Topic: [APPROVED] Rams are sheep BUR

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #7072 is active.

remove alias ram (0) -> caprine (115129)

Reason: This alias was made 9 years ago with the logic that taggers would mistag goats as sheep if it was aliased to sheep, even though "ram" refers strictly to male sheep.

However, I rarely, if ever, see goats mistagged as sheep. On the other hand, I see sheep, especially with horns, either mistagged as goats or only tagged caprine constantly.

If you look at caprine -sheep -goat -undertale_(series) -pokemon you'll see there's a lot more untagged sheep than goats, most of which being rams or at least having horns.

Part 2:
alias ram -> sheep

I also just made a tagging project for caprines.

EDIT: The bulk update request #7072 (forum #395501) has been approved by @Rainbow_Dash.

Updated by auto moderator

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