Topic: Uncompressed E621 Mirror (browser extension)

Posted under e621 Tools and Applications

Uncompressed E621 Mirror

Have you ever come across an artist with amazing work, but they only upload to sites that have unfavorable compression or other undesirable changes to the source image? Wouldn't it just be amazing if the artist could just send you their entire hi-res gallery? This extension hopes to bridge that gap. By intercepting image uploads as they're happening, we can clone the full resolution file directly and maintain full quality.

One big problem

Well, in order for this to work, the artist needs the extension, otherwise how can we possibly intercept the upload? Which is the entire point of this post: outreach. If you are an artist, or handle uploads for an artist, or want to, send them this forum post, and see if you can convince them to use the extension. The entire goal of this project is to increase the quality of the art on this site which should be what everyone wants.


Chrome webstore:
Firefox add-on: Since firefox decided that this extension would not be popular enough to host on their store (which is kinda true), they told me to self host it after they signed it.

So if you're on firefox and want to download the add-on, click here this should attempt to download the latest version of the addon to firefox.

Also, and this is extremely important firefox does not allow access to sites by default making the add-on pointless. Make sure when you download to go to your addons, find "Uncompressed E621 Mirror," click on it, then click "Permissions" and enable the sites you want the addon to be allowed to mirror from.


Supported site list

- Twitter (presently X)
- BlueSky
- FurAffinity
- DeviantArt
- ArtStation
- Instagram

If you have any ideas, let me know.

You're an artist

If you are an artist, you MUST obtain a key from me. You can do so by sending me a DMAIL by clicking here, or contacting me on discord @ tarrgon.. DMAIL is faster, and recommended.

You need a key so I can link your uploads to your account and source the art properly. In the message body, include some links to places where I can find you, twitter, deviantart, furaffinity, etc.

Files above 100mb are not sent to the server as e621's max file size is 100mb.

Where to put the key?

On chrome:
1. Go to your extensions (chrome://extensions)
2. Find "Uncompressed E621 Mirror" and click "Details"
3. Scroll down until you see "Extension options" and click it
4. Where it says "KEY" paste the key I give you
5. Click save

On firefox:
1. Go to your addons (about:addons)
2. Find "Uncompressed E621 Mirror" and click the 3 dots to the right of the toggle switch
3. Click options
4. Where it says "KEY" paste the key I give you
5. Click save

Common concerns

What if I want only a specific person to be able to upload?

Well good news, have that specific person message me to become an uploader and they can share their public key to you. You copy and paste this public key into the allowed uploaders section of the options menu.

If you leave this section blank, anyone with access to the service can upload your content. This allows you to set specific people to be allowed to upload or access your files.


Intercepting uploads is the one and only intent of this project, which I agree sounds very sketchy. So here's a full rundown on what's going on. When you are on one of the sites that are supported and you have image content upload ready to go, you'll find somewhere next to whatever the post or submit button is a button that says "Mirror (ON)" or "Mirror (OFF)". While it says "Mirror (ON)" any image content you are uploading will be sent to a webserver where it will wait to be tagged and uploaded (and potentially converted to webm if your file is an mp4, though this process isn't automated and requires technical knowledge from the uploader). No text content you post is saved anywhere. And no images are saved while mirroring is off. Mirroring will remain off until you click the button again on any site.

The full source of the extension can be found here:

You can also read the (very brief) privacy policy there:


Unfortunately there's no way around this, you're uploading the file twice which means doubling your bandwidth usage while mirroring is on. Though with the average bandwidth the average person uses a day, this will amount to essentially nothing.

You're an uploader

If you're an uploader, you must also obtain a key from me. You can do so by sending me a DMAIL by clicking here, or contacting me on discord @ tarrgon..

This is required because in the inevitable case where an artist makes a mistake and mirrors something they don't wish to be mirrored, I don't want just anyone to be able to be grabbing the images. This also assures that I can monitor the quality of the tagging on the posts, as I would like for them to be top notch examples for other uploaders.

