Topic: Okay, here's something that annoys me.

Posted under Off Topic

There are certain people you run into on F-list, and I'm not gonna blow up the whole world over this one, mind you, but all the same if these people get ebola and shit themselves to death, then I'm gonna really just laugh.

Well, we've got F-list here, and, well, what do you think of when you think of F-list? Well, let's see. They've got furries, they've got dickgirls, and ERP. Yes, deny it all you want, but we do get online and type-fuck back and forth, and, it might be a sad thing, I don't know, but at least we're not out harpooning dolphins and gang-raping social workers, you know? So, yay for ERP.

And hey. People might think it's weird to roleplay sex online, but shit, they voted for Obama, right? So what the fuck do they know? These are the same people that spent twenty million dollars supporting the AIDS foundation, and two billion dollars watching fucking Avatar. So they can kiss my ass, and go to hell.

So I was ERPing someone online recently. And that means I was pretend fucking, for those of you who don't know. And, there are usually better things to do with my time, sure. But after spending another day on this planet with a few billion assholes who can't tell the difference between gourmet coffee and fucking Starbucks, pretending to rape a five foot tall fox with an eight foot long dick is actually rather liberating, you know? Gurgling shrieks of ultimate suffering always brighten my day, even if they're just pretend.

So I'm ERPing this fox and I'm trying to make this - this is supposed to be fun, right? That's the whole point. I'm not here for charity. This is not a March of Dimes Fuckathon or something. There are no sponsors giving a dollar to some poor diseased wretch for every fox I rip apart with my penis, I'm here for entertainment value, you know?

So I'm trying to help make this fun for everybody. And I'm putting a little effort into this, you know? There's no reason ERP can't be nicely written, right? Nothing with putting a little art into your pretend fucking.

So I type a good four or five lines here describing just how exactly how I'm ramming my vast, throbbing love probe against his lungs, you know? I'm at least attempting to be descriptive here. And now it's the fox's turn, and he goes, "Oh yeah, baby, don't stop."

And that was it. Got a furry love god screwing him to oblivion here and that's all I get. And so, I thought, well, you know, shit, maybe he's hard to impress or something, you know? Maybe he's overdosed on his Prozac. For all I know, this guy could be getting fucked by King Kong every Tuesday night and I'm just a one-inch wonder to him here.

So I try it again, and I write this paragraph, and I'm killing pixies with this shit, it's so nasty. I'm ripping a hole in the ozone, angels falling out of the clouds, dead. This stuff was so detailed, it could have made half the fucking world clinch their assholes shut.

And the fox goes, "Ooh, yeah, fuck me hard."

So it's like, fuck, man, do you have like, two fingers or something? What, are you trying to type with your left nutsack here? I mean, I'm not asking for Charles Dickens, you know, but can we at least move past Debbie Does Dallas? I'm trying to do some decent fucking here!

And he says, "Well, I'm doing the best I can!"

Yeah, well, if that's the best you can do, well, you shouldn't be allowed to fuck. I'm sorry, but you should be gassed before anyone else stuffs their dick into you if that's the best you can do. I'm not here to write a porn novel for you, okay? I need some feedback, you lazy shit.

It never fails. Every time I'm in the mood to play around, I wind up getting some roleplayer whose about as passionate as a bridge game with Jeff Goldblum and it's annoying the shit out of me. Is it too much to bother being a little expressive here? Where's the romance? I might as well be screwing a bucket of dead accountants over here. I mean, how would you like fucking a dead guy with a pull string on his chest? You know, you fuck him for a little bit, you pull the string, "Oh, do me baby. Oh, fuck me harder."

Though I guess it's probably hard to have pretend sex when you've never had any real sex. If you screw the same way in real life as you do online then your dick probably got bored and fell off. Well, you know what? Get off the internet. Okay? Get off and go fuck a real person for once. It'll do you some good, and it'll do me some good too because I won't come away from an ERP session with you feeling like I just tried to fuck a stack of catatonic sushi. Either learn to pretend fuck properly, or for God's sake, stop doing it.

Hey, it's just a stupid trivial thing anyway, right? You won't miss it at all. If you simply can't put a little effort into your ERP, just make a little badge that says "I fuck like Michael Landon" and start an F-list Canasta group or something.

But stop wasting everyone's ERP time, because... well, is ERP the most important thing on the planet or something? I don't know, I just felt like bitching about it, god damn it. So everyone just pretend that I had a good moral lesson at the end, and we'll call it even.

Updated by Moon Moon


Former Staff

This is the best thing I have read in weeks.

Updated by anonymous

Also, strangely enough, the whole part with the fox's responses sounds so incredibly familiar to my ears... Like, I remember actually hearing that line-for-line somewhere, "I need some feedback, you lazy shit", "Well I'm doing the best I can!", I've got it all voiced out in my head. It's so weird...

Could it have been a 2 The Ranting Gryphon rant?

Updated by anonymous

Nice point, too bad that point is lost when plagiarism comes into it.That sucks.
Remember kids, don't plagiarize.

