Topic: These species names are a headache, part 2 (BURs are up!)

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

Round 2 of my plan to make this site less complicated than Wikipedia, with all the same logic still applying. Since these are slightly more obscure species, I'd like to list them out here first and generate some discussions before I commit to BURs. People are also free to suggest any other species.

I'll reiterate from the last thread: my goal isn't to completely vaporize and and all tags with complicated names, regardless of context. My goal is to have tags use their common names first and foremost, assuming such a name exists.


The bulk update request #5453 is active.

remove alias phyllostomidae (0) -> phyllostomid (1)
remove alias new_world_leaf-nosed_bat (0) -> phyllostomid (1)
remove alias leaf_nosed_bat (0) -> phyllostomid (1)
remove alias new_world_leaf_nosed_bat (0) -> phyllostomid (1)
remove alias leaf-nosed_bat (1401) -> phyllostomid (1)
remove implication spectral_bat (23) -> phyllostomid (1)
remove implication honduran_white_bat (270) -> phyllostomid (1)
remove implication vampire_bat (1020) -> phyllostomid (1)
remove implication phyllostomid (1) -> yangochiropteran (1495)

Reason: phyllostomid -> leaf-nosed_bat; changing to common name.

As always, part 1 involves removing the aliases and implications, part 2 involves redirecting them to the appropriate tag.

Part 2

alias phyllostomidae -> leaf-nosed_bat
alias new_world_leaf-nosed_bat -> leaf-nosed_bat
alias leaf_nosed_bat -> leaf-nosed_bat
alias new_world_leaf_nosed_bat -> leaf-nosed_bat
alias phyllostomid -> leaf-nosed_bat

imply spectral_bat -> leaf-nosed_bat
imply honduran_white_bat -> leaf-nosed_bat
imply vampire_bat -> leaf-nosed_bat

imply leaf-nosed_bat -> yangochiropteran

EDIT: The bulk update request #5453 (forum #375227) has been approved by @Rainbow_Dash.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #5454 is active.

remove alias pteropodidae (0) -> pteropodid (9)
remove alias flying_fox_bat (0) -> pteropodid (9)
remove alias megabat (1956) -> pteropodid (9)
remove alias fruit_bat (0) -> pteropodid (9)
remove alias yinpterochiropteran (0) -> pteropodid (9)
remove alias flying_fox (418) -> pteropodid (9)
remove alias yinpterochiroptera (0) -> pteropodid (9)
remove alias pteropodiform (0) -> pteropodid (9)
remove alias megachiropteran (0) -> pteropodid (9)
remove alias old_world_fruit_bat (0) -> pteropodid (9)
remove alias megachiroptera (0) -> pteropodid (9)
remove alias pteropodiformes (0) -> pteropodid (9)
remove implication black_flying_fox (14) -> pteropodid (9)
remove implication comoro_flying_fox (28) -> pteropodid (9)
remove implication great_flying_fox (4) -> pteropodid (9)
remove implication grey-headed_flying_fox (73) -> pteropodid (9)
remove implication indian_flying_fox (44) -> pteropodid (9)
remove implication egyptian_fruit_bat (12) -> pteropodid (9)
remove implication epomophorine (1) -> pteropodid (9)
remove implication mauritian_flying_fox (5) -> pteropodid (9)
remove implication spectacled_flying_fox (22) -> pteropodid (9)
remove implication stripe-faced_fruit_bat (22) -> pteropodid (9)
remove implication pteropodid (9) -> bat (59710)

Reason: pteropodid --> megabat (changing to common name) and splitting out flying foxes into its own tag.

As always, part 1 involves removing the aliases and implications, part 2 involves redirecting them to the appropriate tag.

