Topic: [REJECTED] Tag alias: curled_hair -> curlyhair

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The tag alias #74900 curled_hair -> curly_hair has been rejected.

Reason: Sorry for the improper formatting on the curly_hair tag in the request I'm unable to post it properly since curly_hair is aliased.

I want to reach out and suggest this change since a piece of my fursona recently got uploaded (post and I was adding the curly_hair tag when I noticed it automatically converted to curled_hair. It's a minor thing but I believe that curly_hair should be the main tag that curled_hair converts to since curled_hair implies that an action has been taken to curl the hair and that is not depicted in the piece. My fursona's hair is based off my hair in real life and my hair naturally curls in the way depicted, saying it has been curled would be incorrect. It is a question that people in real life ask me and I specify that it is how my hair naturally is, and by extension it is how my fursona's hair naturally is. Since the main focus is on the hair being curly rather than why it is curly I think this is a change that would make sense.

EDIT: The tag alias curled_hair -> curlyhair (forum #436718) has been rejected by @spe.

Updated by auto moderator

deersalad said:
Reason: Sorry for the improper formatting on the curly_hair tag in the request I'm unable to post it properly since curly_hair is aliased.

I'm guessing the reason you're getting all the thumbs down is the incorrect parsing of the target tag. As you note above, it's supposed to be curly_hair.

You can suggest to flip the current alias, but to do so will require two BURs, one to unalias curly_hair from curled_hair and then, once that's approved (if it's approved) another to alias curled_hair to curly_hair.

BUR #1 would go like so:

unalias curly_hair -> curled_hair
unalias hair_curl -> curled_hair

In order for this to work via BURs, we have to unalias everything from curled_hair before we can alias it away.

BUR #2 would go like so:

alias curled_hair -> curly_hair
alias hair_curl -> curly_hair

In order to attach the BURs to this thread, just put the thread's ID, 54756, in that Forum topic box. Otherwise, you can leave it blank.

clawstripe said:

BUR #1 would go like so:

unalias curly_hair -> curled_hair
unalias hair_curl -> curled_hair

In order for this to work via BURs, we have to unalias everything from curled_hair before we can alias it away.

BUR #2 would go like so:

alias curled_hair -> curly_hair
alias hair_curl -> curly_hair

In order to attach the BURs to this thread, just put the thread's ID, 54756, in that Forum topic box. Otherwise, you can leave it blank.

You've gotta remove the implication from curled_hair to hair as well

(for the record I do agree with curly over curled here, it sounds much more natural)

pleaseletmein said:
You've gotta remove the implication from curled_hair to hair as well

(for the record I do agree with curly over curled here, it sounds much more natural)

Thank you for the reply, how would I go about removing the implication?

And yeah, the tag for straight hair is straight_hair and not straightened_hair so it would also help with consistency

clawstripe said:
I'm guessing the reason you're getting all the thumbs down is the incorrect parsing of the target tag. As you note above, it's supposed to be curly_hair.

You can suggest to flip the current alias, but to do so will require two BURs, one to unalias curly_hair from curled_hair and then, once that's approved (if it's approved) another to alias curled_hair to curly_hair.

BUR #1 would go like so:

unalias curly_hair -> curled_hair
unalias hair_curl -> curled_hair

In order for this to work via BURs, we have to unalias everything from curled_hair before we can alias it away.

BUR #2 would go like so:

alias curled_hair -> curly_hair
alias hair_curl -> curly_hair

In order to attach the BURs to this thread, just put the thread's ID, 54756, in that Forum topic box. Otherwise, you can leave it blank.

Thank you so much for explaining, I'm very new to this so I really appreciate it. I'll go submit those change requests when I can and see where it goes from there

deersalad said:
Thank you for the reply, how would I go about removing the implication?

unimply curled_hair -> hair

and then afterwards readd it as

imply curly_hair -> hair

The bulk update request #10218 is active.

remove alias curly_hair (9568) -> curled_hair (12)
remove alias hair_curl (0) -> curled_hair (12)
remove implication curled_hair (12) -> hair (1848389)

Reason: Unaliasing these tags would then allow curled_hair and hair_curl to be aliased to curly_hair since that tag sounds more natural. This would also create more consistency between tags since the tag for straight hair is straight_hair rather than straightened_hair. And curled_hair implies an action has been taken to curl the hair which isn't necessarily true.

EDIT: The bulk update request #10218 (forum #436850) has been approved by @spe.

Updated by auto moderator

deersalad said:
The bulk update request #10218 is active.

remove alias curly_hair (9568) -> curled_hair (12)
remove alias hair_curl (0) -> curled_hair (12)
remove implication curled_hair (12) -> hair (1848389)

Reason: Unaliasing these tags would then allow curled_hair and hair_curl to be aliased to curly_hair since that tag sounds more natural. This would also create more consistency between tags since the tag for straight hair is straight_hair rather than straightened_hair. And curled_hair implies an action has been taken to curl the hair which isn't necessarily true.

Psst. Don't forget to add

unimply curled_hair -> hair

as pleaseletmein pointed out. ;)

(You can edit BURs, so that won't be a problem.)

In addition to what the rest of the thread discusses, I would prefer the artist tag curlyhair to be curlyhair_(artist) instead, and have curlyhair aliased away to actual curly hair.

cinder said:
In addition to what the rest of the thread discusses, I would prefer the artist tag curlyhair to be curlyhair_(artist) instead, and have curlyhair aliased away to actual curly hair.

That's a good point. It's a good thing you noticed that.

Since curlyhair_(artist) only has the four posts, I just manually retagged them so all that need be done is the alias. Unfortunately, that can't be done until the OP request is rejected.

alias curlyhair -> curly_hair

Never understood why "curled" hair took off in the first place, "curly hair" is the natural phrasing.