Topic: Unify gender/gender and form_on_form (Two large BURs, pick one)

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #9153 is pending approval.

remove alias male_anthro/female_human (0) -> human_on_anthro (87954)
remove alias hmofa (0) -> human_on_anthro (87954)
remove alias hn/o/a (0) -> human_on_anthro (87954)
remove alias a/o/hn (0) -> human_on_anthro (87954)
remove alias an/hu (0) -> human_on_anthro (87954)
remove alias hu/an (0) -> human_on_anthro (87954)
remove alias anthro/human (0) -> human_on_anthro (87954)
remove alias human/anthro (0) -> human_on_anthro (87954)
remove alias human_x_furry (0) -> human_on_anthro (87954)
remove alias anthro_on_human (0) -> human_on_anthro (87954)
remove alias furry_on_human (0) -> human_on_anthro (87954)
remove alias human_on_furry (0) -> human_on_anthro (87954)
remove alias hn/o/f (0) -> human_on_feral (42263)
remove alias f/o/hn (0) -> human_on_feral (42263)
remove alias fe/hu (0) -> human_on_feral (42263)
remove alias hu/fe (0) -> human_on_feral (42263)
remove alias human/feral (0) -> human_on_feral (42263)
remove alias feral/human (0) -> human_on_feral (42263)
remove alias feral_on_human (0) -> human_on_feral (42263)
remove alias hd/o/hn (0) -> human_on_humanoid (29731)
remove alias hn/o/hd (0) -> human_on_humanoid (29731)
remove alias humanoid/human (0) -> human_on_humanoid (29731)
remove alias human/humanoid (0) -> human_on_humanoid (29731)
remove alias humanoid_on_human (0) -> human_on_humanoid (29731)
remove alias t/o/hn (0) -> human_on_taur (732)

Reason: In line with forum #417659, rename form_on_form to form/form.
Shorter (saves 3 characters for every single one of these tags), but more importantly, makes the connection to gender/gender more obvious; these tags play the same role, including both sexual actions and romance (with the possible exception of form_on_feral, but that will probably be fixed anyway).
This BUR is a total of 324 lines, and as such would need to be broken up into 13 parts. Part 1 is the part in the header.
Actual effect, if each line handled transitives:
alias human_on_anthro -> human/anthro alias human_on_feral -> human/feral alias human_on_humanoid -> human/humanoid alias human_on_taur -> human/taur alias human_on_human -> human/human alias humanoid_on_anthro -> humanoid/anthro alias humanoid_on_humanoid -> humanoid/humanoid alias humanoid_on_feral -> humanoid/feral alias humanoid_on_taur -> humanoid/taur alias anthro_on_anthro -> anthro/anthro alias anthro_on_feral -> anthro/feral alias anthro_on_taur -> anthro/taur alias feral_on_feral -> feral/feral alias feral_on_taur -> feral/taur alias taur_on_taur -> taur/taur

The rest of the script after this part would require making 12 more individual BURs. I suspect it might be easier for the admins if I simply post the rest of the script after part 1 (created by looking up aliases and implications via API, I did not write these manually):

rest of the script, broken into 25 line chunks

unalias hn/o/t -> human_on_taur
unalias human/taur -> human_on_taur
unalias taur/human -> human_on_taur
unalias taur_on_human -> human_on_taur
unalias hn/o/hn -> human_on_human
unalias human/human -> human_on_human
unalias hd/o/a -> humanoid_on_anthro
unalias a/o/hd -> humanoid_on_anthro
unalias humanoid/anthro -> humanoid_on_anthro
unalias anthro/humanoid -> humanoid_on_anthro
unalias anthro_on_humanoid -> humanoid_on_anthro
unalias hd/o/hd -> humanoid_on_humanoid
unalias humanoid/humanoid -> humanoid_on_humanoid
unalias hd/o/f -> humanoid_on_feral
unalias f/o/hd -> humanoid_on_feral
unalias humanoid/feral -> humanoid_on_feral
unalias feral/humanoid -> humanoid_on_feral
unalias feral_on_humanoid -> humanoid_on_feral
unalias t/o/hd -> humanoid_on_taur
unalias hd/o/t -> humanoid_on_taur
unalias taur_on_humanoid -> humanoid_on_taur
unalias taur/humanoid -> humanoid_on_taur
unalias humanoid/taur -> humanoid_on_taur
unalias anthro_kissing_anthro -> anthro_on_anthro
unalias a/o/a -> anthro_on_anthro

unalias an/an -> anthro_on_anthro
unalias anthro/anthro -> anthro_on_anthro
unalias feral_x_anthro -> anthro_on_feral
unalias anthro_x_feral -> anthro_on_feral
unalias feralxanthro -> anthro_on_feral
unalias anthroxferal -> anthro_on_feral
unalias f/o/a -> anthro_on_feral
unalias a/o/f -> anthro_on_feral
unalias fe/an -> anthro_on_feral
unalias an/fe -> anthro_on_feral
unalias feral/anthro -> anthro_on_feral
unalias anthro/feral -> anthro_on_feral
unalias feral_on_anthro -> anthro_on_feral
unalias anthro_bestiality -> anthro_on_feral
unalias t/o/a -> anthro_on_taur
unalias a/o/t -> anthro_on_taur
unalias anthro/taur -> anthro_on_taur
unalias taur/anthro -> anthro_on_taur
unalias taur_on_anthro -> anthro_on_taur
unalias feral_x_feral -> feral_on_feral
unalias feralxferal -> feral_on_feral
unalias f/o/f -> feral_on_feral
unalias fe/fe -> feral_on_feral
unalias feral/feral -> feral_on_feral
unalias t/o/f -> feral_on_taur

unalias f/o/t -> feral_on_taur
unalias feral/taur -> feral_on_taur
unalias taur/feral -> feral_on_taur
unalias taur_on_feral -> feral_on_taur
unalias t/o/t -> taur_on_taur
unalias taur/taur -> taur_on_taur
unimply human_dominating_anthro -> human_on_anthro
unimply anthro_dominating_human -> human_on_anthro
unimply anthro_penetrating_human -> human_on_anthro
unimply human_penetrating_anthro -> human_on_anthro
unimply human_dominating_feral -> human_on_feral
unimply feral_dominating_human -> human_on_feral
unimply feral_penetrating_human -> human_on_feral
unimply human_penetrating_feral -> human_on_feral
unimply humanoid_dominating_human -> human_on_humanoid
unimply human_dominating_humanoid -> human_on_humanoid
unimply humanoid_penetrating_human -> human_on_humanoid
unimply human_penetrating_humanoid -> human_on_humanoid
unimply taur_dominating_human -> human_on_taur
unimply human_dominating_taur -> human_on_taur
unimply taur_penetrating_human -> human_on_taur
unimply human_penetrating_taur -> human_on_taur
unimply human_dominating_human -> human_on_human
unimply human_penetrating_human -> human_on_human
unimply humanoid_dominating_anthro -> humanoid_on_anthro

unimply anthro_dominating_humanoid -> humanoid_on_anthro
unimply humanoid_penetrating_anthro -> humanoid_on_anthro
unimply anthro_penetrating_humanoid -> humanoid_on_anthro
unimply humanoid_dominating_humanoid -> humanoid_on_humanoid
unimply humanoid_penetrating_humanoid -> humanoid_on_humanoid
unimply humanoid_dominating_feral -> humanoid_on_feral
unimply feral_dominating_humanoid -> humanoid_on_feral
unimply feral_penetrating_humanoid -> humanoid_on_feral
unimply humanoid_penetrating_feral -> humanoid_on_feral
unimply taur_dominating_humanoid -> humanoid_on_taur
unimply humanoid_dominating_taur -> humanoid_on_taur
unimply taur_penetrating_humanoid -> humanoid_on_taur
unimply humanoid_penetrating_taur -> humanoid_on_taur
unimply anthro_dominating_anthro -> anthro_on_anthro
unimply anthro_penetrating_anthro -> anthro_on_anthro
unimply feral_dominating_anthro -> anthro_on_feral
unimply anthro_dominating_feral -> anthro_on_feral
unimply feral_penetrating_anthro -> anthro_on_feral
unimply anthro_penetrating_feral -> anthro_on_feral
unimply taur_dominating_anthro -> anthro_on_taur
unimply anthro_dominating_taur -> anthro_on_taur
unimply taur_penetrating_anthro -> anthro_on_taur
unimply anthro_penetrating_taur -> anthro_on_taur
unimply feral_dominating_feral -> feral_on_feral
unimply feral_penetrating_feral -> feral_on_feral

unimply taur_dominating_feral -> feral_on_taur
unimply feral_dominating_taur -> feral_on_taur
unimply taur_penetrating_feral -> feral_on_taur
unimply feral_penetrating_taur -> feral_on_taur
unimply taur_dominating_taur -> taur_on_taur
unimply taur_penetrating_taur -> taur_on_taur
unimply human_on_anthro -> anthro
unimply human_on_anthro -> interspecies
unimply human_on_anthro -> human
unimply human_on_feral -> interspecies
unimply human_on_feral -> bestiality
unimply human_on_feral -> human
unimply human_on_humanoid -> interspecies
unimply human_on_humanoid -> humanoid
unimply human_on_humanoid -> human
unimply human_on_taur -> interspecies
unimply human_on_taur -> human
unimply human_on_taur -> taur
unimply human_on_human -> intraspecies
unimply human_on_human -> human
unimply humanoid_on_anthro -> humanoid
unimply humanoid_on_anthro -> anthro
unimply humanoid_on_humanoid -> humanoid
unimply humanoid_on_feral -> bestiality
unimply humanoid_on_feral -> humanoid

unimply humanoid_on_taur -> humanoid
unimply humanoid_on_taur -> taur
unimply anthro_on_anthro -> anthro
unimply anthro_on_feral -> bestiality
unimply anthro_on_feral -> anthro
unimply anthro_on_taur -> taur
unimply anthro_on_taur -> anthro
unimply feral_on_feral -> feral
unimply feral_on_taur -> bestiality
unimply feral_on_taur -> taur
unimply taur_on_taur -> taur

