Ketchup is so gross. Anyone else feel like Heinz brand ketchup has gotten way too sweeter
and taste MORE fake? Like...I don't think tomatos are supposed to taste like that...Ketchup has really fallen over the years.
Just like Chips Ahoy, Hershey's....why is our USA Brand snacks and condiments becoming gross? I can literally taste the chemicals & factory behind it.
The chocolate doesn't even taste like how it used to be a couple years back. Chocolate chip cookies used to be my favorite but even that taste like shit!
The dough taste manufactured, the chocolate chips taste fake...I have no idea what's going on
but it's like, despite all the FOOD we got here in USA, none of that seems to be going towards making decent snacks and condiments taste gross too!
At least the Mustered still taste good to me! That's why I always use mustered on my hot dogs!
What do you guys think about our snacks & condiments? Have they changed over the years? Does it taste funny to you too?