Topic: Posts keep getting deleted?

Posted under General

im sorry but recently i've noticed ive been having an influx of things being removed from the site that display things such as inhuman traits or being straight up aliens, or humanoid pokemon- but keep getting deleted. im especially baffled because its things that i see normally get a pass, or even more human stuff like link from zelda will get a pass but if i upload an elf, minda, banette, or a humanoid with obvious scales and claws, or humanoid plants it'll get removed? and most of the things i upload are things with species tags too. can i ask if theres a bias here because this feels very inconsistent, esp since i see things on the same level or even more human get approved while mine get deleted? this is becoming an issue because i almost rely soley on e621 for people to even see my artwork in the first place as a smaller artist and having everything that isnt a full anthro mammal/scalie get deleted is getting extremely frustrating and discouraging- especially when i see others getting approved for posting the same thing.

if we go by this logic, then shouldnt everything in the "mega_banette", "midna", and "warframe" tags be deleted as well? everything in the "elf" tag? everything in the "not_furry" tag? my works were tagged correctly too, so i am kind of baffled by my content got deleted when the tags is full of the same exact thing.


Skin color is famously not considered for the "nonhuman" policy, but I've seen that things such as claws, teeth, masks/armor, and circle-heads [such as in your deleted banette post] also are not generally considered for the nonhuman policy- these are things often stylized in art styles and are not considered nonhuman features. Your deleted posts seem to have tread the line of "human" just enough for them to be deleted.
Generally, the "line" is at pointed ears, or otherwise non-human ears[like with elves and midna], and much more obvious and objective artistic features that can't be just chalked up to art style. If your dragon woman had visibly draconic anatomy for her lower arms and legs- or pointy ears- for example, it'd be accepted.

I can't see the images that were deleted but if they're like post #4475432 then it's really borderline. To me that post just looks like tattoos and fluffy hair in a horned/pointed hairstyle, which generally aren't enough to make it non-human. Horned/pointed hairstyles like that can kinda go either way depending on if the person reviewing it thinks it looks enough like ears. Honestly I'm not really sure why this instance got approved.

Stuff like post #4475440 has a visible non-human feature (a knot on a human penis), but if it was cropped it wouldn't qualify.

My personal experience posting humanoid art here is that each moderator seems to have their own creative interpretation of what differentiates a humanoid character from a human character rather than following a specific guideline. I simply can't see a pattern between the artworks that are deleted under the 'Human only' justification and those that are approved.

I believe these problems with humanoid art depend on the interpretation of each moderator could be corrected with a simple guideline: ''To be categorized as humanoid, the character must have a distinct and visible non-human characteristic, such as: pointed ears, tail, horn, fur, scales or other part of the body of an animal, etc. Characters who only have an unrealistic skin color, but have all the characteristics of a human, won't be considered humanoid.''

i guess i can understand from that standpoint then, although i am still rather unsure on the warframe one that got deleted then because the warframe tag has many posts identical to it and it was drawn pretty robot/alien-like as it appears ingame and not humanized

regsmutt said:
I can't see the images that were deleted...

they all have source links, so you can still look at the posts elsewhere.

honestly, I'd agree with the irrelevance decisions on almost all of these, they all seem pretty much just like humans with costumes. the only one I'd argue for is post #4882450, the banette one, I feel like maybe the spiked fingers, but definitely the zipper mouth should be enough for this to be certified not human.

dba_afish said:
they all have source links, so you can still look at the posts elsewhere.

honestly, I'd agree with the irrelevance decisions on almost all of these, they all seem pretty much just like humans with costumes. the only one I'd argue for is post #4882450, the banette one, I feel like maybe the spiked fingers, but definitely the zipper mouth should be enough for this to be certified not human.

I don't have xitter and am not going to subscribe to someone's patreon just to go "Oh yeah that totes doesn't belong here." Seems vaguely rude.

Borderline cases are a pain to deal with. E621 is a furry-oriented archive, so we don't want human-only posts. But many blur the line between what is human and what is non-human so much, that it's difficult to decide. People come here for non-humans, usually anthros and ferals, and many don't want to see humans. Some are even of the opinion that allowing humanoids is too much, but we do have to have a line of acceptability somewhere, even if it's a fuzzy one.

Also remember that e621 goes by TWYS and not what the lore says. We also judge each picture on its own merits, separate from other pictures featuring its characters. It's not always a clear-cut, easy case.

For example, some Pokémon are already frustratingly too humanoid even before the usual anthropomorphosization kicks in. Is that an anthro hatterene or a funny-colored human with a weird hat and hiding their real arms and hands? Is that a Mr. Mime or a regular mime?