Part 2

alias pteropodid -> megabat
alias pteropodidae -> megabat
alias fruit_bat -> megabat
alias yinpterochiropteran -> megabat
alias yinpterochiroptera -> megabat
alias pteropodiform -> megabat
alias megachiropteran -> megabat
alias old_world_fruit_bat -> megabat
alias megachiroptera -> megabat
alias pteropodiformes -> megabat

alias pteropus -> flying_fox
alias flying_fox_bat -> flying_fox

imply black_flying_fox -> flying_fox
imply comoro_flying_fox -> flying_fox
imply great_flying_fox -> flying_fox
imply grey-headed_flying_fox -> flying_fox
imply indian_flying_fox -> flying_fox
imply egyptian_fruit_bat -> flying_fox
imply mauritian_flying_fox -> flying_fox
imply spectacled_flying_fox -> flying_fox
imply epomophorine -> megabat
imply stripe-faced_fruit_bat -> megabat

imply flying_fox -> megabat
imply megabat -> bat

EDIT: The bulk update request #5454 (forum #375228) has been approved by @Rainbow_Dash.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #5455 is active.

remove implication capreoline_humanoid (1) -> capreoline (6)
remove implication capreoline_taur (2) -> capreoline (6)
remove implication werecapreoline (0) -> capreoline (6)
remove implication brocket_deer (4) -> capreoline (6)
remove implication moose (2453) -> capreoline (6)
remove implication white-tailed_deer (1921) -> capreoline (6)
remove implication mule_deer (873) -> capreoline (6)
remove implication pudú (4) -> capreoline (6)
remove implication roe_deer (257) -> capreoline (6)
remove implication south_andean_deer (6) -> capreoline (6)
remove implication taruca (0) -> capreoline (6)
remove implication marsh_deer (21) -> capreoline (6)
remove implication reindeer (14208) -> capreoline (6)
remove implication marsh_deer_humanoid (0) -> capreoline_humanoid (1)
remove implication taruca_humanoid (0) -> capreoline_humanoid (1)
remove implication south_andean_deer_humanoid (0) -> capreoline_humanoid (1)
remove implication roe_deer_humanoid (0) -> capreoline_humanoid (1)
remove implication pudú_humanoid (0) -> capreoline_humanoid (1)
remove implication mule_deer_humanoid (0) -> capreoline_humanoid (1)
remove implication white-tailed_deer_humanoid (0) -> capreoline_humanoid (1)
remove implication brocket_deer_humanoid (0) -> capreoline_humanoid (1)
remove implication moose_humanoid (56) -> capreoline_humanoid (1)
remove implication reindeer_humanoid (71) -> capreoline_humanoid (1)
remove implication capreoline (6) -> deer (83469)
remove implication capreoline_humanoid (1) -> deer_humanoid (547)

Reason: capreoline --> new_world_deer (changing to common name)

As always, part 1 involves removing the aliases and implications, part 2 involves redirecting them to the appropriate tag.

Part 2

alias capreoline -> new_world_deer
imply new_world_deer_humanoid -> new_world_deer
imply new_world_deer_humanoid -> deer_humanoid

imply new_world_deer_taur -> new_world_deer
imply werenew_world_deer -> new_world_deer
imply brocket_deer -> new_world_deer
imply moose -> new_world_deer
imply white-tailed_deer -> new_world_deer
imply mule_deer -> new_world_deer
imply pudú -> new_world_deer
imply roe_deer -> new_world_deer
imply south_andean_deer -> new_world_deer
imply taruca -> new_world_deer
imply marsh_deer -> new_world_deer
imply reindeer -> new_world_deer

imply new_world_deer -> capreoline

alias capreoline_humanoid -> new_world_deer_humanoid
imply marsh_deer_humanoid -> new_world_deer_humanoid
imply taruca_humanoid -> new_world_deer_humanoid
imply south_andean_deer_humanoid -> new_world_deer_humanoid
imply roe_deer_humanoid -> new_world_deer_humanoid
imply pudú_humanoid -> new_world_deer_humanoid
imply mule_deer_humanoid -> new_world_deer_humanoid
imply white-tailed_deer_humanoid -> new_world_deer_humanoid
imply brocket_deer_humanoid -> new_world_deer_humanoid
imply moose_humanoid -> new_world_deer_humanoid
imply reindeer_humanoid -> new_world_deer_humanoid

EDIT: The bulk update request #5455 (forum #375229) has been approved by @Rainbow_Dash.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #5456 is active.

