Topic: *_rape -> *_raping + implications BUR

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #6200 is pending approval.

create alias male_rape (3946) -> male_raping (21) # duplicate of has blocking transitive relationships, cannot be applied through BUR
create alias female_rape (1483) -> female_raping (0)
create alias ambiguous_rape (31) -> ambiguous_raping (0)
create alias intersex_rape (29) -> intersex_raping (0)
create alias gynomorph_rape (120) -> gynomorph_raping (0)
create alias herm_rape (0) -> herm_raping (0)
create alias andromorph_rape (13) -> andromorph_raping (0)
create alias maleherm_rape (0) -> maleherm_raping (0)
create alias human_rape (115) -> human_raping (0)
create alias humanoid_rape (41) -> humanoid_raping (0)
create alias anthro_rape (49) -> anthro_raping (134)
create alias feral_rape (175) -> feral_raping (0)
create alias taur_rape (0) -> taur_raping (0)
create alias young_rape (73) -> young_raping (0) # duplicate of has blocking transitive relationships, cannot be applied through BUR
create alias older_rape (362) -> younger_raped (587)
create alias older_raping (0) -> younger_raped (587)
create alias younger_rape (25) -> older_raped (28)
create alias younger_raping (0) -> older_raped (28)
create alias larger_rape (582) -> smaller_raped (245)
create alias larger_raping (0) -> smaller_raped (245)
create alias smaller_rape (0) -> larger_raped (0)
create alias smaller_raping (0) -> larger_raped (0)

Reason: BUR #6205 (further down in the thread) needs to be done first.

The *_rape tags are currently defined and used as referring to the character doing the raping. From a cursory glance these seem to be well-enforced, without too many mistags. However, they are named really poorly in my opinion, as their meaning is ambiguous without looking at the wiki. This BUR would bring them in line with the way we handle penetration, a parallel case (male_penetrating and male_penetrated rather than male_penetration and male_penetrated).

Older/younger and larger/smaller are simple dichotomies, making older_raping synonymous with younger_raped; again, these aliases are handled the same way they are for penetration.

The subsequent BURs in this thread will be setting up basic implications for the *_raping and *_raped tags.

I'm not touching the x_raping_y tags right now, those are a whole 'nother can of worms.


The bulk update request #6201 is pending approval.

create implication male_raping (21) -> rape (48850)
create implication male_raping (21) -> male (2567983)
create implication male_raped (1763) -> rape (48850)
create implication male_raped (1763) -> male (2567983)
create implication female_raping (0) -> rape (48850)
create implication female_raping (0) -> female (2605739)
create implication female_raped (3418) -> rape (48850)
create implication female_raped (3418) -> female (2605739)
create implication ambiguous_raping (0) -> rape (48850)
create implication ambiguous_raping (0) -> ambiguous_gender (320469)
create implication ambiguous_raped (26) -> rape (48850)
create implication ambiguous_raped (26) -> ambiguous_gender (320469)
create implication intersex_raping (0) -> rape (48850)
create implication intersex_raping (0) -> intersex (252788)
create implication intersex_raped (2) -> rape (48850)
create implication intersex_raping (0) -> intersex (252788)
create implication gynomorph_raping (0) -> intersex_raping (0)
create implication gynomorph_raped (7) -> intersex_raped (2)
create implication herm_raping (0) -> intersex_raping (0)
create implication herm_raped (1) -> intersex_raped (2)
create implication andromorph_raping (0) -> intersex_raping (0)
create implication andromorph_raped (12) -> intersex_raped (2)
create implication maleherm_raping (0) -> intersex_raping (0)
create implication maleherm_raped (5) -> intersex_raped (2)

Reason: Part II

The bulk update request #6202 is pending approval.

create implication human_raping (0) -> rape (48850)
create implication human_raping (0) -> human (381484)
create implication human_raped (99) -> rape (48850)
create implication human_raped (99) -> human (381484)
create implication humanoid_raping (0) -> rape (48850)
create implication humanoid_raping (0) -> humanoid (460253)
create implication humanoid_raped (25) -> rape (48850)
create implication humanoid_raped (25) -> humanoid (460253)
create implication anthro_raping (134) -> rape (48850)
create implication anthro_raping (134) -> anthro (3418576)
create implication anthro_raped (383) -> rape (48850)
create implication anthro_raped (383) -> anthro (3418576)
create implication feral_raping (0) -> rape (48850)
create implication feral_raping (0) -> feral (630151)
create implication feral_raped (239) -> rape (48850)
create implication feral_raped (239) -> feral (630151)
create implication taur_raping (0) -> rape (48850)
create implication taur_raping (0) -> taur (18841)
create implication taur_raped (0) -> rape (48850)
create implication taur_raped (0) -> taur (18841)

Reason: Part III

The bulk update request #6203 is pending approval.

create implication young_raping (0) -> rape (48850)
create implication young_raping (0) -> young (243229)
create implication older_raped (28) -> rape (48850)
create implication older_raped (28) -> age_difference (69602)
create implication younger_raped (587) -> rape (48850)
create implication younger_raped (587) -> age_difference (69602)
create implication larger_raped (0) -> rape (48850)
create implication larger_raped (0) -> size_difference (353351)
create implication smaller_raped (245) -> rape (48850)
create implication smaller_raped (245) -> size_difference (353351)

Reason: Part IV



pleaseletmein said:
create alias male_rape (3542) -> male_raping (1) # duplicate of has blocking transitive relationships, cannot be applied through bur

This needs unimply male_rape -> rape in a separate BUR.

pleaseletmein said:
create alias young_rape (58) -> young_raping (0) # duplicate of has blocking transitive relationships, cannot be applied through bur

This needs

unalias cub_rape -> young_rape
unimply young_raping_young -> young_rape

in a separate BUR (and at least alias cub_rape -> young_raping added with young_rape alias, maybe alias cub_raping -> young_raping as well).

pleaseletmein said:
create implication gynomorph_raping (0) -> intersex_raping (0)
create implication gynomorph_raped (9) -> intersex_raped (1)
create implication herm_raping (0) -> intersex_raping (0)
create implication herm_raped (0) -> intersex_raped (1)
create implication andromorph_raping (0) -> intersex_raping (0)
create implication andromorph_raped (9) -> intersex_raped (1)
create implication maleherm_raping (0) -> intersex_raping (0)
create implication maleherm_raped (0) -> intersex_raped (1)

These seem to be missing implications to gynomorph, herm, andromorph, and maleherm.

The bulk update request #6204 is pending approval.

create implication gynomorph_raping (0) -> gynomorph (198762)
create implication gynomorph_raped (7) -> gynomorph (198762)
create implication herm_raping (0) -> herm (28042)
create implication herm_raped (1) -> herm (28042)
create implication andromorph_raping (0) -> andromorph (24215)
create implication andromorph_raped (12) -> andromorph (24215)
create implication maleherm_raping (0) -> maleherm (4597)
create implication maleherm_raped (5) -> maleherm (4597)

Reason: Part V

watsit said:
This needs unimply male_rape -> rape in a separate BUR.

This needs

unalias cub_rape -> young_rape
unimply young_raping_young -> young_rape

in a separate BUR (and at least alias cub_rape -> young_raping added with young_rape alias, maybe alias cub_raping -> young_raping as well).

These seem to be missing implications to gynomorph, herm, andromorph, and maleherm.

Thank you

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