#Sequence point; all previous must be done by this point

alias human_on_anthro -> human/anthro
alias human_on_feral -> human/feral
alias human_on_humanoid -> human/humanoid
alias human_on_taur -> human/taur
alias human_on_human -> human/human
alias humanoid_on_anthro -> humanoid/anthro
alias humanoid_on_humanoid -> humanoid/humanoid
alias humanoid_on_feral -> humanoid/feral
alias humanoid_on_taur -> humanoid/taur
alias anthro_on_anthro -> anthro/anthro
alias anthro_on_feral -> anthro/feral
alias anthro_on_taur -> anthro/taur
alias feral_on_feral -> feral/feral
alias feral_on_taur -> feral/taur

alias taur_on_taur -> taur/taur
alias male_anthro/female_human -> human/anthro
alias hmofa -> human/anthro
alias hn/o/a -> human/anthro
alias a/o/hn -> human/anthro
alias an/hu -> human/anthro
alias hu/an -> human/anthro
alias anthro/human -> human/anthro
alias human_x_furry -> human/anthro
alias anthro_on_human -> human/anthro
alias furry_on_human -> human/anthro
alias human_on_furry -> human/anthro
alias hn/o/f -> human/feral
alias f/o/hn -> human/feral
alias fe/hu -> human/feral
alias hu/fe -> human/feral
alias feral/human -> human/feral
alias feral_on_human -> human/feral
alias hd/o/hn -> human/humanoid
alias hn/o/hd -> human/humanoid
alias humanoid/human -> human/humanoid
alias humanoid_on_human -> human/humanoid
alias t/o/hn -> human/taur
alias hn/o/t -> human/taur
alias taur/human -> human/taur

alias taur_on_human -> human/taur
alias hn/o/hn -> human/human
alias hd/o/a -> humanoid/anthro
alias a/o/hd -> humanoid/anthro
alias anthro/humanoid -> humanoid/anthro
alias anthro_on_humanoid -> humanoid/anthro
alias hd/o/hd -> humanoid/humanoid
alias hd/o/f -> humanoid/feral
alias f/o/hd -> humanoid/feral
alias feral/humanoid -> humanoid/feral
alias feral_on_humanoid -> humanoid/feral
alias t/o/hd -> humanoid/taur
alias hd/o/t -> humanoid/taur
alias taur_on_humanoid -> humanoid/taur
alias taur/humanoid -> humanoid/taur
alias anthro_kissing_anthro -> anthro/anthro
alias a/o/a -> anthro/anthro
alias an/an -> anthro/anthro
alias feral_x_anthro -> anthro/feral
alias anthro_x_feral -> anthro/feral
alias feralxanthro -> anthro/feral
alias anthroxferal -> anthro/feral
alias f/o/a -> anthro/feral
alias a/o/f -> anthro/feral
alias fe/an -> anthro/feral

alias an/fe -> anthro/feral
alias feral/anthro -> anthro/feral
alias feral_on_anthro -> anthro/feral
alias anthro_bestiality -> anthro/feral
alias t/o/a -> anthro/taur
alias a/o/t -> anthro/taur
alias taur/anthro -> anthro/taur
alias taur_on_anthro -> anthro/taur
alias feral_x_feral -> feral/feral
alias feralxferal -> feral/feral
alias f/o/f -> feral/feral
alias fe/fe -> feral/feral
alias t/o/f -> feral/taur
alias f/o/t -> feral/taur
alias taur/feral -> feral/taur
alias taur_on_feral -> feral/taur
alias t/o/t -> taur/taur
imply human_dominating_anthro -> human/anthro
imply anthro_dominating_human -> human/anthro
imply anthro_penetrating_human -> human/anthro
imply human_penetrating_anthro -> human/anthro
imply human_dominating_feral -> human/feral
imply feral_dominating_human -> human/feral
imply feral_penetrating_human -> human/feral
imply human_penetrating_feral -> human/feral

imply humanoid_dominating_human -> human/humanoid
imply human_dominating_humanoid -> human/humanoid
imply humanoid_penetrating_human -> human/humanoid
imply human_penetrating_humanoid -> human/humanoid
imply taur_dominating_human -> human/taur
imply human_dominating_taur -> human/taur
imply taur_penetrating_human -> human/taur
imply human_penetrating_taur -> human/taur
imply human_dominating_human -> human/human
imply human_penetrating_human -> human/human
imply humanoid_dominating_anthro -> humanoid/anthro
imply anthro_dominating_humanoid -> humanoid/anthro
imply humanoid_penetrating_anthro -> humanoid/anthro
imply anthro_penetrating_humanoid -> humanoid/anthro
imply humanoid_dominating_humanoid -> humanoid/humanoid
imply humanoid_penetrating_humanoid -> humanoid/humanoid
imply humanoid_dominating_feral -> humanoid/feral
imply feral_dominating_humanoid -> humanoid/feral
imply feral_penetrating_humanoid -> humanoid/feral
imply humanoid_penetrating_feral -> humanoid/feral
imply taur_dominating_humanoid -> humanoid/taur
imply humanoid_dominating_taur -> humanoid/taur
imply taur_penetrating_humanoid -> humanoid/taur
imply humanoid_penetrating_taur -> humanoid/taur
imply anthro_dominating_anthro -> anthro/anthro

imply anthro_penetrating_anthro -> anthro/anthro
imply feral_dominating_anthro -> anthro/feral
imply anthro_dominating_feral -> anthro/feral
imply feral_penetrating_anthro -> anthro/feral
imply anthro_penetrating_feral -> anthro/feral
imply taur_dominating_anthro -> anthro/taur
imply anthro_dominating_taur -> anthro/taur
imply taur_penetrating_anthro -> anthro/taur
imply anthro_penetrating_taur -> anthro/taur
imply feral_dominating_feral -> feral/feral
imply feral_penetrating_feral -> feral/feral
imply taur_dominating_feral -> feral/taur
imply feral_dominating_taur -> feral/taur
imply taur_penetrating_feral -> feral/taur
imply feral_penetrating_taur -> feral/taur
imply taur_dominating_taur -> taur/taur
imply taur_penetrating_taur -> taur/taur
imply human/anthro -> anthro
imply human/anthro -> interspecies
imply human/anthro -> human
imply human/feral -> interspecies
imply human/feral -> bestiality
imply human/feral -> human
imply human/humanoid -> interspecies
imply human/humanoid -> humanoid

imply human/humanoid -> human
imply human/taur -> interspecies
imply human/taur -> human
imply human/taur -> taur
imply human/human -> intraspecies
imply human/human -> human
imply humanoid/anthro -> humanoid
imply humanoid/anthro -> anthro
imply humanoid/humanoid -> humanoid
imply humanoid/feral -> bestiality
imply humanoid/feral -> humanoid
imply humanoid/taur -> humanoid
imply humanoid/taur -> taur
imply anthro/anthro -> anthro
imply anthro/feral -> bestiality
imply anthro/feral -> anthro
imply anthro/taur -> taur
imply anthro/taur -> anthro
imply feral/feral -> feral
imply feral/taur -> bestiality
imply feral/taur -> taur
imply taur/taur -> taur

This does not handle aliasing bestiality as was also mentioned in forum #417659. However, if this goes through and people want that, it could be handled with an extra standalone alias request.
Also, for those of you who think form_penetrating_form and the other *_verbing_* tags in this list will go away soon: fine, but until they do, their implications should be kept. I'm not handling that here, only updating transitives.
Update: realized one of the BURs was mixing unimply and alias, which wasn't valid. Fixed that by splitting it, now 14 parts.

The alternative BUR, aliasing gender/gender to gender_on_gender is later in this topic, at forum #417889.


If anyone is curious, here's my code that I used to generate this script:

import requests from ratelimit import limits, sleep_and_retry aliases = { "human_on_anthro": "human/anthro", "human_on_feral": "human/feral", "human_on_humanoid": "human/humanoid", "human_on_taur": "human/taur", "human_on_human": "human/human", "humanoid_on_anthro": "humanoid/anthro", "humanoid_on_humanoid": "humanoid/humanoid", "humanoid_on_feral": "humanoid/feral", "humanoid_on_taur": "humanoid/taur", "anthro_on_anthro": "anthro/anthro", "anthro_on_feral": "anthro/feral", "anthro_on_taur": "anthro/taur", "feral_on_feral": "feral/feral", "feral_on_taur": "feral/taur", "taur_on_taur": "taur/taur" } @sleep_and_retry @limits(calls=1, period=0.75) def api_limit(): pass def main(): with requests.Session() as session: session.headers.update({"User-Agent": "GenericAPIScripts (by SCTH)"}) aliases_to_update = list() to_implications_to_update = list() from_implications_to_update = list() for tag in aliases.keys(): url = f"" payload = {"search[consequent_name]": tag} api_limit() response = session.get(url, params=payload).json() for alias in response: if alias["status"] == "active": aliases_to_update.append((alias["antecedent_name"], tag)) elif alias["status"] == "pending": print("Pending alias", alias["id"]) for tag in aliases.keys(): url = f"" payload = {"search[consequent_name]": tag} api_limit() response = session.get(url, params=payload).json() for implication in response: if implication["status"] == "active": to_implications_to_update.append((implication["antecedent_name"], tag)) elif implication["status"] == "pending": print("Pending implication", implication["id"]) for tag in aliases.keys(): url = f"" payload = {"search[antecedent_name]": tag} api_limit() response = session.get(url, params=payload).json() for implication in response: if implication["status"] == "active": from_implications_to_update.append((tag, implication["consequent_name"])) elif implication["status"] == "pending": print("Pending implication", implication["id"]) i = 0 for (antecedent, consequent) in aliases_to_update: print(f"unalias {antecedent} -> {consequent}") i += 1 if i == 25: print() i = 0 for (antecedent, consequent) in (to_implications_to_update + from_implications_to_update): print(f"unimply {antecedent} -> {consequent}") i += 1 if i == 25: print() i = 0 for (antecedent, consequent) in aliases.items(): print(f"alias {antecedent} -> {consequent}") i += 1 if i == 25: print() i = 0 for (antecedent, consequent) in aliases_to_update: if antecedent != aliases[consequent]: print(f"alias {antecedent} -> {aliases[consequent]}") i += 1 if i == 25: print() i = 0 for (antecedent, consequent) in to_implications_to_update: print(f"imply {antecedent} -> {aliases[consequent]}") i += 1 if i == 25: print() i = 0 for (antecedent, consequent) in from_implications_to_update: print(f"imply {aliases[antecedent]} -> {consequent}") i += 1 if i == 25: print() i = 0 if __name__ == '__main__': main()

Surprisingly, there were no relevant pending implications or aliases, though I checked and that part does work. Apparently the transitives in topic #46102 don't show up as pending aliases or implications.
This displays a few rather bad coding styles, because this is a script meant to be used once then thrown away.



