Topic: Redundant tags part 4

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

large_female is too ambiguous, IMO. It's not larger_female, the size of the female character relative to another character, so what constitutes "large"? Chubby or Overweight? Big thighs and/or big breasts? It should probably be disambiguated, with suggestions to use larger_female if it's a female character larger than another, perhaps macro if the character is large relative to their surroundings, and other big_* tags if some parts of their body are big.

short_girl is similarly ambiguous, and an alias to smaller_female may not be accurate if there isn't a larger character with them.

-1 for the reasons Watsit said, sorry. Face_in_tummy to face_on_belly is good though.

Maybe alias the girl tags to female instead

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