Topic: Requesting a simple list of account limitations for new accounts..

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

Hi. Hello. Good day.
Ok, so I've lurked since the website's inception. Finally decided to make an account recently. And after a few days of using it I'm starting to why I did. if the only things I can do are apparently see a few extra bits of content, save my blacklist, and rank/fav posts. Can't upload, can't comment - and can't handily find a single document detailing what limitations I'm working under for how long. Just smack into a virtual wall at random instead. e621 has such an incredible user experience outside of this, I'm frankly disappointed these details aren't handled more transparently.
I've searched the wiki and the forums, and either my search-fu is too weak, the content isn't there, or the signal is lost to other noise.
Wanted my first post here to be about, well, *anything* but meta-details about the website's functionality, but here we are :)

So in summary and conclusion:
Newly created accounts have apparently arbitrary limitations on their functionality.
No explicit level of detail about such until said limitations are found.
If there is such detail, it's not easily found.
It's not called out in detail on the account creation process, the account control panel, the wiki, or the forums.
Instead it's in error dialogues that pop up seemingly at random.
Given the reputation for excellence on this website, I had hoped to find such details without resorting to asking in the forums.
But here I am in the forums, asking.

I apologize if the tone of this post comes across as rude in any way. It's intent is to be simple and to the point, and I recognize that occasionally reads as rude in text media. Imagine reading it in the voice of the narrator of an anime like JoJo's or something if that's the case.

werideatdawn said:
They do list out the limitations.

Interestingly this list is actually incorrect, many of these things (creating forum posts, public sets, flagging posts) are actually only 3 days.

But yeah, pretty much everything should be available after 7 days, mostly as a way to slow down and hopefully discourage ban evaders and spam bots.

faucet said:
Interestingly this list is actually incorrect, many of these things (creating forum posts, public sets, flagging posts) are actually only 3 days.

But yeah, pretty much everything should be available after 7 days, mostly as a way to slow down and hopefully discourage ban evaders and spam bots.

And we can see that forum posts are available before 7 days from the existence of this topic.

Thanks for the link! Not sure how I spaced so hard on the help page existing at all, but that certainly gives a reasonable enough list of what I was wondering about. Funny that I make a post about it just after the 3-day period - would have been even more confused otherwise (:

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