This seems like it would be unnecessarily confusing. If anything, I'd say this is a good way to think about distinguishing x_on_y for sexual or heavily romantic activity, compared to x/y for less overtly sexual activities (and updating <form>_on_<form> to not be so loosely applied on images that aren't overtly sexual). x_on_y is also clearer and easier to read for me, where something like anthro/feral can be easier to misread, or be misinterpreted to mean an anthro-like feral, feral-like anthro, or anthro-feral cross, i.e. semi-anthro. Especially if something like non-feral_on_feral is made; non-feral/feral is even clunkier and somewhat ambiguous, is it non-feral / feral or non - feral/feral?

watsit said:
This seems like it would be unnecessarily confusing. If anything, I'd say this is a good way to think about distinguishing x_on_y for sexual or heavily romantic activity, compared to x/y for less overtly sexual activities (and updating <form>_on_<form> to not be so loosely applied on images that aren't overtly sexual). x_on_y is also clearer and easier to read for me, where something like anthro/feral can be easier to misread, or be misinterpreted to mean an anthro-like feral, feral-like anthro, or anthro-feral cross, i.e. semi-anthro.

First of all, I don't think distinguishing *_on_* from */* would be a good idea; that would just lead to an unnecessarily confusing mess where different types of pairings have different requirements for level of pairing. Unless you wanted to have complete sets of both, which is just far too many tags for a relatively small distinction.
That is, I don't think there should be any situation where gender/gender should be tagged without also tagging from/form (or form_on_form if this doesn't go through), outside of the edge cases that don't have a form. Anything else would be very confusing.

Next, I completely disagree that x_on_y is clearer than x/y. While the former has a word, I don't think it's really the correct one; I'd consider the / to be closer to meaning "paired with", as it is almost exclusively used for in tagging across many sites. On, on the other hand, has many meanings, and for new users could easily be confused for something like on_top_of. It could also be, and I'm fairly sure has been in the past, interpreted as directional (as in male_on_female being used to indicate the male is in control), which is very much not how we use it here. That doesn't make x_on_y bad, I just really don't think it provides any improvement.


I have definitely seen people tagging and removing x_on_y tags with an interpretation of "x topping." I don't think there's a way around that other than replacing it with something like x/y

watsit said:
This seems like it would be unnecessarily confusing. If anything, I'd say this is a good way to think about distinguishing x_on_y for sexual or heavily romantic activity, compared to x/y for less overtly sexual activities (and updating <form>_on_<form> to not be so loosely applied on images that aren't overtly sexual). x_on_y is also clearer and easier to read for me, where something like anthro/feral can be easier to misread, or be misinterpreted to mean an anthro-like feral, feral-like anthro, or anthro-feral cross, i.e. semi-anthro. Especially if something like non-feral_on_feral is made; non-feral/feral is even clunkier and somewhat ambiguous, is it non-feral / feral or non - feral/feral?

I don't think splitting x/y and x_on_y for different purposes is a good idea. We are already using it interchangeably and it will cause even more confusion.
I do agree that x_on_y sounds clearer than the abbreviation version as already mentioned on topic #46102, but I won't be splitting hairs on that matter.

However, you did point out one of the underlying issues with non-feral_on_feral tag in that it could be ambiguous.
I will propose a few suggestions on the main thread (see topic #46093) so as to not derail this thread and its intended purpose.



Another thing to consider is how this will work with mixed-form pairings. e.g. male_on_feral for a non-feral male on a feral. Should they also be changed to be like male/feral?

watsit said:
Another thing to consider is how this will work with mixed-form pairings. e.g. male_on_feral for a non-feral male on a feral. Should they also be changed to be like male/feral?

Yes. Doesn't seem any more or less confusing.

watsit said:
Another thing to consider is how this will work with mixed-form pairings. e.g. male_on_feral for a non-feral male on a feral. Should they also be changed to be like male/feral?

Personally I don't think tags like those should be kept, but if they were then yes.

scth said:
Personally I don't think tags like those should be kept, but if they were then yes.

I think the <gender>_on_feral group is more or less fine, but the other ones seem kind of pointless to me.

regsmutt said:
I have definitely seen people tagging and removing x_on_y tags with an interpretation of "x topping." I don't think there's a way around that other than replacing it with something like x/y

I don't think issues with "x topping" would be significant since everything would still end up being aliased to x_on_y anyways.

watsit said:
Another thing to consider is how this will work with mixed-form pairings. e.g. male_on_feral for a non-feral male on a feral. Should they also be changed to be like male/feral?

You know come to think of it, would that be easily mistaken for male_feral?

Looking back at topic #24153/forum #397727 and topic #33453, I find it important for people to realise the basis of choosing between the x/y and x_on_y formats.
I believe gender_on_gender should be in the x/y format while form_on_form should be in the x_on_y format.

Of course, there is the issue of gender_on_form, but in my opinion it should not follow the x/y format to decrease confusion.

thegreatwolfgang said:
You know come to think of it, would <male/feral> be easily mistaken for male_feral?

Perhaps, but I'm not handling it here. male_on_feral is also fairly confusing.

Looking back at topic #24153/forum #397727 and topic #33453, I find it important for people to realise the basis of choosing between the x/y and x_on_y formats.
I believe gender_on_gender should be in the x/y format while form_on_form should be in the x_on_y format.

None of those really give a reason, aside from consistency within groups. I see no reason to keep them separate. Aliasing all gender/gender to gender_on_gender would also be doable, though much larger BUR and IMO worse due to what I've stated previously.

I really don't like gender_on_form... I don't think we need them anymore now that we have gender_form tags (ex. male_human)

scth said:
None of those really give a reason, aside from consistency within groups. I see no reason to keep them separate. Aliasing all gender/gender to gender_on_gender would also be doable, though much larger BUR and IMO worse due to what I've stated previously.

Perhaps consistency within groups is what we need. We don't want people assuming a/f to mean anthro/feral.

scth said:
Perhaps, but I'm not handling it here. male_on_feral is also fairly confusing.

wandering_spaniel said:
I really don't like gender_on_form... I don't think we need them anymore now that we have gender_form tags (ex. male_human)

If we are getting rid of gender_on_form, that would mean scrapping topic #42656 entirely and sticking to gender_verb and form_on_form tags.
Of course, the reasoning behind keeping gender_on_form tags can be found on forum #270277.

thegreatwolfgang said:
Perhaps consistency within groups is what we need. We don't want people assuming a/f to mean anthro/feral.

The short forms are already a huge mess (just look at some of the aliases I'm updating here, like an/fe). People presumably use them, and I don't think making them intuitive is possible without fully redoing them. I don't think gender/gender and form/form should have different styles when the / would mean the same thing in all of them.

If we are getting rid of gender_on_form, that would mean scrapping topic #42656 entirely and sticking to gender_verb and form_on_form tags.

I disagree that this would mean scrapping topic #42656; gender_form, gender/gender, form/form, gender_verb, and form_verb are plenty without needing gender_on_form. Either way, not removing them or changing them here.

Should I request a BUR the other way for this? That is, gender/gender to gender_on_gender. And, if so, would it be best to also put it in this thread?
A first check, without double checking that I have all the gender/gender tags, gives a 971 line BUR which would have to be broken into 40 parts.

scth said:
Should I request a BUR the other way for this? That is, gender/gender to gender_on_gender. And, if so, would it be best to also put it in this thread?
A first check, without double checking that I have all the gender/gender tags, gives a 971 line BUR which would have to be broken into 40 parts.

Should keep it on the same thread so the discussions don't get split up.
Though you would need to update your title to mention the other BUR.

The bulk update request #9164 is pending approval.

remove alias male_kissing_female (0) -> male/female (678889)
remove alias male_x_female (0) -> male/female (678889)
remove alias female_x_male (0) -> male/female (678889)
remove alias femalemale (0) -> male/female (678889)
remove alias malefemale (0) -> male/female (678889)
remove alias female/male/female (0) -> male/female (678889)
remove alias femalexmale (0) -> male/female (678889)
remove alias malexfemale (0) -> male/female (678889)
remove alias f_m (0) -> male/female (678889)
remove alias m_f (0) -> male/female (678889)
remove alias straigth (0) -> male/female (678889)
remove alias mf (0) -> male/female (678889)
remove alias m/f/f (0) -> male/female (678889)
remove alias male_female (0) -> male/female (678889)
remove alias m/m/f (0) -> male/female (678889)
remove alias male/female/male (0) -> male/female (678889)
remove alias male/female/female (0) -> male/female (678889)
remove alias female_on_male (0) -> male/female (678889)
remove alias male_on_female (0) -> male/female (678889)
remove alias straight (0) -> male/female (678889)
remove alias f/m (0) -> male/female (678889)
remove alias m/f (0) -> male/female (678889)
remove alias m/f/m (0) -> male/female (678889)
remove alias heterosexual (0) -> male/female (678889)
remove alias female/male (0) -> male/female (678889)

