Topic: [BUR] Generalize tied_hair

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #6798 is pending approval.

create implication hair_bun (6769) -> tied_hair (5268)
create implication hair_buns (375) -> tied_hair (5268)
create implication pigtails (15837) -> tied_hair (5268)
create implication ponytail (62820) -> tied_hair (5268)

Reason: tied_hair is a tag that could get more use, all of those hairstyle feature tied hair by definition so tied_hair could become an umbrella term for all tied hairstyles.

That way, tied_hair could more prominently become the general tag for edge cases/more esoteric hairstyles that feature tied hair that aren't quite one of the main hairstyles.

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