remove implication capreoline_taur (2) -> deer_taur (1176)
remove implication reindeer_taur (30) -> capreoline_taur (2)
remove implication marsh_deer_taur (0) -> capreoline_taur (2)
remove implication taruca_taur (0) -> capreoline_taur (2)
remove implication south_andean_deer_taur (0) -> capreoline_taur (2)
remove implication roe_deer_taur (0) -> capreoline_taur (2)
remove implication pudú_taur (0) -> capreoline_taur (2)
remove implication mule_deer_taur (0) -> capreoline_taur (2)
remove implication white-tailed_deer_taur (0) -> capreoline_taur (2)
remove implication moose_taur (1) -> capreoline_taur (2)
remove implication brocket_deer_taur (0) -> capreoline_taur (2)
remove implication werecapreoline (0) -> weredeer (96)
remove implication werereindeer (5) -> werecapreoline (0)
remove implication weremoose (45) -> werecapreoline (0)

Reason: capreoline --> new_world_deer (changing to common name); part 2 for taurs and were forms since there's a tag limit for BURs.

As always, part 1 involves removing the aliases and implications, part 2 involves redirecting them to the appropriate tag.

Part 2

alias capreoline_taur -> new_world_deer_taur

imply new_world_deer_taur -> deer_taur

imply reindeer_taur -> new_world_deer_taur
imply marsh_deer_taur -> new_world_deer_taur
imply taruca_taur -> new_world_deer_taur
imply south_andean_deer_taur -> new_world_deer_taur
imply roe_deer_taur -> new_world_deer_taur
imply pudú_taur -> new_world_deer_taur
imply mule_deer_taur -> new_world_deer_taur
imply white-tailed_deer_taur -> new_world_deer_taur
imply moose_taur -> new_world_deer_taur
imply brocket_deer_taur -> new_world_deer_taur

alias werecapreoline -> werenew_world_deer

imply werenew_world_deer -> weredeer

imply werereindeer -> werenew_world_deer
imply weremoose -> werenew_world_deer

EDIT: The bulk update request #5456 (forum #375230) has been approved by @Rainbow_Dash.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #5457 is active.

remove alias new_world_porcupine (19) -> erethizontid (2)
remove alias erethizontidae (0) -> erethizontid (2)
remove implication erethizontid (2) -> porcupine (1896)
remove implication coendou (12) -> erethizontid (2)
remove implication common_porcupine (10) -> erethizontid (2)

Reason: erethizontid --> new_world_porcupine (changing to common name)

As always, part 1 involves removing the aliases and implications, part 2 involves redirecting them to the appropriate tag.

Part 2

alias erethizontid -> new_world_porcupine
alias erethizontidae -> new_world_porcupine

imply new_world_porcupine -> porcupine

imply coendou -> new_world_porcupine
imply common_porcupine -> new_world_porcupine

EDIT: The bulk update request #5457 (forum #375231) has been approved by @Rainbow_Dash.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #5458 is active.

remove alias hystricidae (0) -> hystricid (5)
remove alias old_world_porcupine (149) -> hystricid (5)
remove implication hystricid (5) -> porcupine (1896)
remove implication brush-tailed_porcupine (6) -> hystricid (5)
remove implication cape_porcupine (2) -> hystricid (5)
remove implication crested_porcupine (133) -> hystricid (5)
remove implication long-tailed_porcupine (0) -> hystricid (5)
remove implication malayan_porcupine (1) -> hystricid (5)
remove implication sunda_porcupine (0) -> hystricid (5)
remove implication thick-spined_porcupine (0) -> hystricid (5)

Reason: erethizontid --> new_world_porcupine (changing to common name)

As always, part 1 involves removing the aliases and implications, part 2 involves redirecting them to the appropriate tag.

