what you are on a nsfw website.

it's a general purpose furry art archive. a lot of the stuff on here's pornographic because a lot of furry art is pornographic.

It's a lot more mobile friendly now and the images don't load at a snail's pace like before(On both mobile and desktop PC)

Account button is far too tiny, but my desktop resolution is at 4k, so it might just be me.

Other than that, all is as it was.


Painful browsing experience!

Do not update what already works!!!

  • The Profile and Account Settings links in the header are a nice addition.
  • The new home page is alright. Like the new search box, and the header being there (although it does look a bit off)
  • Not a big fan of the SubStar link being in the header (not a big fan of the Discord link being there either). Would personally prefer it in the footer.

Overall, it's fine. A few small nitpicks, but that's it.


Why? The old interface was fine. Clicking on the profile button leads to an error screen.

An unexpected error occurred.

Log ID: *random numbers*



The padding looks messed up on Pale Moon:

I also don't like the Account link being all the way on the right since I'm so used to it being on the left with all the other links, or using unlabeled icons to make it non-obvious what links are (sure, the cog wheel is a fairly universal configuration/settings icon, but I have no idea what the other is supposed to be without hovering on it to see what it links to).

I just don't like that it's harder now to click the "forum" button on mobile.

Other than that not much different

I loved reading each of the comments on my forum, some about the interface change, others about personal problems (yes, I'm talking about the guy with the handjob). And in a way, I liked it too.

Being a user with 3+ years on this site, I'm just a snoop, I didn't comment on anything, However, I was excited to highlight my love for the site, and say that I am happy with the change. Today marks a new day for our beloved furry website.

Thank you, it was great having a great time together!

I dislike it now because buttons like the sign in button got moved and hidden away in the top right corner away from everything else.

Then I'll be indifferent once the new muscle memory of it being there now kicks in.



I also noticed that the Forum link on the top of pages is no longer italicized when there are unread forum posts, so it's no longer apparent when there are new forum posts to check without going to the forum.

clicking outside of the navmenu on mobile should cause it to hide itself.

Not a fan at all, it just feels like a downgrade to the old. Or maybe I was just used to it, and everything new is bad. But everything new is bad.

Some pieces are very much still the same, while others got that corpo-rot roundness to them now. For example, the reply and report buttons are still stark text, yet other things look like buttons.

Not a fan—and I mirror the concerns about the design change opening the door to more revisionist nonsense, like a certain unwarned purge a little while ago



The Account link no longer takes you to the welcome page with links to check various comments/blips/etc mentioning you or comments on your posts (the profile page does still have a link for comments on your posts, but I don't see a link for things that mention you, and I miss the Welcome messages in the various languages).

Donovan DMC

Former Staff

flowrfalln said:
Not a fan—and I mirror the concerns about the design change opening the door to more revisionist nonsense, like a certain unwarned purge a little while ago

It amazes me when people somehow try to link a minor visual change to rule changes
No, posts aren't going to start vanishing because the ui changed
These things are not related in any capacity

watsit said:
The Account link no longer takes you to the welcome page with links to check various comments/blips/etc mentioning you or comments on your posts (the profile page does still have a link for comments on your posts, but I don't see a link for things that mention you, and I miss the Welcome messages in the various languages).

There are mention links for comments & forum posts on the profile (the "mentions" links), but nothing for blips there

flowrfalln said:
I mirror the concerns about the design change opening the door to more revisionist nonsense, like a certain unwarned purge a little while ago

Cinder or anyone else working on UI/UX is entirely unrelated to site policy changes. this dosn't even make sense.

thegabsshow said:
What do you think of the new interface of our beloved e621?

I like it personally honestly. It's more sleeker and pleasant to look at

thegabsshow said:
What do you think of the new interface of our beloved e621?

I liked it because I never imagined that the website interface would change, so I still haven't gotten used to the change, I'm still adapting to finding each option.

And maybe even find out if new secret interactions have been added, who knows. Hehe

This even reminded me of the time the website made a joke by changing the color to red and yellow, a reference to another website that did this, and called it mustard and ketchup.

So thanks e621 team, a new interesting change from e621.

I personally don’t like it, especially cus I browse this site on mobile and right now some of the buttons are overlapping.

If it ain’t broke don’t fix it

Cross posting this from the newer thread:

This has broken my re621 - e621 Reimagined user script for now and now I can't see my subscribed content,
So and "old format" option would be great at least till the script is fixed.

I honestly think that having the settings be a tab like everything else was fitting, easier to see and not tucked into a little corner.

lazuly said:
I just hope that the changes do not affect the script re621 of tampermonkey

Oh it broke it alright, half the functions don't work but I checked and there is already a report on the github.


The new interface isn't bad, but I do hope RE621 updates soon to accommodate it better.

This feels like its changing was wasn't broken in the first place.

Change for change sake.

Everything worked before and did anyone actually complain about the previous interface? I thought it was fine.

I still use the old reddit layout even if it breaks things. Hopefully they give us a classic option so we can revert this changes if we want to.

Especially on the main first intro page, the placement and size of things feel off as they are lower down the page now.

casmin7~ said:
This feels like its changing was wasn't broken in the first place.

