Topic: Tag implication: bandage_on_face -> Bandage

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #6867 is active.

create implication band-aid_on_face (2140) -> bandage_on_face (4214)

Reason: Since band-aid already implies bandage, band-aid_on_face should imply bandage_on_face. This implication and the one suggested above will complete (what I decided to call) the "implication diamond":

*               ↗ bandage_on_face ↘
*band-aid_on_face                bandage
*               ↘      band-aid    ↗

EDIT: The bulk update request #6867 (forum #393338) has been approved by @slyroon.

Updated by auto moderator

crocogator said:
The bulk update request #6867 is active.

create implication band-aid_on_face (2140) -> bandage_on_face (4214)

Reason: Since band-aid already implies bandage, band-aid_on_face should imply bandage_on_face. This implication and the one suggested above will complete (what I decided to call) the "implication diamond":

*               ↗ bandage_on_face ↘
*band-aid_on_face                bandage
*               ↘      band-aid    ↗ 

I'm just imagining you presenting this to an office meeting room full of snappily dressed E6 users all gathered around a table watching as you draw this out on a whiteboard, and for that alone this gets my complete and total support.


bandage_on_nose has been aliased to nose_bandage, so if we want to continue the naming system for band-aid/bandage_on_nose we should reverse the alias

BUR if we want to keep nose_bandage as is, and not reverse the alias

implicate nose_bandage -> bandage_on_face
implicate band-aid_on_nose -> nose_bandage
