Topic: [FR] Multiple Blacklists

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

I like viewing both (what i consider) sfw and nsfw art, but at different times. If there was an option to toggle blacklist lists (effectively like FA's NSFW toggle but better), that would be possible but afaik there is no such option/tool? this seems like a large oversight


blah346 said:
I like viewing both rating:s and -rating:s art, but at different times. If there was an option to toggle blacklist lists (effectively like FA's NSFW toggle but better), that would be possible but afaik there is no such option/tool? this seems like a large oversight

a thing you can do is just apply that to your search not sure if i follow

could you explain further?

lilyanida said:
honestly the best response

true but that only gives you 2 blacklists, whereas this fr could also be used for things like
- default searches (by having a negated blacklist)
- making your own rating system (eg [cute, sfw, lewd but still technically rating:s, mild, explicit, hyperexplicit])
- probably more that i forgot

The blacklist is meant to hide things you don't want to see period, it isn't really intended to be swapped out like you seem to want
you can toggle individual lines, but that's about it
for specifically what you're saying, is specifically rating:s only

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