People keep saying that, but it's just factually not true.
The UI was reworked to make it functional on mobile. And people have complained about it, yes.
No, there will not be an option to revert back to the old version.

A blacklist button right at the top on mobile might have been nice, but this is so much better on mobile and still solid on desktop.



cinder said:
The UI was reworked to make it functional on mobile.

Can't the changes be kept to the mobile layout? The site has its own dedicated mobile UI mode. I'm using the desktop UI mode, and recent changes have been making the site objectively worse, removing very useful and oft-utilized at-a-glance information, replacing it either with nothing, or vague difficult-to-discern border colors.

Somewhat uglier, in my opinion, but not enough for me to have any strong feelings either way. The reshuffling of buttons is novel. As a mobile user I don't see any benefits, but I might have a different opinion when I get around to checking the desktop implementation.
Overall I think it's kind of a waste of time, but very far from the worst UI redesign I've ever seen.

Looks good to me. The only thing I don't like is the permanent red dot on the [forum] tab. Nobody is going to read every thread.

kyiiel said:
Looks good to me. The only thing I don't like is the permanent red dot on the [forum] tab. Nobody is going to read every thread.

I took notice of that as well. Thought it meant someone replied to me.

kyiiel said:
Looks good to me. The only thing I don't like is the permanent red dot on the [forum] tab. Nobody is going to read every thread.

Was also about to ask what that indicated

kyiiel said:
Looks good to me. The only thing I don't like is the permanent red dot on the [forum] tab. Nobody is going to read every thread.

I hope there's a way to disable it soon.



kyiiel said:
Looks good to me. The only thing I don't like is the permanent red dot on the [forum] tab. Nobody is going to read every thread.

Click "Mark all as read" when there's nothing left you're interested in reading, and it'll go away. I actually like the red dot a little more than the link being italicized, since it's a clearer indicator (the word Forum being italicized could be easy to miss sometimes).

watsit said:
Click "Mark all as read" when there's nothing left you're interested in reading, and it'll go away. I actually like the red dot a little more than the link being italicized, since it's a clearer indicator (the word Forum being italicized could be easy to miss sometimes).

i love the new red dot too, i never knew that there was an indicator to show that there were no posts before, this is really nice!

only thing from the new update i dont like is the button placements but ill get used to those hopefully quickly

snpthecat said:
Anyways hope y'all ready for the next wave of changes occurring next week

Funny joke, any UI change to people using the site for 15 years is gonna generate plenty of complaints just because change is evil when it comes to users and UI, despite how old and not intuitive the UI is.

Like when Reddit did it's redesign into a more modern UI, but they have to serve the old one to a dwindling user base of people that were too annoyed to work with the change (though at one point the concern for it being slower on older hardware was actually a potential issue, but holding back for 20 year old hardware is really stupid). It's honestly one of the most annoying things to see as a dev because it makes it impossible to actually make change that will benefit new users, and not anger existing users.

I, for one, am completely on board with a full redesign of the site from the ground up, which I'm aware is very unlikely to ever happen, but small modernizations are completely fine with me to at least bring it into this decade.

nobodyimportant17 said:
I hope there's a way to disable it soon.

Go to your settings, and put this in the "Custom CSS" field:

.forum-updated::after { display: none; }

cinder said:
Go to your settings, and put this in the "Custom CSS" field:

.forum-updated::after { display: none; }

Thanks, that worked. I appreciate that very much.

thegabsshow said:
What do you think of the new interface of our beloved e621?

I liked it because I never imagined that the website interface would change, so I still haven't gotten used to the change, I'm still adapting to finding each option.

And maybe even find out if new secret interactions have been added, who knows. Hehe

This even reminded me of the time the website made a joke by changing the color to red and yellow, a reference to another website that did this, and called it mustard and ketchup.

So thanks e621 team, a new interesting change from e621.

I hate it. everything's been moved around and some features like "search for myself in comments" are just straight-up gone. how do I put it back to the old version?



phantomofthefurrycon said:
I hate it. everything's been moved around and some features like "search for myself in comments" are just straight-up gone.

Donovan DMC mentioned this earlier, it is still there. Click on Accounts on the top-right of the page to go to your profile page, and there will be a line on the bottom left of the main section that says something like

Comments 420 on 69 posts (mentions)

The "mentions" is the same link for "search for myself in comments".

Honestly, I think I like the original more out of a more nostalgic reason but the new interface is much easier to use

Works pretty well for me so far, tho I wish they kept the ability to scroll down to the main page when the menu is open on mobile

cinder said:
People keep saying that, but it's just factually not true.
The UI was reworked to make it functional on mobile. And people have complained about it, yes.
No, there will not be an option to revert back to the old version.

But then why not only change it for the mobile UI?

I already miss being Hello'd in different languages. I mean it doesn't make my comment wrong, the desktop version worked well. And got changed.

Disappointing to hear there won't be an option to use the original version that worked but I guess we can't always have good things. Guess its just gonna have to take time to get used to the new interface.

thegabsshow said:
What do you think of the new interface of our beloved e621?

its not bad, but i think preffer the old one
but since there are no option to still using it, i guess i will have to get used to the new interface

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

I don't like they changed the UI for desktop, that version of the site looked fine. Just have the new UI for mobile only and bring back the old UI for desktop.