Part 2

alias hystricidae -> old_world_porcupine
alias hystricid -> old_world_porcupine

imply old_world_porcupine -> porcupine

imply brush-tailed_porcupine -> old_world_porcupine
imply cape_porcupine -> old_world_porcupine
imply crested_porcupine -> old_world_porcupine
imply long-tailed_porcupine -> old_world_porcupine
imply malayan_porcupine -> old_world_porcupine
imply sunda_porcupine -> old_world_porcupine
imply thick-spined_porcupine -> old_world_porcupine

EDIT: The bulk update request #5458 (forum #375232) has been approved by @Rainbow_Dash.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #5459 is active.

remove alias saber-tooth_tiger (0) -> machairodontine (0)
remove alias sabertooth_tiger (0) -> machairodontine (0)
remove alias sabertooth_cat (0) -> machairodontine (0)
remove alias sabre-tooth_tiger (0) -> machairodontine (0)
remove alias saber_toothed_tiger (0) -> machairodontine (0)
remove alias sabretooth_tiger (0) -> machairodontine (0)
remove alias sabre_toothed_tiger (0) -> machairodontine (0)
remove alias sabertoothkat_(species) (0) -> machairodontine (0)
remove alias saber_tooth_tiger (0) -> machairodontine (0)
remove alias saber-toothed_cat (0) -> machairodontine (0)
remove alias saber-toothed_feline (0) -> machairodontine (0)
remove alias sabretooth_cat (0) -> machairodontine (0)
remove alias sabre-tooth_cat (0) -> machairodontine (0)
remove alias saber-toothed_tiger (8851) -> machairodontine (0)
remove alias sabertoothed_tiger (0) -> machairodontine (0)
remove alias saber_tooth_lion (0) -> machairodontine (0)
remove alias sabre-toothed_tiger (0) -> machairodontine (0)
remove alias sabre_tooth_tiger (0) -> machairodontine (0)
remove alias sabertoothed_cat (0) -> machairodontine (0)
remove alias saber-tooth_cat (0) -> machairodontine (0)

Reason: machairodontine --> saber-toothed_tiger (changing to common name); if you disagree with this, then let's at least use the right noun, machairodont

As always, part 1 involves removing the aliases and implications, part 2 involves redirecting them to the appropriate tag.

Part 2

alias saber-tooth_tiger -> saber-toothed_tiger
alias sabertooth_tiger -> saber-toothed_tiger
alias sabertooth_cat -> saber-toothed_tiger
alias sabre-tooth_tiger -> saber-toothed_tiger
alias saber_toothed_tiger -> saber-toothed_tiger
alias sabretooth_tiger -> saber-toothed_tiger
alias sabre_toothed_tiger -> saber-toothed_tiger
alias sabertoothkat_(species) -> saber-toothed_tiger
alias saber_tooth_tiger -> saber-toothed_tiger
alias saber-toothed_cat -> saber-toothed_tiger
alias saber-toothed_feline -> saber-toothed_tiger
alias sabretooth_cat -> saber-toothed_tiger
alias sabre-tooth_cat -> saber-toothed_tiger
alias saber-toothed_tiger -> saber-toothed_tiger
alias sabertoothed_tiger -> saber-toothed_tiger
alias saber_tooth_lion -> saber-toothed_tiger
alias sabre-toothed_tiger -> saber-toothed_tiger
alias sabre_tooth_tiger -> saber-toothed_tiger
alias sabertoothed_cat -> saber-toothed_tiger
alias saber-tooth_cat -> saber-toothed_tiger

EDIT: The bulk update request #5459 (forum #375233) has been approved by @Rainbow_Dash.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #5460 is active.

remove implication machairodontine (0) -> felid (709836)
remove implication megantereon (20) -> machairodontine (0)
remove implication metailurus (0) -> machairodontine (0)
remove implication dinofelis (1) -> machairodontine (0)
remove implication homotherium (47) -> machairodontine (0)
remove implication dinobastis (0) -> machairodontine (0)
remove implication lokotunjailurus (0) -> machairodontine (0)
remove implication amphimachairodus (0) -> machairodontine (0)
remove implication machairodus (2) -> machairodontine (0)
remove implication smilodon (621) -> machairodontine (0)

Reason: machairodontine --> saber-toothed_tiger (changing to common name); if you disagree with this, then let's at least use the right noun, machairodont. Split into two since BURs can only have 25 requests

As always, part 1 involves removing the aliases and implications, part 2 involves redirecting them to the appropriate tag.

