Topic: [APPROVED] Visual Novel Nuke

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #4082 is active.

nuke tag visual_novel (0)

Reason: Same reason why video games got nuked

topic #29801 The Great Video Gaming Unimplying BUR

topic #31819 The visual_novel tag is fucked

EDIT: The bulk update request #4082 (forum #356798) has been approved by @slyroon.

Updated by auto moderator

Supported in principle, but maybe give it a bit to settle down. There are still a lot of "visual novel parody" posts which are identified with this tag and nothing else, and we should avoid destroying information as much as possible. In an ideal world this would be the correct tag for such posts, but somebody thought it would be a good idea to add a ton of useless implications to it.

visual_novel_interface is going to cause fewer issues if we want to tag visual novel parodies, a renpy visual novel can depict pretty much anything but it's the dialog box + menu options that're special.



snpthecat said:
After the nuke, should the tag be invalidated or aliased to visual_novel_interface?

Invalidated. People are likely to use the tag thinking it applies to images depicting characters from visual novels, without any interface visible. visual_novel_interface seems a bit dubiously named too, since it's no uncommon to see "simple" chat or dialog interfaces like that outside of VNs.

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