Reason: Alternative BUR, aliasing gender/gender to gender_on_gender.
Only one of this BUR or the BUR in the first post should be approved. Reason is still unifying pairing tags, just this time for people who like *_on_*. would have to be rejected first, or, if accepted, would have to account for it in this BUR (removing the alias, then re-adding it to male_on_female).
Effect if each line handled transitives:
alias male/female -> male_on_female alias intersex/male -> intersex_on_male alias andromorph/andromorph -> andromorph_on_andromorph alias ambiguous/ambiguous -> ambiguous_on_ambiguous alias male/male -> male_on_male alias andromorph/male -> andromorph_on_male alias andromorph/gynomorph -> andromorph_on_gynomorph alias male/ambiguous -> male_on_ambiguous alias female/female -> female_on_female alias gynomorph/male -> gynomorph_on_male alias gynomorph/gynomorph -> gynomorph_on_gynomorph alias female/ambiguous -> female_on_ambiguous alias herm/male -> herm_on_male alias gynomorph/herm -> gynomorph_on_herm alias maleherm/male -> maleherm_on_male alias andromorph/herm -> andromorph_on_herm alias herm/herm -> herm_on_herm alias intersex/female -> intersex_on_female alias maleherm/andromorph -> maleherm_on_andromorph alias intersex/ambiguous -> intersex_on_ambiguous alias andromorph/female -> andromorph_on_female alias maleherm/gynomorph -> maleherm_on_gynomorph alias andromorph/ambiguous -> andromorph_on_ambiguous alias gynomorph/female -> gynomorph_on_female alias maleherm/herm -> maleherm_on_herm alias gynomorph/ambiguous -> gynomorph_on_ambiguous alias herm/female -> herm_on_female alias maleherm/maleherm -> maleherm_on_maleherm alias herm/ambiguous -> herm_on_ambiguous alias maleherm/female -> maleherm_on_female alias maleherm/ambiguous -> maleherm_on_ambiguous alias intersex/intersex -> intersex_on_intersex

rest of the script

unalias hetero -> male/female
unalias male/futanari -> intersex/male
unalias futanari/male -> intersex/male
unalias male/futa -> intersex/male
unalias m/i -> intersex/male
unalias i/m -> intersex/male
unalias futa/male -> intersex/male
unalias futa_with_male -> intersex/male
unalias male/intersex -> intersex/male
unalias male_on_intersex -> intersex/male
unalias intersex_on_male -> intersex/male
unalias futa_on_male -> intersex/male
unalias male_on_futa -> intersex/male
unalias am/am -> andromorph/andromorph
unalias andromorph_on_andromorph -> andromorph/andromorph
unalias andro/andro -> andromorph/andromorph
unalias cuntboy/cuntboy -> andromorph/andromorph
unalias cuntboy_on_cuntboy -> andromorph/andromorph
unalias c/c -> andromorph/andromorph
unalias cboy/cboy -> andromorph/andromorph
unalias ambiguous_on_ambiguous -> ambiguous/ambiguous
unalias ambiguous_gender/ambiguous_gender -> ambiguous/ambiguous
unalias a/a -> ambiguous/ambiguous
unalias ?/? -> ambiguous/ambiguous
unalias male_kissing_male -> male/male

unalias male_top_male_bottom -> male/male
unalias male_x_male -> male/male
unalias mlm -> male/male
unalias malexmale -> male/male
unalias mm -> male/male
unalias malemale -> male/male
unalias homo -> male/male
unalias male_on_male -> male/male
unalias male/male/male -> male/male
unalias gay -> male/male
unalias malesbian -> male/male
unalias m/m/m -> male/male
unalias m/m -> male/male
unalias male_male -> male/male
unalias yaoi -> male/male
unalias male_on_andromorph -> andromorph/male
unalias andromorph_on_male -> andromorph/male
unalias am/m -> andromorph/male
unalias m/am -> andromorph/male
unalias male_on_pussyboy -> andromorph/male
unalias male_on_pussy_boy -> andromorph/male
unalias pussyboy_on_male -> andromorph/male
unalias pussy_boy_on_male -> andromorph/male
unalias male/pussyboy -> andromorph/male
unalias male/pussy_boy -> andromorph/male

unalias pussyboy/male -> andromorph/male
unalias pussy_boy/male -> andromorph/male
unalias male/andromorph -> andromorph/male
unalias cuntboy/male -> andromorph/male
unalias m/c -> andromorph/male
unalias male_on_cuntboy -> andromorph/male
unalias male/cuntboy -> andromorph/male
unalias male/cboy -> andromorph/male
unalias cuntboy_on_male -> andromorph/male
unalias c/m -> andromorph/male
unalias cboy/male -> andromorph/male
unalias andromorph_on_gynomorph -> andromorph/gynomorph
unalias gynomorph_on_andromorph -> andromorph/gynomorph
unalias gm/am -> andromorph/gynomorph
unalias am/gm -> andromorph/gynomorph
unalias gynomorph/andromorph -> andromorph/gynomorph
unalias dickgirl/cuntboy -> andromorph/gynomorph
unalias shemale_on_cuntboy -> andromorph/gynomorph
unalias dickgirl_on_cuntboy -> andromorph/gynomorph
unalias dickgirl/cboy -> andromorph/gynomorph
unalias d/c -> andromorph/gynomorph
unalias cuntboy_on_dickgirl -> andromorph/gynomorph
unalias cuntboy/dickgirl -> andromorph/gynomorph
unalias c/d -> andromorph/gynomorph
unalias cboy/dickgirl -> andromorph/gynomorph

unalias male/? -> male/ambiguous
unalias ?/male -> male/ambiguous
unalias male_on_ambiguous_gender -> male/ambiguous
unalias ambiguous_gender_on_male -> male/ambiguous
unalias ambiguous_gender/male -> male/ambiguous
unalias male/ambiguous_gender -> male/ambiguous
unalias m/? -> male/ambiguous
unalias ?/m -> male/ambiguous
unalias a/m -> male/ambiguous
unalias m/a -> male/ambiguous
unalias male_on_ambiguous -> male/ambiguous
unalias ambiguous_on_male -> male/ambiguous
unalias ambiguous/male -> male/ambiguous
unalias female_x_female -> female/female
unalias wlw -> female/female
unalias femalexfemale -> female/female
unalias female_female -> female/female
unalias girl/girl -> female/female
unalias lesbian_sex -> female/female
unalias ff -> female/female
unalias female_on_female -> female/female
unalias female/female/female -> female/female
unalias lesbian -> female/female
unalias yuri -> female/female
unalias lesbians -> female/female

unalias f/f/f -> female/female
unalias f/f -> female/female
unalias male_on_gynomorph -> gynomorph/male
unalias gynomorph_on_male -> gynomorph/male
unalias gm/m -> gynomorph/male
unalias m/gm -> gynomorph/male
unalias newhalf_with_male -> gynomorph/male
unalias male/gynomorph -> gynomorph/male
unalias dickgirl/male -> gynomorph/male
unalias shemale_on_male -> gynomorph/male
unalias m/d -> gynomorph/male
unalias male_on_dickgirl -> gynomorph/male
unalias male/dickgirl -> gynomorph/male
unalias d/m -> gynomorph/male
unalias dickgirl_on_male -> gynomorph/male
unalias gynomorph_on_gynomorph -> gynomorph/gynomorph
unalias gm/gm -> gynomorph/gynomorph
unalias dickgirl/dickgirl -> gynomorph/gynomorph
unalias dickgirl_on_dickgirl -> gynomorph/gynomorph
unalias d/d -> gynomorph/gynomorph
unalias ?/female -> female/ambiguous
unalias female/? -> female/ambiguous
unalias female/ambiguous_gender -> female/ambiguous
unalias ambiguous_gender/female -> female/ambiguous
unalias ambiguous_gender_on_female -> female/ambiguous

unalias female_on_ambiguous_gender -> female/ambiguous
unalias ?/f -> female/ambiguous
unalias f/? -> female/ambiguous
unalias f/a -> female/ambiguous
unalias a/f -> female/ambiguous
unalias ambiguous_on_female -> female/ambiguous
unalias female_on_ambiguous -> female/ambiguous
unalias ambiguous/female -> female/ambiguous
unalias male/herm -> herm/male
unalias m/h -> herm/male
unalias h/m -> herm/male
unalias herm_on_male -> herm/male
unalias male_on_herm -> herm/male
unalias herm_on_gynomorph -> gynomorph/herm
unalias gynomorph_on_herm -> gynomorph/herm
unalias h/gm -> gynomorph/herm
unalias gm/h -> gynomorph/herm
unalias herm/gynomorph -> gynomorph/herm
unalias dickgirl/herm -> gynomorph/herm
unalias herm_on_dickgirl -> gynomorph/herm
unalias herm/dickgirl -> gynomorph/herm
unalias h/d -> gynomorph/herm
unalias dickgirl_on_herm -> gynomorph/herm
unalias d/h -> gynomorph/herm
unalias male/maleherm -> maleherm/male

unalias m/mh -> maleherm/male
unalias mh/m -> maleherm/male
unalias maleherm_on_male -> maleherm/male
unalias herm/andromorph -> andromorph/herm
unalias herm_on_andromorph -> andromorph/herm
unalias andromorph_on_herm -> andromorph/herm
unalias h/am -> andromorph/herm
unalias am/h -> andromorph/herm
unalias herm_on_cuntboy -> andromorph/herm
unalias herm/cboy -> andromorph/herm
unalias h/c -> andromorph/herm
unalias cuntboy_on_herm -> andromorph/herm
unalias cuntboy/herm -> andromorph/herm
unalias c/h -> andromorph/herm
unalias cboy/herm -> andromorph/herm
unalias herm/cuntboy -> andromorph/herm
unalias h/h -> herm/herm
unalias herm_on_herm -> herm/herm
unalias female/futanari -> intersex/female
unalias female/futa -> intersex/female
unalias futa/female -> intersex/female
unalias futanari/female -> intersex/female
unalias f/i -> intersex/female
unalias i/f -> intersex/female
unalias female/intersex -> intersex/female

unalias female_on_intersex -> intersex/female
unalias intersex_on_female -> intersex/female
unalias futa_on_female -> intersex/female
unalias female_on_futa -> intersex/female
unalias maleherm_on_andromorph -> maleherm/andromorph
unalias andromorph_on_maleherm -> maleherm/andromorph
unalias mh/am -> maleherm/andromorph
unalias am/mh -> maleherm/andromorph
unalias andromorph/maleherm -> maleherm/andromorph
unalias maleherm/cuntboy -> maleherm/andromorph
unalias mh/c -> maleherm/andromorph
unalias maleherm_on_cuntboy -> maleherm/andromorph
unalias cuntboy/maleherm -> maleherm/andromorph
unalias c/mh -> maleherm/andromorph
unalias a/i -> intersex/ambiguous
unalias i/a -> intersex/ambiguous
unalias i/? -> intersex/ambiguous
unalias ?/i -> intersex/ambiguous
unalias ?/intersex -> intersex/ambiguous
unalias intersex/? -> intersex/ambiguous
unalias intersex/ambiguous_gender -> intersex/ambiguous
unalias ambiguous_gender/intersex -> intersex/ambiguous
unalias ambiguous_gender_on_intersex -> intersex/ambiguous
unalias intersex_on_ambiguous_gender -> intersex/ambiguous
unalias intersex_on_ambiguous -> intersex/ambiguous

