The bulk update request #5828 is active.
create implication boy_kisser_(meme) (589) -> meme (52234)
create implication chad_(meme) (98) -> meme (52234)
create implication pepe_silvia_(meme) (22) -> meme (52234)
create implication let_me_do_it_for_you (85) -> meme (52234)
create alias spongebob_memes (6) -> meme (52234)
create implication alligator_kick_(meme) (12) -> meme (52234)
create implication drip_(meme) (43) -> meme (52234)
create implication doomer_(meme) (68) -> meme (52234)
create implication can't_let_you_see_this_(meme) (3) -> meme (52234)
create implication fair_argument_(meme) (310) -> meme (52234)
create implication cookie_cuckold_(meme) (5) -> meme (52234)
create implication big_pant_or_big_jakt_(meme) (17) -> meme (52234)
create implication the_harkness_test_(meme) (16) -> meme (52234)
create alias t-shirt_with_humorous_text_(meme) (4) -> text_on_shirt (8862)
create implication if_it_fits_i_sits_(meme) (243) -> meme (52234)
create implication hello_darkness_my_old_friend_(meme) (6) -> meme (52234)
create implication cat_detector_(meme) (20) -> meme (52234)
create implication memespeak_(meme) (3) -> meme (52234)
Reason: Noticed a ton of memes missing the official label,
There may actually be more, Dood!
Speaking of, there's also some tags that got
labeled memes that aren't, Dood
EDIT: The bulk update request #5828 (forum #381225) has been approved by @slyroon.
Updated by auto moderator