Topic: Dress Shirt BUR

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #8085 is pending approval.

create implication white_dress_shirt (928) -> dress_shirt (10498)
create implication white_dress_shirt (928) -> white_shirt (17319)
create implication red_dress_shirt (97) -> dress_shirt (10498)
create implication red_dress_shirt (97) -> red_shirt (7113)
create implication orange_dress_shirt (12) -> dress_shirt (10498)
create implication orange_dress_shirt (12) -> orange_shirt (1881)
create implication yellow_dress_shirt (29) -> dress_shirt (10498)
create implication yellow_dress_shirt (29) -> yellow_shirt (2839)
create implication green_dress_shirt (48) -> dress_shirt (10498)
create implication green_dress_shirt (48) -> green_shirt (6379)
create implication blue_dress_shirt (146) -> dress_shirt (10498)
create implication blue_dress_shirt (146) -> blue_shirt (8979)
create implication purple_dress_shirt (28) -> dress_shirt (10498)
create implication purple_dress_shirt (28) -> purple_shirt (2894)
create implication pink_dress_shirt (64) -> dress_shirt (10498)
create implication pink_dress_shirt (64) -> pink_shirt (4416)
create implication brown_dress_shirt (10) -> dress_shirt (10498)
create implication brown_dress_shirt (10) -> brown_shirt (1212)
create implication black_dress_shirt (75) -> dress_shirt (10498)
create implication black_dress_shirt (75) -> black_shirt (12759)
create implication grey_dress_shirt (35) -> dress_shirt (10498)
create implication grey_dress_shirt (35) -> grey_shirt (3182)
create implication tan_dress_shirt (14) -> dress_shirt (10498)
create implication tan_dress_shirt (14) -> tan_shirt (569)

Reason: I'm surprised none of these tags have implications to dress_shirts, or shirts in general or to their respective colored clothing.

The bulk update request #8086 is pending approval.

create implication multicolored_dress_shirt (7) -> dress_shirt (10498)
create implication multicolored_dress_shirt (7) -> multicolored_shirt (1900)
create implication two_tone_dress_shirt (7) -> multicolored_dress_shirt (7)
create implication two_tone_dress_shirt (7) -> two_tone_shirt (1161)
create implication rainbow_dress_shirt (0) -> multicolored_dress_shirt (7)
create implication rainbow_dress_shirt (0) -> rainbow_shirt (73)
create implication pride_color_dress_shirt (5) -> dress_shirt (10498)
create implication pride_color_dress_shirt (5) -> pride_color_shirt (299)
create implication striped_dress_shirt (10) -> dress_shirt (10498)
create implication striped_dress_shirt (10) -> striped_shirt (2377)
create implication plaid_dress_shirt (5) -> dress_shirt (10498)
create implication plaid_dress_shirt (5) -> plaid_shirt (828)

Reason: Continued

snpthecat said:
On a more serious note, do we want to have [color]_dress_shirt or alias them away and just use [color]_shirt + dress_shirt

Other shirt types follow this convention, like (black_tank_top implies both tank_top and black_shirt) or (red_t-shirt implies both t-shirt and red_shirt). Separating the tags would mean searches for "white_shirt dress_shirt" might return a post with two characters wearing a brown dress shirt and a white t-shirt. I think [color]_[clothing_subtype] is specific enough without being too specific. It's not as extreme as white_dress_shirt_with_coffee_stain_on_the_right_sleeve_and_lipstick_mark_on_the_collar.

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