Topic: Tag Implication: Pokemon -> GameFreak

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Probably not going to happen. We've been having some discussions about the benefit of even having copyright tags, since they rarely provide any benefit to searching (with a few specific exceptions - such as Nintendo). GameFreak is really only relevant for Pokemon to begin with and wouldn't really provide any benefit for searching at all.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Not to mention that search engines picks up on those. I'm still worried that it's going to be trouble someday. Nintendo and other companies rarely appreciate it if porn sites show up when someone searches for the company on Google.

I'm surprised that it hasn't happened yet. Nintendo hassled paheal about that a few years back, and they had to stop using words Nintendo and Pokemon (which is why they use Porkyman tag instead).

Updated by anonymous

Your forgetting about The Pokémon Company. That makes 3 tags, 2 of which are duplicates of pokémon.

Implication denied

Updated by anonymous

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