Topic: Legend of Zelda character alts BUR

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions



The bulk update request #5146 is pending approval.

create alias wolf_midna (86) -> midna (6814)
create alias zonai_link (30) -> link (6396)
create alias link_(zonai_form) (26) -> link (6396)

Reason: These are just anthrofied and alternate_species versions of the two characters, which we don't usually give separate character tags to when they're not official.

Zonai Link (semi-spoiler)

Although there is a Zonai-like form for Link in TotK, that is more of an amalgamation of traits rather than pure Zonai as Rauru and Mineru appear, and is using the tag ancient_hero_(the_legend_of_zelda) or ancient_heros_aspect_(totk); the posts under zonai_link give him a more pure Zonai look rather than the Ancient Hero look).

For the ancient hero, he isn't even confirmed to be Zonai, but assumed due to Zonai-style clothing.

I recall seeing moblin_link or maybe zora_link once. Maybe this could be added?