Topic: Tag Alias: eyes_half-closed -> half-closed_eyes

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Oh yeah, I completely forgot about squint. Not a tag that tend to use myself, because it seems to overlap with half-closed_eyes..

(Edited the OP to fix that suggestion.)

Updated by anonymous

Approved alias eyes_half-closed -> half-closed_eyes

Also approved the following:

I would have went with everything -> squinting instead, but squint seemed to be the most used tag, which surprised me. If we still think it's worth reversing the alias to squinting it's easy enough to do now that everything's all on one tag. I'm still open to this option.

Aliases eyes_squinting, squinting_eyes and squinted_eyes -> squint denied since they aren't being used. There are always going to be a number of different combinations of words and grammatical variations that can potentially be used as a tag. It's usually better to try to focus on the ones that are being used rather than hypothetical ones.

One exception to this is for when there are huge tag changes such as the straight -> male/female, etc. ones where preemptively aliasing things like male_on_female is a good idea since they are likely to get tagged in the future (partially due to the old herm_on_male, etc. tags).

Updated by anonymous

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