Topic: [BUR] "human_focus" implies "not_furry_focus"

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Oops, yeah, that was very easy to overlook.

I was assuming it would be human_focus with furry character(s) in the background and human_focus + not_furry_focus would fit - but it could just as easily have background characters that were also non-furry (elves, orcs, etc) but still site relevant, so human_focus + not_furry would be the correct choice in that case.

In an ideal world human_focus -not_furry -not_furry_focus should have 0 results and it's currently returning 1158, so that could be a tag project for somebody who wants it. Just glancing over the results is showing plenty of things that shouldn't even be tagged with human_focus either, like post #3713445 or post #3660266 where the furry character has just as much focus as the human.

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