Updated by anonymous

I tried (non-adult) RP in a forum at one point. I don't remember what it was about (it was probably ~10 years ago), but I do remember getting fairly into it for a couple days until I realized that everybody else wrote like crap and that I probably didn't belong there. Eventually I abruptly quit and left to go write on my own. I decided to put together a D&D campaign from scratch and had some fun with my friends instead.

Fast forward to today: I haven't had a job for over a year, and all because I decided to RP in a forum on a certain website. Point is, don't RP on certain websites or you're gonna get burned! Everything above is true, I just felt like making it sound like propaganda. :P

Updated by anonymous

I started reading, but after a bit I scrolled down, saw just how much there was and was like, "nope."

Updated by anonymous

Jugofthat said:
And I think you didn't really type this out yourself.

ayy lmao

I had multiple rps where the other person only replied with /me moans and the likes.

Updated by anonymous

Peekaboo said:
ayy lmao

I had multiple rps where the other person only replied with /me moans and the likes.

this just in

peekaboo has poor taste

more at 10

Updated by anonymous

Peekaboo said:
I never said I finished any of them.
I quit one with /me starts farting and shitting all over you. Hot.

[04/27/2015, 13:19] Xch3l stares blankly in awe and disgust

Updated by anonymous

Stop getting mad over irrelevant things.

Updated by anonymous

Hasn't been the case with ERP since, you know, the internet came out?

Updated by anonymous

I put on my robe and wizard hat.

It's both ironic and sad that the rant is essentially about a lack of effort, yet the OP did little more than reblog the rant. No sourcing, no voicing of original thought, no "hey, I just read this and thought it was great" [link] or [section ]. Heck, the title isn't even original!

Anyway, I feel the same way about various other things, like when giving computer help:


Asking for help, going through a tediously long explaining process, and then saying the troubleshooting process "is too much work" or "too technical"? Isn't that why you asked for help in the first place?!! That's a paddlin'.

Asking for hardware or software advice, but then completely ignoring the advice offered, doing instead what you were originally going to do, especially after being told that was a poor decision? Validation was more important than the helpers' goodwill, expertise, and time. That's a paddlin'.

Asking for troubleshooting advice but too afraid to perform any changes without 10 minutes of reassurance and another 10 of explanation per action? Your lack of faith is disturbing. You're goddamn right that's a paddlin'.

Receiving help, but blaming the helper and quitting after the first setback, even though the helper warned that something like that could happen and had the presence of mind to offer contingency instructions beforehand? Whose mess was this again and who asked whom for help? Who's paddlin' whom here?!

Using a *nix operating system, running into issues, complaining about the issues at every opportunity, but lacking the competence to investigate and correct said issues and still refusing to get Windows? Can't help the unwilling. Oh my god--a paddlin'.

Constantly needing help with the simplest of tasks, receiving the help with clear explanations and step-by-step, hands-on instructions, but too disinterested in learning to retain any of that information? During issue the first: "What's a browser?" "[Firefox]." Twenty minutes later, during issue the second: "Open your browser." "What's a browser?" Fuuuuuuck!] Paddles were had.

Updated by anonymous

So you just copy-pasted the rant from the following link and edited it a bit?


EDIT: Someone already figured this out, oh well I'm keeping my response here anyway.

Updated by anonymous

Peekaboo said:
The pizza one made me cough up my coffee from laughter.

The "I pop like 16 boners" one was the best.

Though, to date, the best thing I ever heard from a sex-RP was actually on Runescape. A friend of mine wrong-chatted a message to the guild along the lines of eating someone and turning them into a sentient poo-golem sex-slave.

Updated by anonymous

I will admit, I am quite keen on erotic roleplay >.> And I've never really minded how well the other person types, I'm mostly focussed on keeping my own typing up to a good standard :3

Updated by anonymous

Jugofthat said:
And I think you didn't really type this out yourself.

Goozely said:
Nice point, too bad that point is lost when plagiarism comes into it.That sucks.
Remember kids, don't plagiarize.

Cutedementia said:
So you just copy-pasted the rant from the following link and edited it a bit?


EDIT: Someone already figured this out, oh well I'm keeping my response here anyway.

>he's a furry
>on the internet
>in 2015
>he doesn't know how copypasta works
>he thinks changing the words of a funny anon post is plagiarism
>he feels a compulsory urge to crusade against any perceived injustice he finds on a cartoon animal porn forum
>he's not even a mod
>he does it for free

Updated by anonymous

Catachan said:
>he thinks changing the words of a funny anon post is plagiarism

plagiarism: the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.

so just because its something an anonymous poster said/typed it, its ok? sorry, that still sounds wrong to me.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
plagiarism: the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.

so just because its something an anonymous poster said/typed it, its ok? sorry, that still sounds wrong to me.

It's more meme copypasta than plagiarism. It was never meant to be passed off as their own writing but as a form of satire geared towards making fun of bad RPing. Besides the semi-trollish way that copypasta misleads people, it's not intended to be taken at face value.

