Topic: When to tag domestic_rabbit vs rabbit?

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

When do you tag domestic_rabbit vs rabbit? The wiki pages do not clearly say what the difference is. From what I could gather, domestic_rabbit implicates oryctolagus, which is the only difference between those tags. Unfortunately I do not understand any of the more technical species tags, the wiki pages do not explain it easily as well. Can someone please help? 😅

Edit: For my specific uses I mostly want to tag anthro characters. In the kemono category.

I’d like to know too. There’s a bunch of breed categories under it like lop_rabbits, none of which are explained much.
I don’t think I’ve ever been tagging them beyond just plain "rabbit."

Rabbits are a taxonomic group consisting of all species in the Leporidae family except for the Lepus genus (which contains hares and jackrabbits)

The domestic rabbit is the domesticated form of the european rabbit, similar to how domestic rats (also called fancy rats) are the domesticated form of the brown rat.
There are a bunch of human-created breeds of domestic rabbit, just like there are a bunch of dog breeds and cat breeds and horse breeds.

Basically, rabbit is fine unless the artist specifically intended the character to be a certain species of rabbit or you can identify it by sight as a certain species of rabbit.

wandering_spaniel said:
or you can identify it by sight as a certain species of rabbit.

Well, that’s the problem.
I have no idea what characteristics would make a rabbit one of these, and the wikis provide no advice in that regard.

donteven said:
Well, that’s the problem.
I have no idea what characteristics would make a rabbit one of these, and the wikis provide no advice in that regard.

Most rabbits are kinda grey-brown things without markings. Some have shorter or rounder ears but once you take style into consideration this point is moot. Unless it's a Sumatran striped rabbit (distinctive markings), or a lop-eared domestic or you're a lagomorph expert you aren't going to be able to id most rabbit species.

donteven said:
Well, that’s the problem.
I have no idea what characteristics would make a rabbit one of these, and the wikis provide no advice in that regard.

That's fine, just don't worry about it then, tag as rabbit. Most of the time the artist doesn't intend it to be any particular species anyway, just a generic bunny

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