Topic: Tag Alias: magma -> lava

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Aliasing magma → lava
Link to alias


I'm no geological expert, but it seems like as far as tagging goes, these are for the same basic thing. Lava is a little more well known and far more used though.


They're the same exact thing, the only difference is that magma is below the earth's crust while lava has been exposed to the surface.

I almost wish these could be separate... but nobody's going to tag them properly, and lava is used a lot more.

Updated by anonymous

I had thought I put this exact thing up yesterday, but apparently not.

But yeah, as Durandal said, even if they're not technically the same, they are close enough for tagging purposes and besides colloquially they tend to be used interchangeably anyways.


Updated by anonymous

GeneralissimoGrunt said:
Why is there even molten rock in furry porn?

1) ever try searching rating:s? It's not all porn
2) kinky dragon volcano sex

Updated by anonymous

furrypickle said:
Because it's hot. =P

dammit, that was so obvious. I hate myself forever for not coming up with that

Updated by anonymous

+1 to this alias for colloqial identity of terms.

Updated by anonymous

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