Topic: Tag alias: partially_penetrated -> partial_penetration

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The tag alias #61555 partially_penetrated -> partial_penetration is pending approval.

Reason: Wondering about a few tags I noticed when going overboard on detailed tags on my most recent post update. ;)

Different from shallow_penetration (just the tip, mostly certain) and partially_inside (vore, entirely certain), right? Halfway_penetrated? I don't see any applicable tag at so I had to ask...
post #3751376 Example that is not knotting.

Also: avian_wings -> feathered_wings Pretty sure these are the same thing? Technically, a lot of feathered wings aren't 'on avians', but that's not the intent of this tag, I guess. Avian+wings should include the more specific examples, anyways.


m3g4p0n1 said:
I'm not sure, but I believe wings can be a mix of scalie wings that have feathered parts on them, which makes it a feathered wing, but doesn't make it an avian wing.

Ah, OK. Was just curious because there's a TON more posts tagged feathered_wings. I guess not? 10 vs 115651 = I figured it was just autosuggestion fail

watsit said:
Close enough, IMO. Otherwise, it's just avian+wings (could you tag it the same if the same exact wings were on a non-avian creature?), and we don't need a collection of <species>_<body part> tags that's little more than <species>+<body part>. I've also been seeing avian_butt, which is effectively just avian+butt.

And there's of course, not a hybrid_wings tag (I hope - not checked!).

:edit: Welp, checked
post #532181
Well, there you go. Specific example is cross between insect (butterfly/moth?) and avian (feathered) wings, I think. I wonder if it should have those tags as well, but not really sure. It makes sense if it's a hybrid _species_ to mention both.

m3g4p0n1 said:
I'm not sure, but I believe wings can be a mix of scalie wings that have feathered parts on them, which makes it a feathered wing, but doesn't make it an avian wing.

Wait I messed it up, I meant that not all feathered_wings are avian_wings, but all avian_wings should be feathered_wings.
That being said, I think both tags should remain separate, and instead, avian_wings should imply feathered_wings.

But what do I know, as far as I'm aware, this could just be another useless/improper tag :p

m3g4p0n1 said:
Wait I messed it up, I meant that not all feathered_wings are avian_wings, but all avian_wings should be feathered_wings.
That being said, I think both tags should remain separate, and instead, avian_wings should imply feathered_wings.

But what do I know, as far as I'm aware, this could just be another useless/improper tag :p

That makes sense, yeah... I changed it to an implication for now. If in future, people decide to nuke it, they can just request an alias. OH NO :( Virtually none of them apply but there's 460 pages of them just for penis_in_pussy. I mean the example I posted is clearly halfway, roughly, so neither shallow (<10%?) nor the normal full (>90%?) amount of penetration... Maybe overthinking it. Sigh.


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