Part 2

imply saber-toothed_tiger -> felid

imply megantereon -> saber-toothed_tiger
imply metailurus -> saber-toothed_tiger
imply dinofelis -> saber-toothed_tiger
imply homotherium -> saber-toothed_tiger
imply dinobastis -> saber-toothed_tiger
imply lokotunjailurus -> saber-toothed_tiger
imply amphimachairodus -> saber-toothed_tiger
imply machairodus -> saber-toothed_tiger
imply smilodon -> saber-toothed_tiger

EDIT: The bulk update request #5460 (forum #375234) has been approved by @Rainbow_Dash.

Updated by auto moderator

Sorry to be a karen but I just noticed the saber toothed cats one is in fact called machairodontinae on wikipedia and unlike the new world deer page which is titled by the scientific name, the machairodontinae page doesn't list it as an alternate name at the beginning, but says later "The Machairodontinae contain many of the extinct predators commonly known as "saber-toothed cats"I'm not a paleo expert but would this mean an alias wouldn't really be accurate? Maybe that one should stay machairodontine?

Edit: never mind lol this is silly. You're right, it's fine

The bulk update request #5461 is active.

remove alias tragulus (0) -> tragulid (1)
remove alias mouse-deer (0) -> tragulid (1)
remove alias chevrotain (24) -> tragulid (1)
remove alias tragulidae (0) -> tragulid (1)
remove alias mouse_deer (0) -> tragulid (1)
remove implication tragulid (1) -> mammal (3470425)
remove implication water_chevrotain (1) -> tragulid (1)
remove implication indian_spotted_chevrotain (0) -> tragulid (1)
remove implication sri_lankan_spotted_chevrotain (0) -> tragulid (1)
remove implication yellow-striped_chevrotain (0) -> tragulid (1)
remove implication java_mouse-deer (4) -> tragulid (1)
remove implication lesser_mouse-deer (0) -> tragulid (1)
remove implication greater_mouse-deer (0) -> tragulid (1)
remove implication philippine_mouse-deer (0) -> tragulid (1)
remove implication vietnam_mouse-deer (0) -> tragulid (1)
remove implication williamson's_mouse-deer (0) -> tragulid (1)

Reason: tragulid --> chevrotain (changing to common name)

As always, part 1 involves removing the aliases and implications, part 2 involves redirecting them to the appropriate tag.

Part 2

alias tragulus -> chevrotain
alias mouse-deer -> chevrotain
alias tragulid -> chevrotain
alias tragulidae -> chevrotain
alias mouse_deer -> chevrotain

imply chevrotain -> mammal

imply water_chevrotain -> chevrotain
imply indian_spotted_chevrotain -> chevrotain
imply sri_lankan_spotted_chevrotain -> chevrotain
imply yellow-striped_chevrotain -> chevrotain
imply java_mouse-deer -> chevrotain
imply lesser_mouse-deer -> chevrotain
imply greater_mouse-deer -> chevrotain
imply philippine_mouse-deer -> chevrotain
imply vietnam_mouse-deer -> chevrotain
imply williamson's_mouse-deer -> chevrotain

EDIT: The bulk update request #5461 (forum #375238) has been approved by @Rainbow_Dash.


The bulk update request #5462 is active.

remove alias musk_deer (29) -> moschid (128)
remove implication anhui_musk_deer (0) -> moschid (128)
remove implication dwarf_musk_deer (0) -> moschid (128)
remove implication alpine_musk_deer (0) -> moschid (128)
remove implication kashmir_musk_deer (0) -> moschid (128)
remove implication black_musk_deer (0) -> moschid (128)
remove implication white-bellied_musk_deer (0) -> moschid (128)
remove implication siberian_musk_deer (0) -> moschid (128)

Reason: Musk deers are a unique genus within the Moschidae family; splitting out the tags appropriately.

As always, part 1 involves removing the aliases and implications, part 2 involves redirecting them to the appropriate tag.

