Topic: Tag alias: chest_floof -> fluffy_chest

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Part of that is probably because "chest_fluff" is already aliased to chest tuft, when it should probably have been to fluffy chest. So everyone who punched that in just went along with it and didn't realize there was a more appropriate tag for what they wanted.

Thanks for that. I tried replying with that exact BUR but got an error saying "antecedent name has already been taken", whatever that means.

errorist said:
Thanks for that. I tried replying with that exact BUR but got an error saying "antecedent name has already been taken", whatever that means.

I assumed you tried to unalias and alias chest_fluff within the same BUR? That won't work because BURs aren't carried out sequentially. Chest_fluff has to not be aliased to anything before you can (submit a request to) alias it to something else

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