The bulk update request #4453 is pending approval.
create alias robo_judy (29) -> robo_judy_hopps (0)
create implication robo_judy_hopps (0) -> judy_hopps (35862)
create alias moushley (681) -> moushley_graham (0)
create implication moushley_graham (0) -> ashley_graham_(resident_evil) (816)
create implication derpybelle (105) -> isabelle_(animal_crossing) (15083)
create implication gothabelle (118) -> isabelle_(animal_crossing) (15083)
Reason: The current tags "robo judy" and "moushley" refer to specific depictions of, respectively: an animatronic of Judy Hopps from Zootopia in development by Disney, and a reimagining of the human Ashley Graham from Resident Evil as a mouse by eggofmalice. These tags however do not retain the surnames of the characters they are derivatives of, which these aliases to should add. I also propose that these tags (along with the tags "derpybelle" and "gothabelle") should also implicate their "parent characters".