Topic: Tag Alias: indian -> native_american

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Genjar said:
Aliasing indian → native_american
Link to alias


Edit: Never mind, there's also a couple of people of Indian nationality. Looks like this needs to be sorted out manually.

Also: what to do about the native tag? Implicate native_american to it, or maybe alias it to tribal?

IIRC a native is not always tribal, but a tribal is always a native. (don't remember that one quote too well).
Maybe alias tribal to native?

Looking through the two tags, it seems that native is motly used to tag images of characters wearing kinda-generic kinda-native american head dresses, while tribal is mostly used for images of similar content, although the tribal tagged images are a lot more mixed compared to the native images (tribal also have a ton of Krsytal the fox images lol).

Updated by anonymous

Tribal often refers to tribal-like tattoo patterns for whatever reason. I came across it a lot during the gender project and it was used this way... more than either actually.

Technically speaking native can mean "a native frenchman" but I doubt people will use it here for that meaning anyways, but it's really common to refer to native american as "native" for short.

Indian is really the only issue here since it is both an older generation term for what a lot of people refer to now as native american and/or the actual tribe name (e.g., cowboys and indians), but can also obviously refer to the culture of India. I don't know how common "culture of India" posts are here, but it would be nice if we had a fallback tag to move them to (something like hindi but probably not that).

Random off-topic fun fact: Many languages call the turkey bird "turkey" because traders originally guessed that the bird originated from Turkey. However, in Turkey (Turkish) they call it hindi because they thought the bird came from India.


Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:
Never mind, there's also a couple of people of Indian nationality.

Over a billion, actually.

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
That was quick.

Are my little jokes so predictable now?

Updated by anonymous

Durandal said:
Are my little jokes so predictable now?

Actually I was implying that there used to be a few but somehow they reproduced but a few hours later there are over a billion, but now that I'm more awake it doesn't seem as funny.

tldr: keep doing your thing

Updated by anonymous

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