As another example, here's one for linguistics nerds:

Navy seal copypasta

And what are your fucking qualifications, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class at UCLA, I'm fluent in French, conversational in Spanish, German and Italian, and I’ve studied Greek and Latin for over a decade, and Sanskrit, Hittite and Old Irish for several years. I have six years of historical linguistics under my belt and write in English for a living. You are nothing to me but just another pussyfooted kumbayah-singing descriptivist. I will call you the fuck out with precision the likes of which is only attainable in a highly-inflecting synthetic classical literary language – mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my highly-esteemed network of colleagues across academia and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that clearly and elegantly wipes out the pathetic little thing you call “descriptivism”. It’s fucking over, kid. I can refute any argument, in any language, and I can do it in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my ability to switch around word order for art and emphasis. Not only am I extensively trained in philology and grammar, but I have access to the entire archives of the UCLA Linguistic Corpora and I will use it to its full extent to send you back to your own defensive hardcore descriptivist corner where anything goes. If only you could have known what an embarrassing confutation your dumbed-down little comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will run circles around you in Latin and Sanskrit, and there’s nothing that can be said in nearly inflection-free, overly circumlocutory modern English that can stop me. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

This particular piece does a nice job of making fun of descriptivism (a major framework in linguistic theory) and is so completely over-the-top and ridiculous that 99% of the people who read it would say "There's no fucking way this person is serious enough to write all this"... but at the same time might also think that there probably is someone out there who would.

Then you have the 1%, the people who "fall for it". The 1% who treat it as if it's a real argument. The 1% who might spend an hour or two ridiculing themselves trying to fight an straw man seemingly built just for them, only to come to find it's all just a copypasta meme, and none of it matters.

That's the beauty of satire.

Updated by anonymous

Catachan said:
>he's a furry
>on the internet
>in 2015
>he doesn't know how copypasta works
>he thinks changing the words of a funny anon post is plagiarism
>he feels a compulsory urge to crusade against any perceived injustice he finds on a cartoon animal porn forum
>he's not even a mod
>he does it for free

>catachan was right again


Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
[Navy seal copypasta]

This particular piece does a nice job of making fun of descriptivism (a major framework in linguistic theory) and is so completely over-the-top and ridiculous that 99% of the people who read it would say "There's no fucking way this person is serious enough to write all this"... but at the same time might also think that there probably is someone out there who would.

Then you have the 1%, the people who "fall for it". The 1% who treat it as if it's a real argument. The 1% who might spend an hour or two ridiculing themselves trying to fight an straw man seemingly built just for them, only to come to find it's all just a copypasta meme, and none of it matters.

That's the beauty of satire.

Glad I read it here, because I was starting to get a bit fed up even knowing that it was just an example (guess I'm on the bordering 1% :/ )

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
It's more meme copypasta than plagiarism. It was never meant to be passed off as their own writing but as a form of satire geared towards making fun of bad RPing. Besides the semi-trollish way that copypasta misleads people, it's not intended to be taken at face value.

As another example, here's one for linguistics nerds:

Navy seal copypasta

And what are your fucking qualifications, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class at UCLA, I'm fluent in French, conversational in Spanish, German and Italian, and I’ve studied Greek and Latin for over a decade, and Sanskrit, Hittite and Old Irish for several years. I have six years of historical linguistics under my belt and write in English for a living. You are nothing to me but just another pussyfooted kumbayah-singing descriptivist. I will call you the fuck out with precision the likes of which is only attainable in a highly-inflecting synthetic classical literary language – mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my highly-esteemed network of colleagues across academia and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that clearly and elegantly wipes out the pathetic little thing you call “descriptivism”. It’s fucking over, kid. I can refute any argument, in any language, and I can do it in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my ability to switch around word order for art and emphasis. Not only am I extensively trained in philology and grammar, but I have access to the entire archives of the UCLA Linguistic Corpora and I will use it to its full extent to send you back to your own defensive hardcore descriptivist corner where anything goes. If only you could have known what an embarrassing confutation your dumbed-down little comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will run circles around you in Latin and Sanskrit, and there’s nothing that can be said in nearly inflection-free, overly circumlocutory modern English that can stop me. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

This particular piece does a nice job of making fun of descriptivism (a major framework in linguistic theory) and is so completely over-the-top and ridiculous that 99% of the people who read it would say "There's no fucking way this person is serious enough to write all this"... but at the same time might also think that there probably is someone out there who would.

Then you have the 1%, the people who "fall for it". The 1% who treat it as if it's a real argument. The 1% who might spend an hour or two ridiculing themselves trying to fight an straw man seemingly built just for them, only to come to find it's all just a copypasta meme, and none of it matters.

That's the beauty of satire.

Oh, 4chan.

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
Navy seal copypasta

Since when has the US been recruiting pinnipeds?

Capitalization matters!

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
plagiarism: the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.

passing them off as one's own.


Updated by anonymous

Implying you made a thread titled "Okay, here's something that annoys me" and expected us to not think this was a personal anecdote.

Look. You got caught. You're just digging yourself deeper here

Updated by anonymous

Ozelot said:
Stop getting mad over irrelevant things.

Ain't that just the most ironic thing.

Updated by anonymous

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