Topic: [REJECTED] Multiple Spikes Alias

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

FWIW, it did look confusing because in some screens it still showed a number in the post count, making it appear as if there were still some images left under the old tag. But if the old tag is aliased, then that's usually just an illusion, because the tag count in the database was just slightly off/old. Staff can technically force it to update the count, but usually it will eventually update itself. It just looks misleading in the meantime.

In this case, I did update the count manually earlier when I first saw the thread, just to make it easier for everyone to tell what was actually in there. So now it looks a whole lot more obvious those tags are empty, but it was a bit less obvious when OP first suggested it. /small insight into things

furrypickle said:
FWIW, it did look confusing because in some screens it still showed a number in the post count, making it appear as if there were still some images left under the old tag. But if the old tag is aliased, then that's usually just an illusion, because the tag count in the database was just slightly off/old. Staff can technically force it to update the count, but usually it will eventually update itself. It just looks misleading in the meantime.

In this case, I did update the count manually earlier when I first saw the thread, just to make it easier for everyone to tell what was actually in there. So now it looks a whole lot more obvious those tags are empty, but it was a bit less obvious when OP first suggested it. /small insight into things

Yeah, caching issues. They can fix themselves, but it seems it can take up to a year for aliased tags to do so

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