unalias ambiguous_on_intersex -> intersex/ambiguous
unalias ambiguous/intersex -> intersex/ambiguous
unalias female_on_andromorph -> andromorph/female
unalias andromorph_on_female -> andromorph/female
unalias fm/am -> andromorph/female
unalias am/fm -> andromorph/female
unalias f/am -> andromorph/female
unalias am/f -> andromorph/female
unalias female/andromorph -> andromorph/female
unalias cuntboy/female -> andromorph/female
unalias female_on_cuntboy -> andromorph/female
unalias female/cuntboy -> andromorph/female
unalias female/cboy -> andromorph/female
unalias f/c -> andromorph/female
unalias cuntboy_on_female -> andromorph/female
unalias c/f -> andromorph/female
unalias cboy/female -> andromorph/female
unalias maleherm_on_gynomorph -> maleherm/gynomorph
unalias gynomorph_on_maleherm -> maleherm/gynomorph
unalias mh/gm -> maleherm/gynomorph
unalias gm/mh -> maleherm/gynomorph
unalias gynomorph/maleherm -> maleherm/gynomorph
unalias maleherm/dickgirl -> maleherm/gynomorph
unalias mh/d -> maleherm/gynomorph
unalias maleherm_on_dickgirl -> maleherm/gynomorph

unalias d/mh -> maleherm/gynomorph
unalias dickgirl/maleherm -> maleherm/gynomorph
unalias ambiguous_on_andromorph -> andromorph/ambiguous
unalias andromorph_on_ambiguous -> andromorph/ambiguous
unalias ?/am -> andromorph/ambiguous
unalias am/? -> andromorph/ambiguous
unalias ag/am -> andromorph/ambiguous
unalias am/ag -> andromorph/ambiguous
unalias ambiguous_gender/andromorph -> andromorph/ambiguous
unalias andromorph/ambiguous_gender -> andromorph/ambiguous
unalias ambiguous/andromorph -> andromorph/ambiguous
unalias cuntboy_on_ambiguous_gender -> andromorph/ambiguous
unalias cuntboy_on_ambiguous -> andromorph/ambiguous
unalias cuntboy/ambiguous_gender -> andromorph/ambiguous
unalias cuntboy/? -> andromorph/ambiguous
unalias ?/cuntboy -> andromorph/ambiguous
unalias c/a -> andromorph/ambiguous
unalias c/? -> andromorph/ambiguous
unalias ?/c -> andromorph/ambiguous
unalias ambiguous_on_cuntboy -> andromorph/ambiguous
unalias ambiguous_gender_on_cuntboy -> andromorph/ambiguous
unalias ambiguous_gender/cuntboy -> andromorph/ambiguous
unalias ambiguous/cuntboy -> andromorph/ambiguous
unalias cuntboy/ambiguous -> andromorph/ambiguous
unalias female_on_gynomorph -> gynomorph/female

unalias gynomorph_on_female -> gynomorph/female
unalias fm/gm -> gynomorph/female
unalias gm/fm -> gynomorph/female
unalias f/gm -> gynomorph/female
unalias gm/f -> gynomorph/female
unalias d_f -> gynomorph/female
unalias f_d -> gynomorph/female
unalias female_dickgirl -> gynomorph/female
unalias dickgirl_female -> gynomorph/female
unalias female/gynomorph -> gynomorph/female
unalias dickgirl/female -> gynomorph/female
unalias shemale_on_female -> gynomorph/female
unalias female_on_dickgirl -> gynomorph/female
unalias female/dickgirl -> gynomorph/female
unalias f/d -> gynomorph/female
unalias dickgirl_on_female -> gynomorph/female
unalias d/f -> gynomorph/female
unalias herm_on_maleherm -> maleherm/herm
unalias h/mh -> maleherm/herm
unalias mh/h -> maleherm/herm
unalias herm/maleherm -> maleherm/herm
unalias maleherm_on_herm -> maleherm/herm
unalias ambiguous_on_gynomorph -> gynomorph/ambiguous
unalias gynomorph_on_ambiguous -> gynomorph/ambiguous
unalias ?/gm -> gynomorph/ambiguous

unalias gm/? -> gynomorph/ambiguous
unalias ag/gm -> gynomorph/ambiguous
unalias gm/ag -> gynomorph/ambiguous
unalias ambiguous/gynomorph -> gynomorph/ambiguous
unalias dickgirl/ambiguous -> gynomorph/ambiguous
unalias dickgirl_on_ambiguous_gender -> gynomorph/ambiguous
unalias dickgirl_on_ambiguous -> gynomorph/ambiguous
unalias dickgirl/ambiguous_gender -> gynomorph/ambiguous
unalias dickgirl/? -> gynomorph/ambiguous
unalias ?/dickgirl -> gynomorph/ambiguous
unalias d/a -> gynomorph/ambiguous
unalias d/? -> gynomorph/ambiguous
unalias ?/d -> gynomorph/ambiguous
unalias ambiguous_on_dickgirl -> gynomorph/ambiguous
unalias ambiguous_gender_on_dickgirl -> gynomorph/ambiguous
unalias ambiguous_gender/dickgirl -> gynomorph/ambiguous
unalias ambiguous/dickgirl -> gynomorph/ambiguous
unalias a/d -> gynomorph/ambiguous
unalias hermaphrodite/female -> herm/female
unalias h/f -> herm/female
unalias f/h -> herm/female
unalias female/herm -> herm/female
unalias female_on_herm -> herm/female
unalias herm_on_female -> herm/female
unalias mh/mh -> maleherm/maleherm

unalias maleherm_on_maleherm -> maleherm/maleherm
unalias ambiguous/herm -> herm/ambiguous
unalias herm/ambiguous_gender -> herm/ambiguous
unalias ambiguous_gender/herm -> herm/ambiguous
unalias herm_on_ambiguous_gender -> herm/ambiguous
unalias herm_on_ambiguous -> herm/ambiguous
unalias ambiguous_gender_on_herm -> herm/ambiguous
unalias ambiguous_on_herm -> herm/ambiguous
unalias ?/herm -> herm/ambiguous
unalias herm/? -> herm/ambiguous
unalias h/? -> herm/ambiguous
unalias ?/h -> herm/ambiguous
unalias a/h -> herm/ambiguous
unalias h/a -> herm/ambiguous
unalias female_on_maleherm -> maleherm/female
unalias female/maleherm -> maleherm/female
unalias f/mh -> maleherm/female
unalias mh/f -> maleherm/female
unalias maleherm_on_female -> maleherm/female
unalias ambiguous_on_maleherm -> maleherm/ambiguous
unalias ambiguous/maleherm -> maleherm/ambiguous
unalias futanari/futanari -> intersex/intersex
unalias futanari/futa -> intersex/intersex
unalias futa/futanari -> intersex/intersex
unalias futa/futa -> intersex/intersex

unalias herm_on_intersex -> intersex/intersex
unalias herm/intersex -> intersex/intersex
unalias gynomorph_on_intersex -> intersex/intersex
unalias andromorph_on_intersex -> intersex/intersex
unalias andromorph/intersex -> intersex/intersex
unalias cuntboy/intersex -> intersex/intersex
unalias intersex/andromorph -> intersex/intersex
unalias gynomorph/intersex -> intersex/intersex
unalias intersex/gynomorph -> intersex/intersex
unalias intersex/cuntboy -> intersex/intersex
unalias intersex/dickgirl -> intersex/intersex
unalias dickgirl/intersex -> intersex/intersex
unalias i/i -> intersex/intersex
unalias futa_on_futa -> intersex/intersex
unalias intersex_on_intersex -> intersex/intersex
unimply male_penetrating_female -> male/female
unimply female_penetrating_male -> male/female
unimply pegging -> male/female
unimply intersex_penetrating_male -> intersex/male
unimply male_penetrating_intersex -> intersex/male
unimply andromorph/male -> intersex/male
unimply gynomorph/male -> intersex/male
unimply maleherm/male -> intersex/male
unimply herm/male -> intersex/male
unimply andromorph_penetrating_andromorph -> andromorph/andromorph

unimply ambiguous_penetrating_ambiguous -> ambiguous/ambiguous
unimply male_penetrating_male -> male/male
unimply andromorph_penetrating_male -> andromorph/male
unimply male_penetrating_andromorph -> andromorph/male
unimply gynomorph_penetrating_andromorph -> andromorph/gynomorph
unimply andromorph_penetrating_gynomorph -> andromorph/gynomorph
unimply male_penetrating_ambiguous -> male/ambiguous
unimply ambiguous_penetrating_male -> male/ambiguous
unimply female_penetrating_female -> female/female
unimply gynomorph_penetrating_male -> gynomorph/male
unimply male_penetrating_gynomorph -> gynomorph/male
unimply gynomorph_penetrating_gynomorph -> gynomorph/gynomorph
unimply female_penetrating_ambiguous -> female/ambiguous
unimply ambiguous_penetrating_female -> female/ambiguous
unimply herm_penetrating_male -> herm/male
unimply male_penetrating_herm -> herm/male
unimply gynomorph_penetrating_herm -> gynomorph/herm
unimply herm_penetrating_gynomorph -> gynomorph/herm
unimply maleherm_penetrating_male -> maleherm/male
unimply male_penetrating_maleherm -> maleherm/male
unimply herm_penetrating_andromorph -> andromorph/herm
unimply andromorph_penetrating_herm -> andromorph/herm
unimply herm_penetrating_herm -> herm/herm
unimply intersex_penetrating_female -> intersex/female
unimply female_penetrating_intersex -> intersex/female

unimply andromorph/female -> intersex/female
unimply gynomorph/female -> intersex/female
unimply herm/female -> intersex/female
unimply maleherm/female -> intersex/female
unimply maleherm_penetrating_andromorph -> maleherm/andromorph
unimply andromorph_penetrating_maleherm -> maleherm/andromorph
unimply intersex_penetrating_ambiguous -> intersex/ambiguous
unimply ambiguous_penetrating_intersex -> intersex/ambiguous
unimply andromorph/ambiguous -> intersex/ambiguous
unimply gynomorph/ambiguous -> intersex/ambiguous
unimply maleherm/ambiguous -> intersex/ambiguous
unimply herm/ambiguous -> intersex/ambiguous
unimply female_penetrating_andromorph -> andromorph/female
unimply andromorph_penetrating_female -> andromorph/female
unimply maleherm_penetrating_gynomorph -> maleherm/gynomorph
unimply gynomorph_penetrating_maleherm -> maleherm/gynomorph
unimply andromorph_penetrating_ambiguous -> andromorph/ambiguous
unimply ambiguous_penetrating_andromorph -> andromorph/ambiguous
unimply gynomorph_penetrating_female -> gynomorph/female
unimply female_penetrating_gynomorph -> gynomorph/female
unimply maleherm_penetrating_herm -> maleherm/herm
unimply herm_penetrating_maleherm -> maleherm/herm
unimply gynomorph_penetrating_ambiguous -> gynomorph/ambiguous
unimply ambiguous_penetrating_gynomorph -> gynomorph/ambiguous
unimply herm_penetrating_female -> herm/female