What about those robots? Are they really robots or do they look like cyborgs (which often count as human + prosthetic) or humans in armor? Are those lines on the arms and legs really enough to count as robotic?

Is the lack of a mouth on Marvin the Martian and Queen Tyr'ahnee enough to make them relevant (before you ask, the answer is no)? Are those Toads from Super Mario Bros. really mushroom people or just stylized humans with silly hats (It Depends™)? Is that humanoid's ears pointy enough? Is that really a monkey or just a human with big ears? Is that groin shot hairy enough to count as fur or could those just be pubes?

Often it's a judgment call that can vary according to Janitor or Admin. Just remember, it's nothing personal.

If you Dmail and politely ask whoever deleted your upload for relevancy reasons (with the exception of Mairo; go to NotMeNotYou in those cases), you can appeal the deletion or get an explanation of why the staffmember thought it wasn't relevant. If that's unsatisfactory, you're free to escalate to an Admin or NotMeNotYou.



moonlit-comet said:
Skin color is famously not considered for the "nonhuman" policy, but I've seen that things such as claws, teeth, masks/armor, and circle-heads [such as in your deleted banette post] also are not generally considered for the nonhuman policy- these are things often stylized in art styles and are not considered nonhuman features. Your deleted posts seem to have tread the line of "human" just enough for them to be deleted.
Generally, the "line" is at pointed ears, or otherwise non-human ears[like with elves and midna], and much more obvious and objective artistic features that can't be just chalked up to art style. If your dragon woman had visibly draconic anatomy for her lower arms and legs- or pointy ears- for example, it'd be accepted.

So why do other posts that feature actual humans stay up?



clawstripe said:
Borderline cases are a pain to deal with. E621 is a furry-oriented archive, so we don't want human-only posts. But many blur the line between what is human and what is non-human so much, that it's difficult to decide. People come here for non-humans, usually anthros and ferals, and many don't want to see humans. Some are even of the opinion that allowing humanoids is too much, but we do have to have a line of acceptability somewhere, even if it's a fuzzy one.

Also remember that e621 goes by TWYS and not what the lore says. We also judge each picture on its own merits, separate from other pictures featuring its characters. It's not always a clear-cut, easy case.

For example, some Pokémon are already frustratingly too humanoid even before the usual anthropomorphosization kicks in. Is that an anthro hatterene or a funny-colored human with a weird hat and hiding their real arms and hands? Is that a Mr. Mime or a regular mime?

What about those robots? Are they really robots or do they look like cyborgs (which often count as human + prosthetic) or humans in armor? Are those lines on the arms and legs really enough to count as robotic?

Is the lack of a mouth on Marvin the Martian and Queen Tyr'ahnee enough to make them relevant (before you ask, the answer is no)? Are those Toads from Super Mario Bros. really mushroom people or just stylized humans with silly hats (It Depends™)? Is that humanoid's ears pointy enough? Is that really a monkey or just a human with big ears? Is that groin shot hairy enough to count as fur or could those just be pubes?

Often it's a judgment call that can vary according to Janitor or Admin. Just remember, it's nothing personal.

If you Dmail and politely ask whoever deleted your upload for relevancy reasons (with the exception of Mairo; go to NotMeNotYou in those cases), you can appeal the deletion or get an explanation of why the staffmember thought it wasn't relevant. If that's unsatisfactory, you're free to escalate to an Admin or NotMeNotYou.

Why can't they dmail mairo?

erdt said:
So why do other posts that feature actual humans stay up?

Read the Humans and e621 clause in the Uploading Guidelines.

If you find posts with humans and is not relevant to furries at all, then it shouldn't be here.

erdt said:
Why can't they dmail mairo?

Read the Artist Information section of their profile wall.

erdt said:
So why do other posts that feature actual humans stay up?

Messages like this are never really great because they complain about some vague unspecified posts, but regardless of whether the complaint is justified or not, it doesn't actually do anything to advance the dialogue. It doesn't highlight any unworthy posts, and it doesn't clue anybody in as to any potential misunderstandings.
If you think a post was approved in error, point to that post.
If there's something you don't understand about our uploading policies, then you can just ask.

post #5008529
In this post that you uploaded, Shantae has pointed humanoid ears, which are not a standard human anatomical feature. (Technically, Arzette also isn't a human, but her ears aren't visible here.)

post #255530
This post was uploaded before human-only posts were regularly deleted starting in 2015 (see grandfathered), so it wouldn't pass muster today, but it gets to stay on the site as a historical artifact.

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