Aliasing neck_bite → bite
Link to alias
Same goes to biting_neck(can't seem to alias this at first), bite seems to be a more appropriate tag to be aliased with.
Updated by furrypickle
Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions
Aliasing neck_bite → bite
Link to alias
Same goes to biting_neck(can't seem to alias this at first), bite seems to be a more appropriate tag to be aliased with.
Updated by furrypickle
That's because neck_biting is aliased to it. I'd be more for an implication though tbh. It may be a relatively unknown tag, but neck biting definitely has different connotations than just biting in general (namely vampires and eroticism).
Updated by anonymous
parasprite said:
(namely vampires and eroticism).
Or hunting, the old-fashioned way
Updated by anonymous
Durandal said:
Or hunting, the old-fashioned way
Why not both?
Updated by anonymous
Yeah, an implication would be better. Bite is very broad and neck_bite is a common type of biting. When it's amongst ferals or evoking how ferals bite the scruff of the neck for dominance and during mating it has one powerful set of connotations. Some people probably kink on that. Then there's the vampire type of neck biting, which also has some fans of it as their kink they have a thing for. So between the two, I think it would be useful to keep the tag, but implicate it to --> bite because it is a type of biting.
So, OP alias is denied.
But neck_biting, biting_neck are unaliased from each other and now aliased to --> neck_bite so that we now have only one tag for this instead of two.
And then neck_bite is implicated to --> bite.
Updated by anonymous