unimply female_penetrating_herm -> herm/female
unimply maleherm_penetrating_maleherm -> maleherm/maleherm
unimply herm_penetrating_ambiguous -> herm/ambiguous
unimply ambiguous_penetrating_herm -> herm/ambiguous
unimply maleherm_penetrating_female -> maleherm/female
unimply female_penetrating_maleherm -> maleherm/female
unimply maleherm_penetrating_ambiguous -> maleherm/ambiguous
unimply ambiguous_penetrating_maleherm -> maleherm/ambiguous
unimply intersex_penetrating_andromorph -> intersex/intersex
unimply intersex_penetrating_gynomorph -> intersex/intersex
unimply intersex_penetrating_maleherm -> intersex/intersex
unimply intersex_penetrating_herm -> intersex/intersex
unimply andromorph_penetrating_intersex -> intersex/intersex
unimply gynomorph_penetrating_intersex -> intersex/intersex
unimply herm_penetrating_intersex -> intersex/intersex
unimply intersex_penetrating_intersex -> intersex/intersex
unimply maleherm/andromorph -> intersex/intersex
unimply andromorph/herm -> intersex/intersex
unimply andromorph/andromorph -> intersex/intersex
unimply maleherm/gynomorph -> intersex/intersex
unimply gynomorph/herm -> intersex/intersex
unimply gynomorph/gynomorph -> intersex/intersex
unimply andromorph/gynomorph -> intersex/intersex
unimply herm/herm -> intersex/intersex
unimply maleherm/maleherm -> intersex/intersex

unimply maleherm/herm -> intersex/intersex
unimply male/female -> male
unimply male/female -> female
unimply intersex/male -> intersex
unimply intersex/male -> male
unimply andromorph/andromorph -> andromorph
unimply ambiguous/ambiguous -> ambiguous_gender
unimply male/male -> male
unimply andromorph/male -> male
unimply andromorph/male -> andromorph
unimply andromorph/gynomorph -> andromorph
unimply andromorph/gynomorph -> gynomorph
unimply male/ambiguous -> male
unimply male/ambiguous -> ambiguous_gender
unimply female/female -> female
unimply gynomorph/male -> male
unimply gynomorph/male -> gynomorph
unimply gynomorph/gynomorph -> gynomorph
unimply female/ambiguous -> female
unimply female/ambiguous -> ambiguous_gender
unimply herm/male -> herm
unimply herm/male -> male
unimply gynomorph/herm -> herm
unimply gynomorph/herm -> gynomorph
unimply maleherm/male -> maleherm

unimply andromorph/herm -> herm
unimply andromorph/herm -> andromorph
unimply herm/herm -> herm
unimply intersex/female -> intersex
unimply intersex/female -> female
unimply maleherm/andromorph -> maleherm
unimply maleherm/andromorph -> andromorph
unimply intersex/ambiguous -> intersex
unimply intersex/ambiguous -> ambiguous_gender
unimply andromorph/female -> female
unimply andromorph/female -> andromorph
unimply maleherm/gynomorph -> maleherm
unimply maleherm/gynomorph -> gynomorph
unimply andromorph/ambiguous -> andromorph
unimply gynomorph/female -> female
unimply gynomorph/female -> gynomorph
unimply maleherm/herm -> herm
unimply maleherm/herm -> maleherm
unimply gynomorph/ambiguous -> gynomorph
unimply herm/female -> female
unimply herm/female -> herm
unimply maleherm/maleherm -> maleherm
unimply herm/ambiguous -> herm
unimply maleherm/female -> maleherm
unimply maleherm/ambiguous -> maleherm

unimply intersex/intersex -> intersex

# Sequence point; all previous BURs in chain must be completed by this point

alias male/female -> male_on_female
alias intersex/male -> intersex_on_male
alias andromorph/andromorph -> andromorph_on_andromorph
alias ambiguous/ambiguous -> ambiguous_on_ambiguous
alias male/male -> male_on_male
alias andromorph/male -> andromorph_on_male
alias andromorph/gynomorph -> andromorph_on_gynomorph
alias male/ambiguous -> male_on_ambiguous
alias female/female -> female_on_female
alias gynomorph/male -> gynomorph_on_male
alias gynomorph/gynomorph -> gynomorph_on_gynomorph
alias female/ambiguous -> female_on_ambiguous
alias herm/male -> herm_on_male
alias gynomorph/herm -> gynomorph_on_herm
alias maleherm/male -> maleherm_on_male
alias andromorph/herm -> andromorph_on_herm
alias herm/herm -> herm_on_herm
alias intersex/female -> intersex_on_female
alias maleherm/andromorph -> maleherm_on_andromorph
alias intersex/ambiguous -> intersex_on_ambiguous
alias andromorph/female -> andromorph_on_female
alias maleherm/gynomorph -> maleherm_on_gynomorph
alias andromorph/ambiguous -> andromorph_on_ambiguous
alias gynomorph/female -> gynomorph_on_female
alias maleherm/herm -> maleherm_on_herm

alias gynomorph/ambiguous -> gynomorph_on_ambiguous
alias herm/female -> herm_on_female
alias maleherm/maleherm -> maleherm_on_maleherm
alias herm/ambiguous -> herm_on_ambiguous
alias maleherm/female -> maleherm_on_female
alias maleherm/ambiguous -> maleherm_on_ambiguous
alias intersex/intersex -> intersex_on_intersex
alias male_kissing_female -> male_on_female
alias male_x_female -> male_on_female
alias female_x_male -> male_on_female
alias femalemale -> male_on_female
alias malefemale -> male_on_female
alias female/male/female -> male_on_female
alias femalexmale -> male_on_female
alias malexfemale -> male_on_female
alias f_m -> male_on_female
alias m_f -> male_on_female
alias straigth -> male_on_female
alias mf -> male_on_female
alias m/f/f -> male_on_female
alias male_female -> male_on_female
alias m/m/f -> male_on_female
alias male/female/male -> male_on_female
alias male/female/female -> male_on_female
alias female_on_male -> male_on_female

alias straight -> male_on_female
alias f/m -> male_on_female
alias m/f -> male_on_female
alias m/f/m -> male_on_female
alias heterosexual -> male_on_female
alias female/male -> male_on_female
alias hetero -> male_on_female
alias male/futanari -> intersex_on_male
alias futanari/male -> intersex_on_male
alias male/futa -> intersex_on_male
alias m/i -> intersex_on_male
alias i/m -> intersex_on_male
alias futa/male -> intersex_on_male
alias futa_with_male -> intersex_on_male
alias male/intersex -> intersex_on_male
alias male_on_intersex -> intersex_on_male
alias futa_on_male -> intersex_on_male
alias male_on_futa -> intersex_on_male
alias am/am -> andromorph_on_andromorph
alias andro/andro -> andromorph_on_andromorph
alias cuntboy/cuntboy -> andromorph_on_andromorph
alias cuntboy_on_cuntboy -> andromorph_on_andromorph
alias c/c -> andromorph_on_andromorph
alias cboy/cboy -> andromorph_on_andromorph
alias ambiguous_gender/ambiguous_gender -> ambiguous_on_ambiguous

alias a/a -> ambiguous_on_ambiguous
alias ?/? -> ambiguous_on_ambiguous
alias male_kissing_male -> male_on_male
alias male_top_male_bottom -> male_on_male
alias male_x_male -> male_on_male
alias mlm -> male_on_male
alias malexmale -> male_on_male
alias mm -> male_on_male
alias malemale -> male_on_male
alias homo -> male_on_male
alias male/male/male -> male_on_male
alias gay -> male_on_male
alias malesbian -> male_on_male
alias m/m/m -> male_on_male
alias m/m -> male_on_male
alias male_male -> male_on_male
alias yaoi -> male_on_male
alias male_on_andromorph -> andromorph_on_male
alias am/m -> andromorph_on_male
alias m/am -> andromorph_on_male
alias male_on_pussyboy -> andromorph_on_male
alias male_on_pussy_boy -> andromorph_on_male
alias pussyboy_on_male -> andromorph_on_male
alias pussy_boy_on_male -> andromorph_on_male
alias male/pussyboy -> andromorph_on_male

alias male/pussy_boy -> andromorph_on_male
alias pussyboy/male -> andromorph_on_male
alias pussy_boy/male -> andromorph_on_male
alias male/andromorph -> andromorph_on_male
alias cuntboy/male -> andromorph_on_male
alias m/c -> andromorph_on_male
alias male_on_cuntboy -> andromorph_on_male
alias male/cuntboy -> andromorph_on_male
alias male/cboy -> andromorph_on_male
alias cuntboy_on_male -> andromorph_on_male
alias c/m -> andromorph_on_male
alias cboy/male -> andromorph_on_male
alias gynomorph_on_andromorph -> andromorph_on_gynomorph
alias gm/am -> andromorph_on_gynomorph
alias am/gm -> andromorph_on_gynomorph
alias gynomorph/andromorph -> andromorph_on_gynomorph
alias dickgirl/cuntboy -> andromorph_on_gynomorph
alias shemale_on_cuntboy -> andromorph_on_gynomorph
alias dickgirl_on_cuntboy -> andromorph_on_gynomorph
alias dickgirl/cboy -> andromorph_on_gynomorph
alias d/c -> andromorph_on_gynomorph
alias cuntboy_on_dickgirl -> andromorph_on_gynomorph
alias cuntboy/dickgirl -> andromorph_on_gynomorph
alias c/d -> andromorph_on_gynomorph
alias cboy/dickgirl -> andromorph_on_gynomorph

