Topic: Disambiguating names: Psy [BUR]

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #9231 is pending approval.

mass update psy -> psy_(psyredtails)
change category psy_(disambiguation) (0) -> invalid
create implication gangnam_style (51) -> psy_(musician) (2)

Reason: I'm going to try and get names like these, where one tag is bare where others have creators attached, disambiguated. Starting here.

There are 9 character tags with the name Psy. All posts currently in the Psy tag are of PsyRedtails's persona. (psy)

I'm not sure what to do about the two instances of PSY, the musician, that were there. I've moved them to a new PSY (Musician) tag until someone can suggest a good tag to identify PSY, the person.




undonezippy said:
mass update psy -> psy_(psyredtails)
create alias psy (43) -> psy_(disambiguation) (0)

These two need to be done as separate BURs. The order of operations within a BUR isn't guaranteed, so it's possible for the psy -> psy_(disambiguation) alias to happen first before the mass update, or for some posts to be changed by the alias while others are changed by the mass update.

watsit said:
These two need to be done as separate BURs. The order of operations within a BUR isn't guaranteed, so it's possible for the psy -> psy_(disambiguation) alias to happen first before the mass update, or for some posts to be changed by the alias while others are changed by the mass update.

IIRC the last time it happened, all the posts got mass updated correctly, but approx half of the posts also went to the alias destination.

watsit said:
These two need to be done as separate BURs. The order of operations within a BUR isn't guaranteed, so it's possible for the psy -> psy_(disambiguation) alias to happen first before the mass update, or for some posts to be changed by the alias while others are changed by the mass update.

In that case, I'll remove the psy -> psy_(disambiguation) alias and we can do that after this BUR is done.

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