Topic: Tag Alias: low_angle_shot -> low-angle_shot

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

I'm guessing you mean low_angle_shot -> low-angle_shot? Because you have it going one way in your post and the other way in your thread title. But based on context I'm guessing the title was the way you meant it?

Updated by anonymous

I think so, pickle. It's hard to keep a set of these right when they're all related in like 5 tabs. But technically tag aliases are reciprocal so it should almost read:

low-angle_shot <-> low_angle_shot

(Do correct me if I'm wrong; I'm still learning here.)

If this is actually confirmed as the case and I were feeling extremely pedantic I would go bug the mods to change it so it's more syntactically clear...

I guess the 'REAL' tag goes on the right, then?

Updated by anonymous

Actually tag aliases are like one-direction funnels putting everything into the same pile. So when tag1 is aliased -> tag2 then:

  • any time someone tries to use tag1, the site automatically changes it to tag2, so that they all end up becoming as if they were the same tag. Great for spelling variances or true synonyms. Bad if there was an actual difference between them.
  • all searches for either tag1 or tag2 lead to the same results, making things simpler to find and use.
  • in the tag list, tag2 will always be the one that displays. From a functional standpoint tag1 becomes an invisible version of tag2. And of course if you just decide to use tag2 all the time, it doesn't need to correct anything. It ends up being the same either way.

So yes, when suggesting an alias, the "real" tag you want used goes on the right so that the directional arrow is pointing to it. It helps keep things clear.

And just for completion's sake, implications are like one-directional auto-adds between tags. They work like this [specific term which implies the umbrella tag] -> [umbrella tag/term, which is added automatically]:

  • So, when tag3 implicates -> tag4. It means that tag4 [the bigger encompassing term] will automatically be added any time tag3 is used on an image. The image will automatically end up with both tags every time the implicating tag is used. But it only works one direction. Tag4 can be added to an image on its own. But tag3 would always auto-add tag4 to the same image because it is implicating it.
  • how it's useful: if tag3 = big_muscles and tag4 = muscles then it helps taggers not to have to type both because you can't have the one without the other. You can't have big_muscles without there first being muscles. So having it automatically added is helpful, and helps tagging be more consistent. Which then helps people have better search results, among other benefits.
  • when it goes wrong: If it's not 100% a given that the two things will always be in the same picture. For instance, if bathtub implicated -> water then it would be fine for 80% of images which show a bathtub filled with water. And you think, hey this saves time, it's awesome. But then you find pictures of empty bathtubs, bathtubs filled with roses, filled with whipped cream, filled with cum, filled with blood, filled with toys. And when there's no water in the picture, it suddenly is a problem that "water" is still automatically being added any time someone uses "bathtub" on an image. Not to mention causing headaches for people looking under the "water" tag and wondering why waterless bathtub pictures are showing up. Or taggers trying to remove "water" on the few exception images and being baffled why it keeps re-adding itself. That would be an example of a bad implication that would probably have to be reverted.

So basically: The sea is always going to have water, a red_shirt will always include a shirt, a big_penis must always have a penis involved. But a book won't always be in a library, food won't always be served on a plate, a bathtub won't always be filled with water, etc.

I know that's way more than what you asked. But I figure it might be helpful if somewhere on the forum someone laid it all out together. Because I know it took me awhile to figure out how they both worked from start to finish. And I figured it couldn't hurt.

Updated by anonymous

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