You will need to find the proper source of the file, as the extension has no way to find the post. There will be a url to the artist's account where ever they uploaded (or if unavailable, it will state "site name/artist name"), and a list of other potential sources.

You will receive a public key from me that you can give to artists in the event that they only want you to upload their content. If an artist sets your key in their allowed uploaders, only you will be able to access their files and content.

Where can I find the files when I have the key?

Currently, the only way to get access to the files is on my visual tagger project. There may be different ways in the future.

When you get on to visual tagger, scroll all the way down, and paste the key I gave you after "Middleman API Key"

Then all you have to do from there is put middleman (you're the middleman) in the search bar ( or click here ). You can also add an artist's e621 tag to the search text to search for content from only that artist.

If you plan on uploading the files from visual tagger, you must provide your e621 username and api key in their respective fields.

Important note

E621 does not accept mp4 files, however mp4 is the more common uploaded file type just from popularity. Re-encoding these files needs to be done on a case-by-case basis and any automated solution would lose quality, or be overly inflated in file size. Due to this, the tagger will not allow you to upload these files, though you will be able to download them by right clicking and pressing "Save video as". You can still tag them on the site and use the copy tag functionality to copy your tags to e6.

There may also be files that don't adhere to the standards on the site, or ones that just aren't applicable to the site, you can just click the delete button on these files to mark them as deleted.

Bugs and issues

You may report bugs either on the github, to me through dmail, or on discord @ tarrgon..


Now supports Instagram as well.

And just to reiterate, if you know of any artists that you think would benefit from this, don't hesitate to send them my way, I will reach out to them, and just ask if they're interested if you don't want to. If you are an artist that wants this service (and do not currently upload your own full-res files, but wouldn't mind them being released), reach out to me. This is free, I just want to see the best copies on this site rather than compressed versions.

alphamule said:
I've seen some artists that use PostyBirb, as well.

The main issue with PostyBirb is that it actually posts directly to e6, which usually ends up with lackluster tagging, and (sometimes, depends on where it's uploaded to) improper sourcing. It also means that if the artist is not active on e6 they cannot respond to moderation dmails. Which is a problem when they aren't following the rules because of bad tagging. This just mirrors it to a database waiting to be uploaded by a user who will put the time into tagging it and sourcing it.

Tbh, I wouldn't mind integrating this to PostyBirb and working something with them so I can give artists the option in there to upload to this instead of e6 directly. But it can't exactly be default since there are some that do use PostyBirb correctly, and everything looks good. Just my personal experience, even before I was a janitor, was that PostyBirb caused some pain points. Furthermore, PostyBirb doesn't make a whole lot of sense for artists that upload to just one place, so they'd be less likely to use it. This works directly in the browser and mirrors when you click the "post" or "share" button on whatever site you're on that it supports, so you could use one site, or every site, and it'd work just the same.

This tool now has support for PostyBirb v3 custom accounts.

It's very simple to set up:
- Create a new custom account
- Click login to bring up the custom settings
- As the file url, copy and paste this:
- For Description Parsing Type, click on Plain Text
- Under Headers, on the left side set Header 1 to: Authorization, and on the right, paste your key.

Again, to get a key, you can DMAIL me by clicking here

Also, artists can now set specific uploaders that have access to their content. In the extension settings, a new setting called "Allowed Uploaders" has been added. This is a space-separated list of public ids uploaders can give you. When present, only they will be able to access your images. If blank, anyone can upload the images.

This is currently not settable with PostyBirb, however if you set it up in the extension, it will work for PostyBirb. I may make an update in the future that allows artists to provide it as a header.

If you're using this, please disable uploading to e6 from PostyBirb (otherwise you'll be submitting duplicates). This is essentially a middleman handoff. If you are uploading with proper tags, then this is should not be used. But if you're uploading with minimal tagging, or trying to support multiple tagging systems with one upload, just to get it to everywhere, then please do use this.
