Topic: John Fell / Human BUR

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Scroll down to the bottom of the thread for the BUR.





At least two different artists have used the name "human", and e621 has posts from both of them. The inactive one has the human_(artist) tag here, while the active one has another, less-obvious tag, which sometimes leads to mis-tagging here. I think it would be better if human_(artist) applied to the active one instead. If that is a good idea, what's the best way to set it up?

Human 1

Human 1 appears to have been active on SoFurry from about June 2018 to April 2019, according to their profile there. Their SoFurry profile has no posts, and their last journal entry suggests that they were going to delete all their posts.

Human 1 appears to occupy the human_(artist) tag here, and many of those posts also link back to that SoFurry profile: All posts and Posts with as a source

Human 2

Human 2 appears to have been active on FurAffinity starting in 2007 and continuing to today, per their FA profile . They have also been active on deviantArt from about 2008 to today, per their dA profile .

Their FA profile links to the jtf3 dA profile in the "User Profile" box, and the dA profile's "real name" includes John Fell. An old journal on that dA profile links to the human FA profile.

Human 2 is tagged here as john_fell: All posts

Manual cleanup

There were a few posts tagged human_(artist) here that were actually by john_fell - I ran them through SauceNAO and it had sources from the human FA profile. I manually fixed those. There was also one post tagged jtf3 here, which similarly came back to human on FA, so I manually fixed it.


Since Human 1 has deleted all of their art on SoFurry, I think it's unlikely that anyone will be uploading more of their art to e621.

Since Human 2 is still active, and their art has been uploaded here as recently as a few weeks ago, I feel like it would make more sense to use the human_(artist) tag for Human 2. Also, that tag matches their FA profile name, which makes it easier for uploaders to find.

To set that up, I'm not sure what to alias Human 1 to. My first idea is something like

alias human_(artist) -> human_(inactive_sofurry_artist)
alias john_fell      -> human_(artist)
alias jtf3           -> human_(artist)

and then hoping that human_(artist) is first on the auto-complete. (I know that might have to be two different requests in practice - line 1 first and then 2+3 later.)

Is there a better way to set up this alias? Or is an alias even needed?



kora_viridian said:
...the active one has another, less-obvious tag, which sometimes leads to mis-tagging here. I think it would be better if human_(artist) applied to the active one instead. If that is a good idea, what's the best way to set it up?

Looking at the active artist's recent submissions on FA, they sign most of their works as John Fell in the lower-right corner, with a few of them instead signed JTF (the initials that comprise their dA username -- probably for John T. Fell). None of their works are signed as Human.

Their Patreon's tagline reads:

John Fell: Creating Comics and such

I think it makes the most sense to keep this artist tagged as john_fell, since that is both how they sign most of their works today and the name they have chosen on their Patreon revenue stream.

It could be helpful to edit each artist's wiki entry, similar to the way nightshroud was dealt with in topic #12369. At the top of the human_(artist) wiki page, perhaps a note could read:

Please Note: there are two different artists who have gone by the name 'Human'.

This tag is for the 'Human' who formerly posted on SoFurry and is currently inactive.

The other artist is using the john_fell tag, and is active on FurAffinity, deviantArt, and Patreon.

If you find this solution acceptable, please feel free to do it! Otherwise, I can make the edit later today. :)

For future reference, line 1 of your initial solution would be better as mass update aaa -> bbb. Setting it up as an alias, as you suggested, would make it so that if people tag an image as human_(artist) in the future, it will automatically alias to human_(inactive_sofurry_artist), which is an unintended consequence. You'd want the human_(artist) tag to remain available for John Fell.

In this case, so few posts are tagged human_(artist) for the SoFurry artist, it would actually be quicker if we do decide to change their name on e621 to just manually re-tag each image instead of submitting it as a bulk update request. Though again, I think it makes the most sense to keep the human_(artist) tag unchanged and keep the other artist tagged as john_fell.


monroethelizard said:
I think it makes the most sense to keep this artist tagged as john_fell, since that is both how they sign most of their works today and the name they have chosen on their Patreon revenue stream.

