Topic: Magenta is not purple

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Agreed. Even nature, which doesn't normally care about arbitrary human color distinctions, says so; purple is in the rainbow, magenta is not. The entire magenta hue family is "skipped" in rainbows because it's a glitch in human color processing while purple is a distinct wavelength of visible light.

lendrimujina said:
Agreed. Even nature, which doesn't normally care about arbitrary human color distinctions, says so; purple is in the rainbow, magenta is not. The entire magenta hue family is "skipped" in rainbows because it's a glitch in human color processing while purple is a distinct wavelength of visible light.

Violet is in the rainbow but purple, magenta and pink are not

Hmmm. How about magenta and pink, especially the more intense hues of pink? Cooler shades of pink, hot pink, fluorescent pink and opera pink are quite close to magenta.

Or should pink be aliased to magenta?

afanofskulldogs said:
I’d say magenta is more of a pink
Burgundy however…

Magenta is commonly seen as a halfway point between pink and purple, but for classification between the two I'd definitely put it in the pink category over purple.

Really depends on how you define "purple." Going by web colour names, magenta is the same hue as purple, just brighter. I'd say magenta varies between being a hue of purple and a shade of purple. Still, you could argue that it looks different enough to be as distinct as orange and brown.

Magenta used in screen and web development leans to purple, while magenta used in inks and paints leans to pink/red.

alexyorim said:
Magenta used in screen and web development leans to purple, while magenta used in inks and paints leans to pink/red.

colors are so confusing

I say we use the RGB scale, because it somewhat makes sense

cobalt05 said:
colors are so confusing

I say we use the RGB scale, because it somewhat makes sense

If you mean "the " scale you might see in a paint program with RGB sliders, it is not well defined: the values displayed may be measured on a linear or an exponential scale, and may be normalized to the image's color space, the monitor's color space, or some colorspace that the program's authors have nominated as the one it will generally express color values within. This doesn't prevent use of RGB comparison entirely: even with these problems, the extreme points (maximum and minimum) in different RGB spaces are comparable enough.

A quote from ffmpeg's 'selectivecolor' filter docs :

Adjustments for red pixels (pixels where the red component is the maximum)

Adjustments for yellow pixels (pixels where the blue component is the minimum)

Adjustments for green pixels (pixels where the green component is the maximum)

Adjustments for cyan pixels (pixels where the red component is the minimum)

Adjustments for blue pixels (pixels where the blue component is the maximum)

Adjustments for magenta pixels (pixels where the green component is the minimum)

Adjustments for white pixels (pixels where all components are greater than 128)

Adjustments for all pixels except pure black and pure white

Adjustments for black pixels (pixels where all components are lesser than 128)

These kinds of definitions are IMO usable as far as they go. They just can't be extended easily (eg. to 'brown'), you just start having to know something about the specific colorspace in use at that point.

The issue that Alex mentioned is to my knowledge a color gamut issue -- with standard CMYK ink it isn't possible to reproduce the intense magentas that can be displayed on LCD screens.

alphamule said:
Ugh, and colors like indigo are just wrong with some standards.

I think people get confused on what indigo is because it's to the right of blue on the "roygbiv" scale and the definition of "blue" has shifted.

since "blue" used to be closer to our current definition of cyan, but over time it shifted to mean like #0000FF. since "indigo" is to the right of "blue", that must mean indigo is purple, right?

dba_afish said:
I think people get confused on what indigo is because it's to the right of blue on the "roygbiv" scale and the definition of "blue" has shifted.

Darn doppler effect amirite

dba_afish said:
I think people get confused on what indigo is because it's to the right of blue on the "roygbiv" scale and the definition of "blue" has shifted.

Damn, someone radicalised Indigo...

Jokes aside colours are really fucking weird because imagine a colourblind person trying to tag a characters colour

fuyu_graycen said:
Damn, someone radicalised Indigo...

Jokes aside colours are really fucking weird because imagine a colourblind person trying to tag a characters colour

We joked about using a color sampling tool, OR using a relative tool that compares neighboring colors of the entire image ('lighting').

dba_afish said:
...since "indigo" is to the right of "blue", that must mean indigo is purple, right?

Even indigo in its original meaning is dark blue, like denim or this booru's Hexagon theme.

I do think that lighter magentas should be aliased to pink, while darker magentas should be aliased to purple.
Much how, as much as I hate to say it, cyan was aliased to teal.

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