I personally do not play video games. Maybe one day I would do, or maybe not.
However, I had - as I maybe told you sometime - a very young cousin, almost a kid, that writes music for videogames. When we go out in the car, he ask "May I play the music of my favorite video games?" (*). I say yes, and he connects his cell to the radio of the car. At first, months ago, I thought that I was going to hear things like... you know... some kind not very elaborated music. That music of video games was something crude. But I was quite wrong. I am not really a musician myself, but I liked what I heard. So after a while - we go out to buy things very often - I asked him for the titles of some the songs.
(There has been threads about music in this Forum, although I think none of them specifically about music for Video Games... and I imagine, that many furry users also like games).
My humble suggestion, is that you hear at this music when you go to the bed or relax.
The Fallen Land (Night) - Xenoblade Chronicles
Gaur Plains (Night) - Xenoblade Chronicles
Garfont Mercenaries - Xenoblade Chronicles
Eagus Wilderness Xenoblade Chronicles 3
Birth of a Wish/This cannot continue
This is not Grandma version 1.22
ニーアレプリカント ver 1 22 BGM Fleeting Words
(*) None of this are the videogames he writes music for.
If you like, also post the music of you favorite video games.