I understand the logic. My counter-argument is:

The way I understand it, people aren't supposed to upload art from Patreon to e621, *unless* they are the person who either commissioned the art or got the art as a subscriber reward on Patreon. People will be uploading art from FA to e621 all the time.

Presumably, somebody uploading art from FA knows the FA profile of the artist who posted it on FA... so why not make it easy for the uploader by having an artist tag here that is as close as possible to the FA profile name, instead of making the uploader look for a signature in the art?

Some of John Fell's work on FA doesn't appear to be signed at all, either with a full name or initials. For the art on FA that is signed with just initials, someone wanting to upload it here would presumably know 1) the initials "JTF" and 2) that it was posted by "human" on FA. To figure out that john_fell is the right tag here, they need to go to human's FA profile, notice that the linked dA profile is "jtf3", click on the link to the dA profile, see the full version of John Fell's name there, and figure out what parts of the full name to leave out to get the correct tag here. That seems like a long way around to me. :)

For future reference, line 1 of your initial solution would be better as mass update aaa -> bbb.

I knew there was something fishy with it. I thought I'd have to submit line 1 on its own, wait for it to "go through", and then submit line 2+3 together, but that would end up doing what you said.

"At least two different artists have used the name "human"" Those artists have to be trolling, yes both of them.

Why isn't it something like human_(john_fell) and human_(sofurry), already? Then again, there could be a character named 'human' by that artist. Sigh.

human_(inactive_sofurry_artist) makes a lot of sense, too.

If john_fell signs their work with John Fell, and they list that name on their profiles, that should be the tag for that artist, IMO. Whether or not there's an alias that points to john_fell due to their FA name would be a separate question. human_(artist) should be disambiguated (human_(artist_disambiguation)?), with a wiki saying to use john_fell or human_(sofurry). Alternatively, since there's only 9 posts for the SoFurry artist, the posts currently tagged with human_(artist) can be moved to human_(sofurry) or something, and human_(artist) can be aliased to john_fell. The SoFurry artist has been gone for over 3 years, and I don't think we need to make a mess of the tags here on the off-chance they come back and want to keep using that as an artist name (if they do, we can revisit the question).

watsit said:
If john_fell signs their work with John Fell, and they list that name on their profiles, that should be the tag for that artist, IMO.

They sign some of their work as "John Fell", some of it as "JTF", and some of it doesn't appear to be signed.

On their profiles... Name not mentioned. Name not mentioned. Mentioned, as the full version of their name. Mentioned, as "John Fell".

I went ahead and moved the SoFurry artist to human_(sofurry_artist).

I created wiki and artist pages for both people:

SoFurry artist:

John Fell:

I am also about to file a BUR to alias both human_(artist) and jtf3 to john_fell. It should appear in this thread.

The bulk update request #3377 has been rejected.

create alias human_(artist) (0) -> john_fell (28)
create alias jtf3 (0) -> john_fell (28)

Reason: This artist signs some of their work as John Fell, and has that as their real name on their dA and Patreon profiles. Their FA account is human, though, with no mention of their real name. A few of their submissions here were previously tagged as human_(artist).

This artist also signs some of their work as JTF, and their dA account is jtf3. I manually fixed one submission here that was tagged jtf3, but I would like to future-proof it.

For reference, their profiles, as listed on the FA profile for human:

EDIT: The bulk update request #3377 (forum #346622) has been rejected by @kora_viridian.

Updated by auto moderator

kora_viridian said:
The bulk update request #3377 has been rejected.

create alias human_(artist) (0) -> john_fell (28)
create alias jtf3 (0) -> john_fell (28)

Reason: This artist signs some of their work as John Fell, and has that as their real name on their dA and Patreon profiles. Their FA account is human, though, with no mention of their real name. A few of their submissions here were previously tagged as human_(artist).

This artist also signs some of their work as JTF, and their dA account is jtf3. I manually fixed one submission here that was tagged jtf3, but I would like to future-proof it.

For reference, their profiles, as listed on the FA profile for human:

EDIT: The bulk update request #3377 (forum #346622) has been rejected by @kora_viridian.

wait, why the rejection?

snpthecat said:

wait, why the rejection?

I was curious, too. It might have been those things I mentioned? Oh right, it's not about me. The OP removed it. ;)

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