Topic: Tag implication: First_orgasm -> Orgasm

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Should be an alias. Aside from a possible dry_orgasm, you can't really tell by TWYS whether an orgasm is someone's first or not. Text and other images count as external information, and there's no way to distinguish between, for example, post #5224210 and post #4173446 if either are Tulin's first orgasm. Validating such a tag would likely result in it just getting slapped on random young posts showing an orgasm.

watsit said:
Should be an alias. Aside from a possible dry_orgasm, you can't really tell by TWYS whether an orgasm is someone's first or not. Text and other images count as external information, and there's no way to distinguish between, for example, post #5224210 and post #4173446 if either are Tulin's first orgasm. Validating such a tag would likely result in it just getting slapped on random young posts showing an orgasm.

Fair point, this isn't as clearcut as I assumed at first. I was wondering about the implementation of the TWYS rule and contextual/story based elements particularly on comic posts, but you've covered that here. I ponder if it would be worth recategorising it into a lore tag for those who may be interested in this theme, though I do realise I run the risk of being selfish and suggesting overly niche/pandering tagging (edit: especially if this hypothetical lore tag could only be specifically applied to comics, or some format of post where it's explicitly known to be the first orgasm ).


I personally absolutely believe text should be taggable as long as it doesn't contradict visuals. it's kind of ridiculous to just not allow certain themes to be searched for because they are dialogue based. That said, most of what I could see currently under this tag (I didn't turn off my blacklist for it though) seems to be random orgasms with nothing indicating it's the first.

wandering_spaniel said:
I personally absolutely believe text should be taggable as long as it doesn't contradict visuals. it's kind of ridiculous to just not allow certain themes to be searched for because they are dialogue based.

major +1

I'm not a huge fan of nuking porn trope tags just because they generally require dialogue to clarify what's going on. We don't (I hope we won't) nuke orientation_play because "sexuality is lore/requires dialogue". Then again, if someone searches for first_orgasm, there's a good chance what they're really searching for is sexual_exploration, so maybe first_orgasm isn't so useful. These posts (tagged first_orgasm) should probably be tagged sexual_exploration.
post #2823954 post #2821622
EDIT: Though, first_orgasm focused posts aren't always sexual_exploration. Dubious_consent + first_orgasm can still follow the theme of experiencing new sexual things, while being too rapey to be sexual_exploration.

EDIT2: switching vote to -1 just because of the potential for after_orgasm, as mentioned by dba afish below.


wandering_spaniel said:
I personally absolutely believe text should be taggable as long as it doesn't contradict visuals. it's kind of ridiculous to just not allow certain themes to be searched for because they are dialogue based. That said, most of what I could see currently under this tag (I didn't turn off my blacklist for it though) seems to be random orgasms with nothing indicating it's the first.

Like defloration there's a good portion that's just 'young'.

I'm torn on this, while tagging on this seems to be kind of a mess, with a lot of its population being tagged based on the contents of the description (or just assumptions), it seems like it'd potentially be a valid use case. but at the same time it feels like it might be better to try to redirect users to one of the theme tags whose definitions are a little bit more robust like sexual_exploration, sexual_education, or something else.

that being said, regardless of whether this is a valid tag or not, it seems like it's being used on after_orgasm posts as well.

wandering_spaniel said:
I personally absolutely believe text should be taggable as long as it doesn't contradict visuals. it's kind of ridiculous to just not allow certain themes to be searched for because they are dialogue based.

Text is too open to interpretation (would a character calling another "dude" count as indicating a character is male, and should be tagged as such when they otherwise look ambiguous?), on top of the fact that there's no guarantee the text is accurate or truthful (e.g. if someone says this is their first cumshot, would that also make it their first orgasm when they may or may not have had a dry_orgasm earlier?). If I'm looking for (or blacklisting) something, it's because I want to (not) see it, and I wouldn't be happy with search results that show (or hide) something just because the text says something despite the thing not being visible. Especially if it turns out the text is shown to be wrong on a later page, where you then have questions of whether that later page counts for tagging an earlier page based on its text. It all just becomes very messy when the implications of text-based tagging are considered.

I'm with regsmutt. This is a good candidate for a set, where the maintainer can set their own rules for what's "good enough" to indicate someone's first orgasm (text? age? facial expression? character lore?), not a tag that doesn't work for TWYS.

I think it would be reasonable to make this a lore tag, if other virginity-related tags are approved as lore.