alias male/? -> male_on_ambiguous
alias ?/male -> male_on_ambiguous
alias male_on_ambiguous_gender -> male_on_ambiguous
alias ambiguous_gender_on_male -> male_on_ambiguous
alias ambiguous_gender/male -> male_on_ambiguous
alias male/ambiguous_gender -> male_on_ambiguous
alias m/? -> male_on_ambiguous
alias ?/m -> male_on_ambiguous
alias a/m -> male_on_ambiguous
alias m/a -> male_on_ambiguous
alias ambiguous_on_male -> male_on_ambiguous
alias ambiguous/male -> male_on_ambiguous
alias female_x_female -> female_on_female
alias wlw -> female_on_female
alias femalexfemale -> female_on_female
alias female_female -> female_on_female
alias girl/girl -> female_on_female
alias lesbian_sex -> female_on_female
alias ff -> female_on_female
alias female/female/female -> female_on_female
alias lesbian -> female_on_female
alias yuri -> female_on_female
alias lesbians -> female_on_female
alias f/f/f -> female_on_female
alias f/f -> female_on_female

alias male_on_gynomorph -> gynomorph_on_male
alias gm/m -> gynomorph_on_male
alias m/gm -> gynomorph_on_male
alias newhalf_with_male -> gynomorph_on_male
alias male/gynomorph -> gynomorph_on_male
alias dickgirl/male -> gynomorph_on_male
alias shemale_on_male -> gynomorph_on_male
alias m/d -> gynomorph_on_male
alias male_on_dickgirl -> gynomorph_on_male
alias male/dickgirl -> gynomorph_on_male
alias d/m -> gynomorph_on_male
alias dickgirl_on_male -> gynomorph_on_male
alias gm/gm -> gynomorph_on_gynomorph
alias dickgirl/dickgirl -> gynomorph_on_gynomorph
alias dickgirl_on_dickgirl -> gynomorph_on_gynomorph
alias d/d -> gynomorph_on_gynomorph
alias ?/female -> female_on_ambiguous
alias female/? -> female_on_ambiguous
alias female/ambiguous_gender -> female_on_ambiguous
alias ambiguous_gender/female -> female_on_ambiguous
alias ambiguous_gender_on_female -> female_on_ambiguous
alias female_on_ambiguous_gender -> female_on_ambiguous
alias ?/f -> female_on_ambiguous
alias f/? -> female_on_ambiguous
alias f/a -> female_on_ambiguous

alias a/f -> female_on_ambiguous
alias ambiguous_on_female -> female_on_ambiguous
alias ambiguous/female -> female_on_ambiguous
alias male/herm -> herm_on_male
alias m/h -> herm_on_male
alias h/m -> herm_on_male
alias male_on_herm -> herm_on_male
alias herm_on_gynomorph -> gynomorph_on_herm
alias h/gm -> gynomorph_on_herm
alias gm/h -> gynomorph_on_herm
alias herm/gynomorph -> gynomorph_on_herm
alias dickgirl/herm -> gynomorph_on_herm
alias herm_on_dickgirl -> gynomorph_on_herm
alias herm/dickgirl -> gynomorph_on_herm
alias h/d -> gynomorph_on_herm
alias dickgirl_on_herm -> gynomorph_on_herm
alias d/h -> gynomorph_on_herm
alias male/maleherm -> maleherm_on_male
alias m/mh -> maleherm_on_male
alias mh/m -> maleherm_on_male
alias herm/andromorph -> andromorph_on_herm
alias herm_on_andromorph -> andromorph_on_herm
alias h/am -> andromorph_on_herm
alias am/h -> andromorph_on_herm
alias herm_on_cuntboy -> andromorph_on_herm

alias herm/cboy -> andromorph_on_herm
alias h/c -> andromorph_on_herm
alias cuntboy_on_herm -> andromorph_on_herm
alias cuntboy/herm -> andromorph_on_herm
alias c/h -> andromorph_on_herm
alias cboy/herm -> andromorph_on_herm
alias herm/cuntboy -> andromorph_on_herm
alias h/h -> herm_on_herm
alias female/futanari -> intersex_on_female
alias female/futa -> intersex_on_female
alias futa/female -> intersex_on_female
alias futanari/female -> intersex_on_female
alias f/i -> intersex_on_female
alias i/f -> intersex_on_female
alias female/intersex -> intersex_on_female
alias female_on_intersex -> intersex_on_female
alias futa_on_female -> intersex_on_female
alias female_on_futa -> intersex_on_female
alias andromorph_on_maleherm -> maleherm_on_andromorph
alias mh/am -> maleherm_on_andromorph
alias am/mh -> maleherm_on_andromorph
alias andromorph/maleherm -> maleherm_on_andromorph
alias maleherm/cuntboy -> maleherm_on_andromorph
alias mh/c -> maleherm_on_andromorph
alias maleherm_on_cuntboy -> maleherm_on_andromorph

alias cuntboy/maleherm -> maleherm_on_andromorph
alias c/mh -> maleherm_on_andromorph
alias a/i -> intersex_on_ambiguous
alias i/a -> intersex_on_ambiguous
alias i/? -> intersex_on_ambiguous
alias ?/i -> intersex_on_ambiguous
alias ?/intersex -> intersex_on_ambiguous
alias intersex/? -> intersex_on_ambiguous
alias intersex/ambiguous_gender -> intersex_on_ambiguous
alias ambiguous_gender/intersex -> intersex_on_ambiguous
alias ambiguous_gender_on_intersex -> intersex_on_ambiguous
alias intersex_on_ambiguous_gender -> intersex_on_ambiguous
alias ambiguous_on_intersex -> intersex_on_ambiguous
alias ambiguous/intersex -> intersex_on_ambiguous
alias female_on_andromorph -> andromorph_on_female
alias fm/am -> andromorph_on_female
alias am/fm -> andromorph_on_female
alias f/am -> andromorph_on_female
alias am/f -> andromorph_on_female
alias female/andromorph -> andromorph_on_female
alias cuntboy/female -> andromorph_on_female
alias female_on_cuntboy -> andromorph_on_female
alias female/cuntboy -> andromorph_on_female
alias female/cboy -> andromorph_on_female
alias f/c -> andromorph_on_female

alias cuntboy_on_female -> andromorph_on_female
alias c/f -> andromorph_on_female
alias cboy/female -> andromorph_on_female
alias gynomorph_on_maleherm -> maleherm_on_gynomorph
alias mh/gm -> maleherm_on_gynomorph
alias gm/mh -> maleherm_on_gynomorph
alias gynomorph/maleherm -> maleherm_on_gynomorph
alias maleherm/dickgirl -> maleherm_on_gynomorph
alias mh/d -> maleherm_on_gynomorph
alias maleherm_on_dickgirl -> maleherm_on_gynomorph
alias d/mh -> maleherm_on_gynomorph
alias dickgirl/maleherm -> maleherm_on_gynomorph
alias ambiguous_on_andromorph -> andromorph_on_ambiguous
alias ?/am -> andromorph_on_ambiguous
alias am/? -> andromorph_on_ambiguous
alias ag/am -> andromorph_on_ambiguous
alias am/ag -> andromorph_on_ambiguous
alias ambiguous_gender/andromorph -> andromorph_on_ambiguous
alias andromorph/ambiguous_gender -> andromorph_on_ambiguous
alias ambiguous/andromorph -> andromorph_on_ambiguous
alias cuntboy_on_ambiguous_gender -> andromorph_on_ambiguous
alias cuntboy_on_ambiguous -> andromorph_on_ambiguous
alias cuntboy/ambiguous_gender -> andromorph_on_ambiguous
alias cuntboy/? -> andromorph_on_ambiguous
alias ?/cuntboy -> andromorph_on_ambiguous

alias c/a -> andromorph_on_ambiguous
alias c/? -> andromorph_on_ambiguous
alias ?/c -> andromorph_on_ambiguous
alias ambiguous_on_cuntboy -> andromorph_on_ambiguous
alias ambiguous_gender_on_cuntboy -> andromorph_on_ambiguous
alias ambiguous_gender/cuntboy -> andromorph_on_ambiguous
alias ambiguous/cuntboy -> andromorph_on_ambiguous
alias cuntboy/ambiguous -> andromorph_on_ambiguous
alias female_on_gynomorph -> gynomorph_on_female
alias fm/gm -> gynomorph_on_female
alias gm/fm -> gynomorph_on_female
alias f/gm -> gynomorph_on_female
alias gm/f -> gynomorph_on_female
alias d_f -> gynomorph_on_female
alias f_d -> gynomorph_on_female
alias female_dickgirl -> gynomorph_on_female
alias dickgirl_female -> gynomorph_on_female
alias female/gynomorph -> gynomorph_on_female
alias dickgirl/female -> gynomorph_on_female
alias shemale_on_female -> gynomorph_on_female
alias female_on_dickgirl -> gynomorph_on_female
alias female/dickgirl -> gynomorph_on_female
alias f/d -> gynomorph_on_female
alias dickgirl_on_female -> gynomorph_on_female
alias d/f -> gynomorph_on_female

alias herm_on_maleherm -> maleherm_on_herm
alias h/mh -> maleherm_on_herm
alias mh/h -> maleherm_on_herm
alias herm/maleherm -> maleherm_on_herm
alias ambiguous_on_gynomorph -> gynomorph_on_ambiguous
alias ?/gm -> gynomorph_on_ambiguous
alias gm/? -> gynomorph_on_ambiguous
alias ag/gm -> gynomorph_on_ambiguous
alias gm/ag -> gynomorph_on_ambiguous
alias ambiguous/gynomorph -> gynomorph_on_ambiguous
alias dickgirl/ambiguous -> gynomorph_on_ambiguous
alias dickgirl_on_ambiguous_gender -> gynomorph_on_ambiguous
alias dickgirl_on_ambiguous -> gynomorph_on_ambiguous
alias dickgirl/ambiguous_gender -> gynomorph_on_ambiguous
alias dickgirl/? -> gynomorph_on_ambiguous
alias ?/dickgirl -> gynomorph_on_ambiguous
alias d/a -> gynomorph_on_ambiguous
alias d/? -> gynomorph_on_ambiguous
alias ?/d -> gynomorph_on_ambiguous
alias ambiguous_on_dickgirl -> gynomorph_on_ambiguous
alias ambiguous_gender_on_dickgirl -> gynomorph_on_ambiguous
alias ambiguous_gender/dickgirl -> gynomorph_on_ambiguous
alias ambiguous/dickgirl -> gynomorph_on_ambiguous
alias a/d -> gynomorph_on_ambiguous
alias hermaphrodite/female -> herm_on_female

