Topic: [APPROVED] Pups of LiBURty

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #8243 is active.

create implication anne_kennel (153) -> pups_of_liberty (175)
create implication bonejamin_franklin (18) -> pups_of_liberty (175)
create implication debruff_sampson (35) -> pups_of_liberty (175)
create implication john_doxen (3) -> pups_of_liberty (175)
create implication john_kennel (4) -> pups_of_liberty (175)
create implication major_mew (15) -> pups_of_liberty (175)
create implication thomas_fang (1) -> pups_of_liberty (175)
create implication thomas_jefferhound (1) -> pups_of_liberty (175)

Reason: Implying characters to copyright, simple stuff.

EDIT: The bulk update request #8243 (forum #406032) has been approved by @Rainbow_Dash.

Updated by auto moderator