The bulk update request #3292 is pending approval.
create implication object_between_breasts (921) -> between_breasts (5237)
create implication head_between_breasts (2193) -> between_breasts (5237) # duplicate of implication #30808
create implication hand_between_breasts (62) -> between_breasts (5237)
create implication tongue_between_breasts (62) -> between_breasts (5237)
create implication arm_between_breasts (46) -> between_breasts (5237)
create implication necktie_between_breasts (145) -> between_breasts (5237)
create implication tail_between_breasts (32) -> between_breasts (5237)
create implication tentacle_between_breasts (67) -> between_breasts (5237)
create implication food_between_breasts (126) -> object_between_breasts (921)
create implication pole_between_breasts (106) -> object_between_breasts (921)
create implication beverage_between_breasts (158) -> object_between_breasts (921)
Reason: A BUR adding implications to various *_between_breasts tags so that they all fall under between breasts (and object between breasts, where applicable). Many of these tags are currently undefined and undertagged, but growing.
Beverage between breasts is an alias because of how little it's used, and the ambiguity of the tag name, does it mean a cup? a bottle? liquid pooling in between the character's breasts, and sipped with a straw? Tags specifically for "bottle between breasts" and "cup between breasts" seems like overkill to me, but seeing as they're both pretty common objects seen between breasts, they could be justified. Food between breasts is completely undertagged, but fairly common enough to be a valid tag in the future (I can add food_between_breasts as a quick tagging project).
Should a necktie be considered an object, or should clothing, (e.g. neckties, aprons, dresses, long ribbons from a bow around the neck etc. falling between, or pulled between a character's breasts) get a separate clothing_between_breasts tag?
Open to editing/suggestions.