alias h/f -> herm_on_female
alias f/h -> herm_on_female
alias female/herm -> herm_on_female
alias female_on_herm -> herm_on_female
alias mh/mh -> maleherm_on_maleherm
alias ambiguous/herm -> herm_on_ambiguous
alias herm/ambiguous_gender -> herm_on_ambiguous
alias ambiguous_gender/herm -> herm_on_ambiguous
alias herm_on_ambiguous_gender -> herm_on_ambiguous
alias ambiguous_gender_on_herm -> herm_on_ambiguous
alias ambiguous_on_herm -> herm_on_ambiguous
alias ?/herm -> herm_on_ambiguous
alias herm/? -> herm_on_ambiguous
alias h/? -> herm_on_ambiguous
alias ?/h -> herm_on_ambiguous
alias a/h -> herm_on_ambiguous
alias h/a -> herm_on_ambiguous
alias female_on_maleherm -> maleherm_on_female
alias female/maleherm -> maleherm_on_female
alias f/mh -> maleherm_on_female
alias mh/f -> maleherm_on_female
alias ambiguous_on_maleherm -> maleherm_on_ambiguous
alias ambiguous/maleherm -> maleherm_on_ambiguous
alias futanari/futanari -> intersex_on_intersex
alias futanari/futa -> intersex_on_intersex

alias futa/futanari -> intersex_on_intersex
alias futa/futa -> intersex_on_intersex
alias herm_on_intersex -> intersex_on_intersex
alias herm/intersex -> intersex_on_intersex
alias gynomorph_on_intersex -> intersex_on_intersex
alias andromorph_on_intersex -> intersex_on_intersex
alias andromorph/intersex -> intersex_on_intersex
alias cuntboy/intersex -> intersex_on_intersex
alias intersex/andromorph -> intersex_on_intersex
alias gynomorph/intersex -> intersex_on_intersex
alias intersex/gynomorph -> intersex_on_intersex
alias intersex/cuntboy -> intersex_on_intersex
alias intersex/dickgirl -> intersex_on_intersex
alias dickgirl/intersex -> intersex_on_intersex
alias i/i -> intersex_on_intersex
alias futa_on_futa -> intersex_on_intersex
imply male_penetrating_female -> male_on_female
imply female_penetrating_male -> male_on_female
imply pegging -> male_on_female
imply intersex_penetrating_male -> intersex_on_male
imply male_penetrating_intersex -> intersex_on_male
imply andromorph_on_male -> intersex_on_male
imply gynomorph_on_male -> intersex_on_male
imply maleherm_on_male -> intersex_on_male
imply herm_on_male -> intersex_on_male

imply andromorph_penetrating_andromorph -> andromorph_on_andromorph
imply ambiguous_penetrating_ambiguous -> ambiguous_on_ambiguous
imply male_penetrating_male -> male_on_male
imply andromorph_penetrating_male -> andromorph_on_male
imply male_penetrating_andromorph -> andromorph_on_male
imply gynomorph_penetrating_andromorph -> andromorph_on_gynomorph
imply andromorph_penetrating_gynomorph -> andromorph_on_gynomorph
imply male_penetrating_ambiguous -> male_on_ambiguous
imply ambiguous_penetrating_male -> male_on_ambiguous
imply female_penetrating_female -> female_on_female
imply gynomorph_penetrating_male -> gynomorph_on_male
imply male_penetrating_gynomorph -> gynomorph_on_male
imply gynomorph_penetrating_gynomorph -> gynomorph_on_gynomorph
imply female_penetrating_ambiguous -> female_on_ambiguous
imply ambiguous_penetrating_female -> female_on_ambiguous
imply herm_penetrating_male -> herm_on_male
imply male_penetrating_herm -> herm_on_male
imply gynomorph_penetrating_herm -> gynomorph_on_herm
imply herm_penetrating_gynomorph -> gynomorph_on_herm
imply maleherm_penetrating_male -> maleherm_on_male
imply male_penetrating_maleherm -> maleherm_on_male
imply herm_penetrating_andromorph -> andromorph_on_herm
imply andromorph_penetrating_herm -> andromorph_on_herm
imply herm_penetrating_herm -> herm_on_herm
imply intersex_penetrating_female -> intersex_on_female

imply female_penetrating_intersex -> intersex_on_female
imply andromorph_on_female -> intersex_on_female
imply gynomorph_on_female -> intersex_on_female
imply herm_on_female -> intersex_on_female
imply maleherm_on_female -> intersex_on_female
imply maleherm_penetrating_andromorph -> maleherm_on_andromorph
imply andromorph_penetrating_maleherm -> maleherm_on_andromorph
imply intersex_penetrating_ambiguous -> intersex_on_ambiguous
imply ambiguous_penetrating_intersex -> intersex_on_ambiguous
imply andromorph_on_ambiguous -> intersex_on_ambiguous
imply gynomorph_on_ambiguous -> intersex_on_ambiguous
imply maleherm_on_ambiguous -> intersex_on_ambiguous
imply herm_on_ambiguous -> intersex_on_ambiguous
imply female_penetrating_andromorph -> andromorph_on_female
imply andromorph_penetrating_female -> andromorph_on_female
imply maleherm_penetrating_gynomorph -> maleherm_on_gynomorph
imply gynomorph_penetrating_maleherm -> maleherm_on_gynomorph
imply andromorph_penetrating_ambiguous -> andromorph_on_ambiguous
imply ambiguous_penetrating_andromorph -> andromorph_on_ambiguous
imply gynomorph_penetrating_female -> gynomorph_on_female
imply female_penetrating_gynomorph -> gynomorph_on_female
imply maleherm_penetrating_herm -> maleherm_on_herm
imply herm_penetrating_maleherm -> maleherm_on_herm
imply gynomorph_penetrating_ambiguous -> gynomorph_on_ambiguous
imply ambiguous_penetrating_gynomorph -> gynomorph_on_ambiguous

imply herm_penetrating_female -> herm_on_female
imply female_penetrating_herm -> herm_on_female
imply maleherm_penetrating_maleherm -> maleherm_on_maleherm
imply herm_penetrating_ambiguous -> herm_on_ambiguous
imply ambiguous_penetrating_herm -> herm_on_ambiguous
imply maleherm_penetrating_female -> maleherm_on_female
imply female_penetrating_maleherm -> maleherm_on_female
imply maleherm_penetrating_ambiguous -> maleherm_on_ambiguous
imply ambiguous_penetrating_maleherm -> maleherm_on_ambiguous
imply intersex_penetrating_andromorph -> intersex_on_intersex
imply intersex_penetrating_gynomorph -> intersex_on_intersex
imply intersex_penetrating_maleherm -> intersex_on_intersex
imply intersex_penetrating_herm -> intersex_on_intersex
imply andromorph_penetrating_intersex -> intersex_on_intersex
imply gynomorph_penetrating_intersex -> intersex_on_intersex
imply herm_penetrating_intersex -> intersex_on_intersex
imply intersex_penetrating_intersex -> intersex_on_intersex
imply maleherm_on_andromorph -> intersex_on_intersex
imply andromorph_on_herm -> intersex_on_intersex
imply andromorph_on_andromorph -> intersex_on_intersex
imply maleherm_on_gynomorph -> intersex_on_intersex
imply gynomorph_on_herm -> intersex_on_intersex
imply gynomorph_on_gynomorph -> intersex_on_intersex
imply andromorph_on_gynomorph -> intersex_on_intersex
imply herm_on_herm -> intersex_on_intersex

imply maleherm_on_maleherm -> intersex_on_intersex
imply maleherm_on_herm -> intersex_on_intersex
imply male_on_female -> male
imply male_on_female -> female
imply intersex_on_male -> intersex
imply intersex_on_male -> male
imply andromorph_on_andromorph -> andromorph
imply ambiguous_on_ambiguous -> ambiguous_gender
imply male_on_male -> male
imply andromorph_on_male -> male
imply andromorph_on_male -> andromorph
imply andromorph_on_gynomorph -> andromorph
imply andromorph_on_gynomorph -> gynomorph
imply male_on_ambiguous -> male
imply male_on_ambiguous -> ambiguous_gender
imply female_on_female -> female
imply gynomorph_on_male -> male
imply gynomorph_on_male -> gynomorph
imply gynomorph_on_gynomorph -> gynomorph
imply female_on_ambiguous -> female
imply female_on_ambiguous -> ambiguous_gender
imply herm_on_male -> herm
imply herm_on_male -> male
imply gynomorph_on_herm -> herm
imply gynomorph_on_herm -> gynomorph

imply maleherm_on_male -> maleherm
imply andromorph_on_herm -> herm
imply andromorph_on_herm -> andromorph
imply herm_on_herm -> herm
imply intersex_on_female -> intersex
imply intersex_on_female -> female
imply maleherm_on_andromorph -> maleherm
imply maleherm_on_andromorph -> andromorph
imply intersex_on_ambiguous -> intersex
imply intersex_on_ambiguous -> ambiguous_gender
imply andromorph_on_female -> female
imply andromorph_on_female -> andromorph
imply maleherm_on_gynomorph -> maleherm
imply maleherm_on_gynomorph -> gynomorph
imply andromorph_on_ambiguous -> andromorph
imply gynomorph_on_female -> female
imply gynomorph_on_female -> gynomorph
imply maleherm_on_herm -> herm
imply maleherm_on_herm -> maleherm
imply gynomorph_on_ambiguous -> gynomorph
imply herm_on_female -> female
imply herm_on_female -> herm
imply maleherm_on_maleherm -> maleherm
imply herm_on_ambiguous -> herm
imply maleherm_on_female -> maleherm

imply maleherm_on_ambiguous -> maleherm
imply intersex_on_intersex -> intersex


Interesting, I knew I didn't like *_on_* but I didn't think that opinion was so widely shared.
Why the push against form_on_form to form/form, though? Keeping the groups separate doesn't make much sense when they're used in exactly the same way, though admittedly the benifit of change would be minor.

scth said:
Interesting, I knew I didn't like *_on_* but I didn't think that opinion was so widely shared.
Why the push against form_on_form to form/form, though? Keeping the groups separate doesn't make much sense when they're used in exactly the same way, though admittedly the benifit of change would be minor.

the only reason I could think of keeping the two seperate is honestly just, well, keeping the two seperate. although the x_on_y format already contains stuff that isn't just the <form>_on_<form>, so even that is a pretty big guess.

the two subsets of tags are largely tagged identically, besides the obvious difference of one being pairings of genders and the other being pairings of forms.

scth said:
Interesting, I knew I didn't like *_on_* but I didn't think that opinion was so widely shared.

gender/gender has been the convention both in and outside of e6. I don't think many would like a change.

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