Part 2

imply musk_deer -> moschid

imply anhui_musk_deer -> musk_deer
imply dwarf_musk_deer -> musk_deer
imply alpine_musk_deer -> musk_deer
imply kashmir_musk_deer -> musk_deer
imply black_musk_deer -> musk_deer
imply white-bellied_musk_deer -> musk_deer
imply siberian_musk_deer -> musk_deer

EDIT: The bulk update request #5462 (forum #375239) has been approved by @Rainbow_Dash.


The bulk update request #5463 is active.

create alias phyllostomidae (0) -> leaf-nosed_bat (1401)
create alias new_world_leaf-nosed_bat (0) -> leaf-nosed_bat (1401)
create alias leaf_nosed_bat (0) -> leaf-nosed_bat (1401)
create alias new_world_leaf_nosed_bat (0) -> leaf-nosed_bat (1401)
create alias phyllostomid (1) -> leaf-nosed_bat (1401)
create implication spectral_bat (23) -> leaf-nosed_bat (1401)
create implication honduran_white_bat (270) -> leaf-nosed_bat (1401)
create implication vampire_bat (1020) -> leaf-nosed_bat (1401)
create implication leaf-nosed_bat (1401) -> yangochiropteran (1495)

Reason: Part 2 of BUR #5453

EDIT: The bulk update request #5463 (forum #375257) has been approved by @Rainbow_Dash.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #5464 is active.

create alias pteropodid (9) -> megabat (1956)
create alias pteropodidae (0) -> megabat (1956)
create alias fruit_bat (0) -> megabat (1956)
create alias yinpterochiropteran (0) -> megabat (1956)
create alias yinpterochiroptera (0) -> megabat (1956)
create alias pteropodiform (0) -> megabat (1956)
create alias megachiropteran (0) -> megabat (1956)
create alias old_world_fruit_bat (0) -> megabat (1956)
create alias megachiroptera (0) -> megabat (1956)
create alias pteropodiformes (0) -> megabat (1956)
create alias pteropus (3) -> flying_fox (418)
create alias flying_fox_bat (0) -> flying_fox (418)
create implication black_flying_fox (14) -> flying_fox (418)
create implication comoro_flying_fox (28) -> flying_fox (418)
create implication great_flying_fox (4) -> flying_fox (418)
create implication grey-headed_flying_fox (73) -> flying_fox (418)
create implication indian_flying_fox (44) -> flying_fox (418)
create implication egyptian_fruit_bat (12) -> flying_fox (418)
create implication mauritian_flying_fox (5) -> flying_fox (418)
create implication spectacled_flying_fox (22) -> flying_fox (418)
create implication epomophorine (1) -> megabat (1956)
create implication stripe-faced_fruit_bat (22) -> megabat (1956)
create implication flying_fox (418) -> megabat (1956)
create implication megabat (1956) -> bat (59710)

Reason: Part 2 of BUR #5454

EDIT: The bulk update request #5464 (forum #375258) has been approved by @Rainbow_Dash.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #5465 is active.

create alias capreoline (6) -> new_world_deer (19967)
create implication new_world_deer_humanoid (125) -> new_world_deer (19967)
create implication new_world_deer_humanoid (125) -> deer_humanoid (547)
create implication brocket_deer (4) -> new_world_deer (19967)
create implication moose (2453) -> new_world_deer (19967)
create implication white-tailed_deer (1921) -> new_world_deer (19967)
create implication mule_deer (873) -> new_world_deer (19967)
create implication pudú (4) -> new_world_deer (19967)
create implication roe_deer (257) -> new_world_deer (19967)
create implication south_andean_deer (6) -> new_world_deer (19967)
create implication taruca (0) -> new_world_deer (19967)
create implication marsh_deer (21) -> new_world_deer (19967)
create implication reindeer (14208) -> new_world_deer (19967)
create implication new_world_deer (19967) -> deer (83469)
create alias capreoline_humanoid (1) -> new_world_deer_humanoid (125)
create implication marsh_deer_humanoid (0) -> new_world_deer_humanoid (125)
create implication taruca_humanoid (0) -> new_world_deer_humanoid (125)
create implication south_andean_deer_humanoid (0) -> new_world_deer_humanoid (125)
create implication roe_deer_humanoid (0) -> new_world_deer_humanoid (125)
create implication pudú_humanoid (0) -> new_world_deer_humanoid (125)
create implication mule_deer_humanoid (0) -> new_world_deer_humanoid (125)
create implication white-tailed_deer_humanoid (0) -> new_world_deer_humanoid (125)
create implication brocket_deer_humanoid (0) -> new_world_deer_humanoid (125)
create implication moose_humanoid (56) -> new_world_deer_humanoid (125)
create implication reindeer_humanoid (71) -> new_world_deer_humanoid (125)

