Topic: Ow, My “Bwain”

Posted under General

Is it weird if I genuinely want the mods to add a setting to have this year round? This is Lowkey really funny and I don’t use this site that often anyways, I’d enjoy an option to just always have comments look like this to me.

jazzythegirlie said:
Is it weird if I genuinely want the mods to add a setting to have this year round? This is Lowkey really funny and I don’t use this site that often anyways, I’d enjoy an option to just always have comments look like this to me.

you should be able to use ?fool=true after the end of the event to continue getting the text filter.

*Wheeze laughing* I fucking love it! Oooh, i love it. I love it...fuck the comment sections are hilarious with this i hope it gets popular enough that its an option from now on.

In West Fiwwie Dewwuphia, born and waised, on duh pway-gwound ish whewe I spent mosta mai daysh.

Chiwwin' out, maxin', we-waxin' aww coowu

And shewtin' summ B-Bawwu, outsida da skoowu

When a kupwu uh guysh, who wewe up tew no gud

Stawtid makin' twubble in mai neybuwhood

I gawt in wun widdle faito and mai mommah gawt skaywud

She sed "yuow moovin' wiff yuow auntie and unkuwu in Bewwu-Aywuh.

I puwud up to a howwse uhbowt sebbin' owuh eight

And I yewwud tew da cabbie "yo howomes, smewwu yew latuwh!"

I wooked at mai Kingdumb, I wuz finawwie daywuh

To sit on my thwone, as dah Fwesh Pwince UvU Bewwu-Aywuh.


veruke_assault said:
In West Fiwwie Dewwuphia, born and waised, on duh pway-gwound ish whewe I spent mosta mai daysh.

Chiwwin' out, maxin', we-waxin' aww coowu

And shewtin' summ B-Bawwu, outsida da skoowu

When a kupwu uh guysh, who wewe up tew no gud

Stawtid makin' twubble in mai neybuwhood

I gawt in wun widdle faito and mai mommah gawt skaywud

She sed "yuow moovin' wiff yuow auntie and unkuwu in Bewwu-Aywuh.

I puwud up to a howwse uhbowt sebbin' owuh eight

And I yewwud tew da cabbie "yo howomes, smewwu yew latuwh!"

I wooked at mai Kingdumb, I wuz finawwie daywuh

To sit on my thwone, as dah Fwesh Pwince UvU Bewwu-Aywuh.


Oh my god, this update is driving me crazy (╯UwU)╯︵ ┻━┻

veruke_assault said:
Fwuffy pwoe-knee be gud mommi tew da babbiez....

Mommi gib pwoe-knee babbiez wotza miwwkiez.

in fluffspeak "mommy" and variants usually refer to the female owners of a fluffy pony, while the word for actual mothers is "mummah". if also, I'm not sure I've ever seen one use the term "pony" to refer to themselves or others it's usually just "fwuffy".

I think I might've heard "wotza" before, but in most cases large quantities and large intensities are usually just "big". "big miwkies", "big owwies", etc.

you did get the way a fluffy would refer to itself just about right, though. instead of using personal pronouns ("I") a fluffy will always refer to it's role or name (whichever is most important to it at the moment), if the fluffy lacks either will default to just "fwuffy". it would make sense for, part-way through speaking, that it wants to refer to itself as a mother rather than just a fluffy if it's expecting foals (or just getting lost in a fantasy).


sipothac said:
in fluffspeak "mommy" and variants usually refer to the female owners of a fluffy pony, while the word for actual mothers is "mummah". if also, I'm not sure I've ever seen one use the term "pony" to refer to themselves or others it's usually just "fwuffy".

I think I might've heard "wotza" before, but in most cases large quantities and large intensities are usually just "big". "big miwkies", "big owwies", etc.

you did get the way a fluffy would refer to itself just about right, though. instead of using personal pronouns ("I") a fluffy will always refer to it's role or name (whichever is most important to it at the moment), if the fluffy lacks either will default to just "fwuffy". it would make sense for, part-way through speaking, that it wants to refer to itself as a mother rather than just a fluffy if it's expecting foals (or just getting lost in a fantasy).

Twank yew fuwu dish wunnduwufu wectuwu on dah innew detwaiwus uv teh fwuffy pwoknyeez!!! I wiwwie uhpweesheeaytid it!! ^.^

sipothac said:
you should be able to use ?fool=true after the end of the event to continue getting the text filter.

sorry to bother you but how would i go about doing this?

Wow, it looks like I made the right decision to stay off the site and the internet in general this year for April 1st

...again. (Third year running, for me)

poontang said:
It's funny to see the downvotes on comments with the UwU speech hehe

I don't, to be quite honest.

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