Topic: Imply cape types BUR (2 of 2)

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #3171 is pending approval.

create implication pattern_cape (90) -> cape (26971)
create implication pink_cape (70) -> cape (26971)
create implication pokeball_cape (1) -> cape (26971)
create implication pride_color_cape (75) -> cape (26971)
create implication purple_cape (343) -> cape (26971)
create implication rainbow_cape (12) -> multicolored_cape (156)
create implication red_cape (1579) -> cape (26971)
create implication short_cape (8) -> cape (26971)
create implication shoulder_cape (73) -> cape (26971)
create implication sparkling_cape (2) -> cape (26971)
create implication spotted_cape (3) -> cape (26971)
create implication star_cape (2) -> cape (26971)
create implication tan_cape (32) -> cape (26971)
create implication tattered_cape (18) -> cape (26971)
create implication torn_cape (89) -> cape (26971)
create implication translucent_cape (11) -> cape (26971)
create implication two_tone_cape (67) -> multicolored_cape (156)
create implication white_cape (141) -> cape (26971)
create alias windblown_cape (0) -> billowing_cape (22)
create implication wizard_cape (9) -> cape (26971)
create implication yellow_cape (93) -> cape (26971)

Reason: All tags that describe a cape should imply cape.


fuzzythewuzzy said:
The bulk update request #3171 is pending approval.

create implication pattern_cape (90) -> cape (26971)
create implication pink_cape (70) -> cape (26971)
create implication pokeball_cape (1) -> cape (26971)
create implication pride_color_cape (75) -> cape (26971)
create implication purple_cape (343) -> cape (26971)
create implication rainbow_cape (12) -> multicolored_cape (156)
create implication red_cape (1579) -> cape (26971)
create implication short_cape (8) -> cape (26971)
create implication shoulder_cape (73) -> cape (26971)
create implication sparkling_cape (2) -> cape (26971)
create implication spotted_cape (3) -> cape (26971)
create implication star_cape (2) -> cape (26971)
create implication tan_cape (32) -> cape (26971)
create implication tattered_cape (18) -> cape (26971)
create implication torn_cape (89) -> cape (26971)
create implication translucent_cape (11) -> cape (26971)
create implication two_tone_cape (67) -> multicolored_cape (156)
create implication white_cape (141) -> cape (26971)
create alias windblown_cape (0) -> billowing_cape (22)
create implication wizard_cape (9) -> cape (26971)
create implication yellow_cape (93) -> cape (26971)

Reason: All tags that describe a cape should imply cape.

two_tone_cape, multi_tone_cape, and rainbow_cape should imply multicolored_cape, and they can get their implication of cape through that.
Additionally I think windblown_cape should just be aliased to billowing_cape.
Also, teal_cape should just be removed from the BUR altogether, because apparently there is some talk of unaliasing it from green_* tags and aliasing it to cyan_* tags instead, and either way it's going to be aliased away:

Other than that though, the rest seem good

Also, you might want to link the thread for part 1 of the BUR, and in the future you can just add part 2 of the BUR to the forum topic of the first one to keep it as one forum thread

trevortheyeen said:
two_tone_cape, multi_tone_cape, and rainbow_cape should imply multicolored_cape, and they can get their implication of cape through that.
Additionally I think windblown_cape should just be aliased to billowing_cape.
Also, teal_cape should just be removed from the BUR altogether, because apparently there is some talk of unaliasing it from green_* tags and aliasing it to cyan_* tags instead, and either way it's going to be aliased away:

Other than that though, the rest seem good

Also, you might want to link the thread for part 1 of the BUR, and in the future you can just add part 2 of the BUR to the forum topic of the first one to keep it as one forum thread

I think you're right with the implication of two_tone_cape, multi_tone_cape and rainbow_cape to multicolor_cape, and the aliasing of windblown_cape to billowing_cape. I've made those changed to the BURs, along with removing teal_cape like you suggested.
And thanks for the tip about keeping multiple BURs in one forum thread, I didn't know you could do that until just now :')

fuzzythewuzzy said:
I think you're right with the implication of two_tone_cape, multi_tone_cape and rainbow_cape to multicolor_cape, and the aliasing of windblown_cape to billowing_cape. I've made those changed to the BURs, along with removing teal_cape like you suggested.
And thanks for the tip about keeping multiple BURs in one forum thread, I didn't know you could do that until just now :')

I'm still quite new to the forum as well, so I totally understand! I also figured it out through someone telling another person how to do it xD