Topic: [BUR] 'Free Use' kink Disambiguation

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #8762 is pending approval.

create alias free_use (1527) -> free_use_(disambiguation) (0)
create alias free_use_(kink) (0) -> free_use_(disambiguation) (0)
create alias free_use_(fetish) (0) -> free_use_(disambiguation) (0)
change category free_use_(disambiguation) (0) -> invalid

Reason: This was initially brought up by CrocGator here

The free use tag currently seems to be split between two uses:

post #4549848

  • Written indicators (signs, bodywriting) that a character is 'free to use'
    • Consent varies
    • Often with character restrained
    • Often aligns with the public use tag

post #3890908

  • Casual sex
    • Consensual, even if not explicitly stated (pre-existing consent)
    • Character usually not restrained
    • Often in public settings, though not always

Posts with the tag seem to align more with the 'free to use' description, though outside E6 the term is more synonymous with 'casual sex'. The wiki acknowledges this With the phrasing, it's understandable why the cross-tagging is occurring.

That's why I'm proposing disambiguation. Posts can be retagged with already existing casual_sex and free_to_use tags in order to differentiate.




Either this, or change the wiki to be only for when "a character is 'free to use'", and cleanup and watch against uses that should be casual_sex. For the latter, aliasing to free_to_use instead of a disambiguation might be a good idea to clarify it's intended use.

Honestly, I'm seeing uses that don't seem to be either casual_sex or free_to_use:
post #4888484
Looks closer to rape to me, at least questionable_consent, not casual or free to use.

post #4887013
Looks like a bondage scenario with an offscreen instigator, neither casual or free to use.

post #4871558
Regular sex, no more casual than any other sex post and no indication of being free to use.

A disambiguation may be the better option.

I think the tag doesn’t need disambiguation?
It should be kept as-is for when there is "Free use" explicitly stated somewhere ex: written onto a character or sign that points to a character.
Here it is written on the thigh.
post #4824267

"Free use" as "casual sex" should be considered as mistags of casual sex.



dimoretpinel said:
I think the tag doesn’t need disambiguation?

Currently the wiki proclaims two distinct uses are valid: "sexual encounters of an extremely casual nature" and "public use images". There's no need for a tag that covers two completely different scenarios (casual_sex and public_use). Incidentally, the original version of the free_use wiki had only the casual_sex definition (which is apparently the intended meaning of the term in other circles), the public_use part was added later.

And given the examples I posted of it being applied to cases that don't look casual or public/free use, it does seem there's enough confusion with the tag to warrant disambiguation.

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