Reason: Part 2 of BUR #5455

EDIT: The bulk update request #5465 (forum #375259) has failed: Error: Consequent tag must not be aliased to another tag (create implication new_world_deer -> capreoline)

EDIT: The bulk update request #5465 (forum #375259) has been approved by @Rainbow_Dash.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #5466 is active.

create implication new_world_deer_taur (31) -> new_world_deer (19967)
create implication werenew_world_deer (50) -> new_world_deer (19967)
create alias capreoline_taur (2) -> new_world_deer_taur (31)
create implication new_world_deer_taur (31) -> deer_taur (1176)
create implication reindeer_taur (30) -> new_world_deer_taur (31)
create implication marsh_deer_taur (0) -> new_world_deer_taur (31)
create implication taruca_taur (0) -> new_world_deer_taur (31)
create implication south_andean_deer_taur (0) -> new_world_deer_taur (31)
create implication roe_deer_taur (0) -> new_world_deer_taur (31)
create implication pudú_taur (0) -> new_world_deer_taur (31)
create implication mule_deer_taur (0) -> new_world_deer_taur (31)
create implication white-tailed_deer_taur (0) -> new_world_deer_taur (31)
create implication moose_taur (1) -> new_world_deer_taur (31)
create implication brocket_deer_taur (0) -> new_world_deer_taur (31)
create alias werecapreoline (0) -> werenew_world_deer (50)
create implication werenew_world_deer (50) -> weredeer (96)
create implication werereindeer (5) -> werenew_world_deer (50)
create implication weremoose (45) -> werenew_world_deer (50)

Reason: Part 2 of BUR #5456

EDIT: The bulk update request #5466 (forum #375260) has been approved by @Rainbow_Dash.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #5467 is active.

create alias erethizontid (2) -> new_world_porcupine (19)
create alias erethizontidae (0) -> new_world_porcupine (19)
create implication new_world_porcupine (19) -> porcupine (1896)
create implication coendou (12) -> new_world_porcupine (19)
create implication common_porcupine (10) -> new_world_porcupine (19)

Reason: Part 2 of BUR #5457

EDIT: The bulk update request #5467 (forum #375261) has been approved by @Rainbow_Dash.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #5468 is active.

create alias hystricidae (0) -> old_world_porcupine (149)
create alias hystricid (5) -> old_world_porcupine (149)
create implication old_world_porcupine (149) -> porcupine (1896)
create implication brush-tailed_porcupine (6) -> old_world_porcupine (149)
create implication cape_porcupine (2) -> old_world_porcupine (149)
create implication crested_porcupine (133) -> old_world_porcupine (149)
create implication long-tailed_porcupine (0) -> old_world_porcupine (149)
create implication malayan_porcupine (1) -> old_world_porcupine (149)
create implication sunda_porcupine (0) -> old_world_porcupine (149)
create implication thick-spined_porcupine (0) -> old_world_porcupine (149)

Reason: Part 2 of BUR #5458

EDIT: The bulk update request #5468 (forum #375262) has been approved by @Rainbow_Dash.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #5469 is active.

