The bulk update request #9578 is active.
create alias dampé_(tloz) (0) -> dampe_(tloz) (0)
create implication dampe_(tloz) (0) -> the_legend_of_zelda (28367)
create alias dampe_(the_legend_of_zelda) (1) -> dampe_(tloz) (0)
Reason: Dampe (spelled Dampé with non-alphanumeric characters) is a TLoZ character and should implicate the series. See
Also included an alias for the version with é, similar to Pokémon aliasing to Pokemon. I did not include aliases for no-suffix versions due to the risk of dampe or dampé being typos of damp instead, but this can be done later if desired.
EDIT: The bulk update request #9578 (forum #423453) has been approved by @spe.
Updated by auto moderator