Topic: Portals, Amputees and Disability

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

The relationship between these categories is odd. I noticed going through a lot of Dagasi's portal artwork, that in addition to being tagged with portal_amputation, they are all tagged with [insert number of and/or type of limbs]_ampution, and (either via aliasing, or actively) with amputee. However, amputee also has disability aliased to it, and portal_amputation is not a disability. You still have full control of your limbs, and they are still on your body, they're just on the other side of a portal. It's basically extreme bondage.

I'm not sure what the best solution here would be? The two I can think of are making a clear distinction on the wiki pages and saying that portal amputee stuff is not to be tagged with normal amputee tags (I do notice they are not aliased at all), or unaliasing disability from amputee (and now I'm thinking about how Rayman works in that regard, heh.).

If portal amputation is already not supposed to use normal amputation tags, then I apologize. Considering how many posts share the tags (not just Dagasi's work), though, I figured it was better to ask/clarify before I made any changes.

pecan said:
The relationship between these categories is odd. I noticed going through a lot of Dagasi's portal artwork, that in addition to being tagged with portal_amputation, they are all tagged with [insert number of and/or type of limbs]_ampution, and (either via aliasing, or actively) with amputee. However, amputee also has disability aliased to it, and portal_amputation is not a disability. You still have full control of your limbs, and they are still on your body, they're just on the other side of a portal. It's basically extreme bondage.

I'm not sure what the best solution here would be? The two I can think of are making a clear distinction on the wiki pages and saying that portal amputee stuff is not to be tagged with normal amputee tags (I do notice they are not aliased at all), or unaliasing disability from amputee (and now I'm thinking about how Rayman works in that regard, heh.).

If portal amputation is already not supposed to use normal amputation tags, then I apologize. Considering how many posts share the tags (not just Dagasi's work), though, I figured it was better to ask/clarify before I made any changes.

I would say keep portal_amputation strictly separate from amputation, since the latter involves the "removal of a limb by trauma, medical illness, or surgery."
The corresponding "amputated" limbs should instead be tagged as *_in_portal & missing_*, instead of *_amputation.
If the portal-ed limb can be seen as well, it should be tagged as detachable_* instead of severed_*.

For example, post #3364461 should be tagged with portal_amputation, missing_head/head_in_portal, missing_arm/arm_in_portal, missing_leg/leg_in_portal, missing_penis/penis_in_portal, detachable_penis.

thegreatwolfgang said:
I would say keep portal_amputation strictly separate from amputation, since the latter involves the "removal of a limb by trauma, medical illness, or surgery."
The corresponding "amputated" limbs should instead be tagged as *_in_portal & missing_*, instead of *_amputation.
If the portal-ed limb can be seen as well, it should be tagged as detachable_* instead of severed_*.

For example, post #3364461 should be tagged with portal_amputation, missing_head/head_in_portal, missing_arm/arm_in_portal, missing_leg/leg_in_portal, missing_penis/penis_in_portal, detachable_penis.

Aight, thanks. I'll see if I can clean up some of those posts in a couple days, then.

mononatriumglutamat said:
So I understand right that many of these posts are wrongly tagged amputee?

If portal_amputation is to be considered separate of amputation, then you'd be correct.
However, the above is solely my opinion and should be subject to further discussion from the community.

If the majority of users would consider portal_amputation to be a type of amputation, and subsequently any amputee to include temporarily portalled limbs, then whatever is currently tagged is correct.

Not necessarily all of them, and some of them are somewhat ambiguous whether it's regular (non-portal) amputation and it's just a stump_cap (e.g. post #2423256, but then again, it's still tagged portal).
Speaking of stump_cap: Its wiki page does not specify whether this also applies to portals (e.g. post #3945040).

Assume all stump caps to be attached to actual amputees that have their limbs removed through traditional amputation.
If circumstances show that portals are actually involved, then you can use portal_amputation instead.

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