create alias saber-tooth_tiger (0) -> saber-toothed_tiger (8851)
create alias sabertooth_tiger (0) -> saber-toothed_tiger (8851)
create alias sabertooth_cat (0) -> saber-toothed_tiger (8851)
create alias sabre-tooth_tiger (0) -> saber-toothed_tiger (8851)
create alias saber_toothed_tiger (0) -> saber-toothed_tiger (8851)
create alias sabretooth_tiger (0) -> saber-toothed_tiger (8851)
create alias sabre_toothed_tiger (0) -> saber-toothed_tiger (8851)
create alias sabertoothkat_(species) (0) -> saber-toothed_tiger (8851)
create alias saber_tooth_tiger (0) -> saber-toothed_tiger (8851)
create alias saber-toothed_cat (0) -> saber-toothed_tiger (8851)
create alias saber-toothed_feline (0) -> saber-toothed_tiger (8851)
create alias sabretooth_cat (0) -> saber-toothed_tiger (8851)
create alias sabre-tooth_cat (0) -> saber-toothed_tiger (8851)
create alias machairodontine (0) -> saber-toothed_tiger (8851)
create alias machairodont (0) -> saber-toothed_tiger (8851)
create alias sabertoothed_tiger (0) -> saber-toothed_tiger (8851)
create alias saber_tooth_lion (0) -> saber-toothed_tiger (8851)
create alias sabre-toothed_tiger (0) -> saber-toothed_tiger (8851)
create alias sabre_tooth_tiger (0) -> saber-toothed_tiger (8851)
create alias sabertoothed_cat (0) -> saber-toothed_tiger (8851)
create alias saber-tooth_cat (0) -> saber-toothed_tiger (8851)

Reason: Part 2 of BUR #5459

EDIT: The bulk update request #5469 (forum #375264) has been approved by @Rainbow_Dash.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #5470 is active.

create implication saber-toothed_tiger (8851) -> felid (709836)
create implication megantereon (20) -> saber-toothed_tiger (8851)
create implication metailurus (0) -> saber-toothed_tiger (8851)
create implication dinofelis (1) -> saber-toothed_tiger (8851)
create implication homotherium (47) -> saber-toothed_tiger (8851)
create implication dinobastis (0) -> saber-toothed_tiger (8851)
create implication lokotunjailurus (0) -> saber-toothed_tiger (8851)
create implication amphimachairodus (0) -> saber-toothed_tiger (8851)
create implication machairodus (2) -> saber-toothed_tiger (8851)
create implication smilodon (621) -> saber-toothed_tiger (8851)

Reason: Part 2 of BUR #5460

EDIT: The bulk update request #5470 (forum #375265) has been approved by @Rainbow_Dash.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #5471 is active.

create alias tragulus (0) -> chevrotain (24)
create alias mouse-deer (0) -> chevrotain (24)
create alias tragulid (1) -> chevrotain (24)
create alias tragulidae (0) -> chevrotain (24)
create alias mouse_deer (0) -> chevrotain (24)
create implication chevrotain (24) -> mammal (3470425)
create implication water_chevrotain (1) -> chevrotain (24)
create implication indian_spotted_chevrotain (0) -> chevrotain (24)
create implication sri_lankan_spotted_chevrotain (0) -> chevrotain (24)
create implication yellow-striped_chevrotain (0) -> chevrotain (24)
create implication java_mouse-deer (4) -> chevrotain (24)
create implication lesser_mouse-deer (0) -> chevrotain (24)
create implication greater_mouse-deer (0) -> chevrotain (24)
create implication philippine_mouse-deer (0) -> chevrotain (24)
create implication vietnam_mouse-deer (0) -> chevrotain (24)
create implication williamson's_mouse-deer (0) -> chevrotain (24)

Reason: Part 2 of BUR #5461

EDIT: The bulk update request #5471 (forum #375266) has been approved by @Rainbow_Dash.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #5472 is active.

create implication musk_deer (29) -> moschid (128)
create implication anhui_musk_deer (0) -> musk_deer (29)
create implication dwarf_musk_deer (0) -> musk_deer (29)
create implication alpine_musk_deer (0) -> musk_deer (29)
create implication kashmir_musk_deer (0) -> musk_deer (29)
create implication black_musk_deer (0) -> musk_deer (29)
create implication white-bellied_musk_deer (0) -> musk_deer (29)
create implication siberian_musk_deer (0) -> musk_deer (29)

Reason: Part 2 of BUR #5462

EDIT: The bulk update request #5472 (forum #375267) has been approved by @Rainbow_Dash.

Updated by auto moderator

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