Topic: Remove falsely tagged "Tenno" in warframe posts

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #8748 is pending approval.

mass update tenno -> warframe_(species)

Reason: There are over 1k posts tagged as "tenno" where warframe is present, but not a tenno.
(it may be more effective to update posts with

tenno -human -> warframe_(species)

but I'm not sure how to put that into syntax, if it's possible. If it's not possible, there are few enough actual Tenno posts that they could be manually updated by simply searching for

warframe human

lightningbloom said:

(it may be more effective to update posts with

tenno -human -> warframe_(species)

but I'm not sure how to put that into syntax, if it's possible.

That is not possible to do with BURs, but since there's only 1.2k posts it seems a tag script will be able to do it

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