Round 2 of my plan to make this site less complicated than Wikipedia, with all the same logic still applying. Since these are slightly more obscure species, I'd like to list them out here first and generate some discussions before I commit to BURs. People are also free to suggest any other species.
- phyllostomid --> leaf-nosed_bat
- pteropodid --> megabat (also, split flying foxes into its own tag, that's a unique genus in the family)
- capreoline --> new_world_deer
- erethizontid --> new_world_porcupine
- hystricid --> old_world_porcupine
- machairodontine --> saber-toothed_cat (or if not that, then let's at least use the right noun, machairodont)
- tragulid --> chevrotain or mouse-deer
- moschid --> keep, but split out musk deer since it's a unique genus in the family
I'll reiterate from the last thread: my goal isn't to completely vaporize and and all tags with complicated names, regardless of context. My goal is to have tags use their common names first and foremost, assuming such a name exists.