Topic: help

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i am like an extremly normal person irl in all aspects.
friends, social life, school life, sexual life, legitimately everything.
but still there is this weird, perverted, disgusting desire inside me.
i dont want to become a weirdo in my life like so many other people on the internet.
what the actual fuck am i supposed to do?
i act like a wannabe gangster like every person my age, i am mean to other people just to not stand out.
if anyone ever found out what im actually into i would die.
how am i supposed to live like this.

azero said:
Brother, you are in a furry porn site, we are all weird around here.

We are all different shades of that.

Most are harmless, some are dangerous, others put up their facades of being one or the other.

ninitito said:
Turn that shame into hypocrisy, seems to work well for most people trying to hide their desires.

Nietzche said something once, I know you're joking, but I remember seeing something else inside it than what others had taken.

Reification has ended up confusing me as to what my own disagreement was,
but I think it still licks in this case that for those not determined enough to rightfully face the void, they are better off to never look at it.

To ever engage it.

juansanchez said:
two options:
1) get better friends
2) be really good at hiding your interests

my friends are epic, but i feel like they are all normal while im just pretending to be.

idfk1254 said:
my friends are epic, but i feel like they are all normal while im just pretending to be.

if your friends aren't cool with you being a bit weird they're mediocre at best.

hjfduitloxtrds said:
define "normal". Seriously who gets to say what is considered normal and what is weird? It's subjective.

normal (adj.): boring, uninteresting, humdrum

You know me, I don't fit that. I think many people would describe dressing up as an eagle as weird.

idfk1254 said:
i am like an extremly normal person irl in all aspects.
friends, social life, school life, sexual life, legitimately everything.
but still there is this weird, perverted, disgusting desire inside me.
i dont want to become a weirdo in my life like so many other people on the internet.
what the actual fuck am i supposed to do?
i act like a wannabe gangster like every person my age, i am mean to other people just to not stand out.
if anyone ever found out what im actually into i would die.
how am i supposed to live like this.

I'm afraid to ask, but do you mean to say that being into just vanilla furry is what you are worried about? If that's the case, tell your friends to grow up if they give you flack for it. I bet they look up all kinds of weird, fetishy stuff too. Furry isn't so bad.

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